Most Recent Messages in General Posting


I saw a report in major media sites recently that the Cleveland Clinic did a study that found that xylitol, the artificial sweetener, doubles one's chances of a heart attack or stroke, in large amounts.

I believe that people taking statins and diabetics have dry mouth problems, and so there may be members on this forum using xylitol products to help dry mouth.  I use it because of having Sjogren's Syndrome, chewing xylitol gum after lunch at work to clean my teeth, and...


No stable threshold

Can anyone tell me what "No stable threshold found" would mean? I tried checking my manual but couldn't find anything on it..


59YO CHB Dual Lead Pacemaker

New member, never thought I'd have a pacemaker at 59! I'm active duty military, good physical condition, former college football athlete, no other serious health issues in my life.

It started about a year ago when I noticed I was getting a little light-headed when I would stand at attention. Didn't think too much about it, just dealt with it. About 3 months ago I was working in the yard all day, nothing out of the ordinary for me. It was warm but not oppressive heat and I wa...


Pacemaker Festival?

Hi.  It's been a while since I came on here, but I just recently watched a video of a guy attending a redhead festival and I know there's been a blonde festival... So, I'm wondering....are there any pacemaker festivals where people with pacemakers unite together?  You know, young recipients wonder if there is anyone around them like them and so something like this would help them to make friends with fellow pacemaker recipients.  


Weed-wacker and lawn Mower

I'm abut 2 days away from the 6 week post-implant mark (not that I'm counting.... *haha*).  I know what exercises and range of motion I can  now engage in but forgot to ask about activities like using my battery operated weed-wacker or gas powered, push mower.  Mother Nature has been having a field day and I'm now faced with jungles of tall grasses and weeds (think 3+ feet tall.)   I'm not worried about EM fields but more so if these are safe activities for...


2 lead pacemaker

I had AV node ablation in 2021, and received a PM 2 weeks later.  Due to the ablation, I'm Pacer Dependent.  My cardiologist wants to replace my 2 lead PM with 3 leads....My ejection fraction is low and so is my blood pressure, with symptoms of heart failure.  

Anyone else, pacer Dependent?  I'm a little nervous to change out one PM for another, while being dependent on the pacemaker I have...



Mechanical Valve Noise

While at Cardiac Reb for therapy due to a biological valve replacement, the supervisor was mentioning that some people with mechanical valve replacments in lieu of a biological valve, have experience constant noise or clicking from their valve. Some people expressed that it really disturbs their sleep or when being quiet to read. Has anyone here experienced this?  My tricuspiod valve was torn during Pacemaker lead removal and had to be replaced.  Note: Biologic valves have a 10 year...



Just curious to see if taking ginger while being on blood thinners is ok to take. I love lemon and ginger in my tea and i've heard it does wonders for your digestion system and inflammation which i have.  thanks all


Heartbeat felt in area of pacemaker.

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting.  I received my first pacemaker in April and my recovery has gone very well.  In the last few days I've been feeling strong heartbeats in the area of the pacemaker - not all the time but several times a day.  At first I thought it was muscle twitching and wondered if it was nerves regenerating but I'm now sure it's my actual heartbeat.  I plan on calling my cardiologist in the morning but just wondering if any of you h...


Irregular heartbeat on my blood pressure machine

Is it normal to have irregular heartbeats even though I've got pacemaker,I've had ablation and I'm 100% paced 


TV programme

Watched a UK documentary last night on heart transplants and a patient having a pacemaker replaced.

Unhelpfully, the surgeon doing the pacemaker talked about battery replacement but later corrected himself by changing that to generator.

A relative of mine whose mother had a PM always insisted it was a battery change.and it took 10 minutes to do. Holter monitor possibly. I don't bother arguing.

The girl was in her 20s, but surprisingly they gave her a general anesthetic....



Is it safe to be in a casino with my pacemaker? Slot machines?


Thanks in advance.




Weird symptom....maybe....or not

Good Day! So friday morning I received my 3 month interrogation report (have had my pm for almost 2yrs) for my biotronik edora 8 drt and it was great. Still pacing at around 68% with last event being in feb. So...then last night I was woken by this weird vibration in my chest. At first I thought I was dreaming, it felt like I was shaking,  but once I was settling back asleep I got another jolt. Anyways maybe it was a dream??? If not, anyone ever experienced this? I see my...


Bipolar and alcohol ablation

Has anyone out there ever had a bipolar or alcohol ablation?  I had an ablation back in Dec23 for PVC burden but it was only partially successful.  My PVCs are back up to 30% burden and I am having a bipolar and possible alcohol ablation.  I understand alcohol ablations are not performed a lot.  My EP is getting special equipment to perform this procedure.  Anyone ever had one?  Thanks!


Just a Tidbit

Yesterday I saw my EP/Cardiologist for a follow-up appointment.  All is good for the most part but I did mention how my everday walks include hills and how they completely zap my energy and cause me to be so short of breath.  I asked him how he felt about perhaps making an adjustment to my rate response.  He looked somewhat surprised and asked where I had learned about rate response.  I answered "oh I belong to the Pacemaker Club and that subject is frequently discuss...


ubiquinol Form of CoQ10

Anyone heard any pros or cons on benefits or side effects of ubiquinol / form of CoQ10?


A couple questions . . .

It's been a while since I've been on here. I had my first pacemaker / dual-chamber implanted at age 57 for Bradycardia w/ AV block, Mobitz 1 (Wenckebach). Also, diagnosed w/ HF. Then in 2020 I had it replaced with a CRT pacemaker. So.... my questions are:
1. If you have a CRT, how long have you had it?
2. If you have HF, how long have you had it? 


How to Read Interrogation Report

Just received my interrorgation reports (all 25 pages in total) from my first two interrogations; Day after implant and 13 days after implant.  The Google U course for "Reading Interrogation Reports", doesn't start till next semester, so till then can anyone share the points I want to look at or pay attention to? I don't expect to find any smoking guns or surprises, but I do hope to get a feel for what's being measured and how this makes a difference to me. &nb...


SVT and pacemaker

This past year I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia.  My pacemaker was implanted in 2016  due to sinus node disease.  My Electrophysiologist won't even speak of an ablation.  Has anyone a similar situation?


Boston Scientific Accolade MRI EL Model L331 undergo MRI scan

I have a referral from my neurosurgeon for an MRI cervical spine scan with my Pacemaker.

My Pacemaker is the Boston Scientific Accolade MRI EL Model L331, and was implanted on 15/03/2019. I am very concern regarding the impact of the MRI scan on my pacemaker. I read it has a MRI mode where they can adjust the impedance so that I can undergo a MRI, after which they will reset it back to normal. Can anyone please confirm this, and who sets my pacemaker? 



You know you're wired when...

You’re officially battery-operated.

Member Quotes

I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.