Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Blink cameras

Today my guy brought some Blink cameras into the house to learn about setting them up 

As soon as both were plugged in, I got a weird feeling sort of like when a lead is tested at interrogation. I immediately left the room and called Boston Scientific to ask about interference with my CRT-P. The gal I spoke with said that anything that uses Bluetooth or wifi can potentially interfere but just stay six inches away. I was probably five feet from the cameras. She had...


Spring Covid-19 booster dose

Hubby and I have been offered a Covid-19 Spring booster vaccine because we fall into the vulnerable group:  People aged 75 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, and those aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system will be offered a dose of Covid-19 vaccine this Spring, 2024 in the UK.

I know the Covid vaccine has been discussed over and over again on this site, but it just never gets any easier to know what to do for the best, es...


Verification of Email Address

Hi, How do I get my email verified? On initially joining I seem to be logged in, when I log out it will not let me back in because the email is not verified. Sent two emails to info@pacemaker and had no reply, I have to change my username and password each time I log in which is not great.              Thanks Frustrated Nearly A Member


AV Junctinal Ablation Procedure

Has anyone had an av junctional ablation procedure in conjunction with insertion of a pacemaker?  How did it go?  DId you have to stay on meds after procedures?  


PaceMaker Club Forum Suggestion

The "New Comments!" notice doesn't seem to be helpful for me. I stay logged in and it always says New Comments! even though I clicked on the post last time and saw them.  Logging out wasn't helpful either because if I am not logged in, there is no notice, and logging back in no notice either, assuming I saw them all last time.  It would be great if there was a link for "Today's Comments" or "Last 7 Days Comments" because somet...


Recycling pacemakers

I had made an appointment with the funeral home to prepay my own funeral. Mom had done so decades ago, and it really made it nice on us kids to have it already lined up how she wanted. 

Today I went and settled my funeral arrangements. I'm so glad that it's done. I even wrote and turned in my own obituary for future use. 

I asked about my pacemaker. The funeral director said they remove the pacemakers and donate them to a company who picks them up and sends...


Medication mishaps in the USA

Have you ever wondered if what your doctor is prescribing you is the best combination and the right amounts? For instance, the last time I tried to take Entresto, it didn't work out because my doctor forgot to tell me to quit taking Losartan, so my blood pressure bottomed out and I almost went to the hospital. Then he decided I didn't "tolerate" it well... but didn't bother to investigate further. As a result, I missed an earlier opportunity to get better. 



Interesting question about forcing your heart out of PVC's

Okay... I've got an interesting question, something that seems logical to me, but that I've not heard anything about.

I get PVC's a LOT. Several times a day at least and sometimes they last for an hour or more, other times it's just a few minutes. But it's irritating because the longer they last, the more weak I feel as well as just icky feeling. Everyone here probably knows the feeling. Anyway, I figured that since my heart rate was too slow, and I was missing beats...


Lead voltage

I was in for my six month pacemaker check today. The cardiologist had said six months ago that my right lead isn't optimally placed.  Today he turned up the voltage from 4 to 4.5. He said it's an extra safety measure due to the lead. He said that I will need a lead replacement when the box is replaced. He said they may also add a new lead and leave the old one in place. He also said this voltage increase will use my battery quicker. I have 3.5 years left at the moment. 


AV Node Ablation

Hi,  I had my 4th ablation, AV Node, in March of 2023.   While I feel better and am no longer bothered by Afib, I am still short of breath after exertion and sometimes no exertion.   I use a CPAP at night and some mornings after walking out to get the paper my oxygen is 94 (we live at 7500') and other times it's 84, 86.  I don't understand the swings but can't get anyone to explain what's up.  The cardiologist says, see your pulmonologist, and the...


Electric car chargers and pacemakers

Hello, I read in The Sunday Times at the weekend that one day wireless car charging *plates in the ground* "may be commonplace".

I think this is something the pacemaker community needs to be aware of. As far as I know there is nothing to worry about with ordinary charges beside the road or in parking bays but wireless charging plates might be a different matter.





I got a message after my quarterly download that I am pacing 100% BIV.  No explanation.  What does it mean?  Is it OK?  Should I be worried:?


You should check your " health portal" after your visit for those in the US

I do not know if those out of the US have the same options.  I know that after i see the doctor or have tests.  Do check my patient portal.  Why because sometimes they do not put the right information in my records.   Supposely if you are ever in the hospital they  check your records.

Why you ask, one time after seeing the cardilogist looked an they had written my blood pressure as 274/.  I wrote them and it was corrected immediately.  Another tim...


Cardiac rehab a resounding no

This is a subject that comes up a lot with me; and for MANY reasons, I can't do that. No cardiac rehab for me. I won't go into all of the "why"... Let me just simply say that cardiac rehab is NOT going to happen. So I know many of you have suggested it and rather than spell it all out, which would take awhile, I feel like that isn't necessary. It's off the table and unless I move, which isn't even a possibility as far as I'm concerned, I won't ever be doi...


working in mining as dump truck driver

hi guys,

I had heart block problem before and got the bypass surgery for it and I've got pacemaker in it already in my left chest.

Before I have heart attacked and bypass surgery, I am very active person when I am working ( I work as gas cylinder filler, so yeah its hard work) and I did outdoor sport activity like running,fishing,swimming.

4 month after heart surgery and pacemaker inserted in my left chest I feel normal again just like before.

Now the question is,...


Heart muscle aches after moderate activity

EDIT: Here's an article I just read that might explain what I'm trying to say about feeling pain IN your hear muscle.,perception%20of%20ischemia%2Dinduced%20pain.


Yesterday I felt really good and energetic so I did multiple chores around the house and walked a bit too. At the end of the day, I still felt fine, but pretty tired. This has happened b...


The terminator gets a pacemaker

Hey Dave, he used the same clinic you did! From Rolling Stone online:

After years of heart complications, Arnold Schwarzenegger has undergone surgery to receive a pacemaker. The 76-year-old actor detailed his decision to undergo the medical procedure in a recent newsletter, updating readers on his swift recovery process and revisiting the timeline of his previous open-heart surgeries. 

“Last Monday, I had surgery to become a little bit more of a...


Lift Chair

Should a patient get a lift chair?  How long should a patient not drive or go back to an office job?



Aveir max rate

Long shot, does anyone know the max rate on the Aveir? I poked around on the Abbott site but didn't see it. I was suprised to see Buzbuz's comment that the Micra only goes to 130. We've been considering leadless for my next one, most likely Aveir, but 130 will not do.


results of March 2024 quarterly remote transmission

Update: Today, March 21,2024 recived an email from the Cardiologist's nurse, that because of the NSVT on Jan 1,2024 for 22 seconds. wants me to take Metoprolot Tartrate 25mg 1 twice a day to prevent another one.  Have not had any since. Wrote back and said no thanks.  I really wanted to say.  Why did you wait so long since i have nightly checks.

 Today walked over to get a copy of remote transmission, waiting room at the Heart Doctors was full....


You know you're wired when...

You get your device tuned-up for hot dates.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.