Most Recent Messages in General Posting

rate drop response

My pacer is a Medtronic EnPulse DR it is set for me at 70 bpm. The rate response is set so that if my heart rate drops suddenly within a 1 or 2 minute span (not sure which) by 25 points then the pacer kicks my heart rate up to 100bpm for 2 minutes. Then slowly it goes back to the setting of 70 bpm. This gets the blood pressure back up quickly and keeps a person from getting dizzy or passing or even from blacking out. This has worked great for VVS. Now those pesky little split second blackouts wh...


Seeking Support Group in Ft Worth TX

I live in Ft Worth, funkytown USA, I'm looking for a support group in my city, does anyone now of one. I have a medtronic dual pacemaker that was inserted Feb 5, 07. Just want people in my city that I can get to know. I'm a 39 year old female very active and I feel like when I wear tank tops people see my scare and I get these wiered looks. So I feel I have to explain then I hear Oh your so young, be careful. I don't want peoples pitty I just want to get back to my life.

You know...


Chat? Chat? Chat?

Hi folks~
I'll be hanging out at the chat room if anyone is interested. It is currently 7.17pm EST (New York) on Tuesday, April 24th.


Groups in Southern England

Can anyone tell me of support groups in Southern England (Hampshire/Berkshire/Surrey). I'm new to all this. Thanks


chat room

Hi just wondered how chat room worked i managed to chat to Tiggerak for a few mins tonight but seemed to then loose contact also couldnt see who was in chat room and had to post message before i could see what was being said or else there was a blank screen any help would be most appreiciated thanks


In the chat room

Come in here! lol


Chat room


Is there any way you could change the chat room so people could see who’s in the room before expressing themselves. You have to write a message before you know who’s in the room. I hope you consider this for me and others. Thanks Blake!




Hello all,
The longer I have this pm the more I realize I don't know. An earlier question was asked about tattoos and infections. Do we need to be more aware of infections than other people? Is a general infection more likely to head for our heart or for the pm site?
I'm also wondering about genetics. I'm diagnosed with sic sinus syndrome. Are there any concerns I need to have about my kids?
Thanks again,


Wow!! Its been 3 years!!!

Its exactly 3 years since I got my pacemaker and Im feeling just great!!
This website has got me through the tough times! Thank you all so much!!
Love to you all-Kay


Here we go again! CHAT ROOM

Hello guys the time is now 7:30, and in an hour and a half the chat room is open ...come on in and lets all chat! Stay well, Colleen


Vasovagal Syncope question

I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope in 2005. I recieved a pacer on an emegency basis becuse of this and bradycardia. My question is, in reading about this condition eveything states that a blackout or fainting will only last a short time 5 or 10 minutes and the patient will recover on their own. Well I recouvered on my own but I suffered a blackout that lasted for 3 and 1/2 hours. I never went clear out. My wife said i was joking with the paramedics and nurses but had no idea where I was or w...


Tattoo Infection Question...

Hello everyone!! I am 22 and just had my pacemaker put in last September. Yesterday I went for my first tattoo. I usually have to take amoxicilling( or penacilion?) before every dentist visit. Not thinking, I didn't take any medication before getting my tattoo. When I told my mom I had gotten a tattoo she went balistic!! By this time, it was 6 hours since I had gotten it. She insisted that I call my cardiologist and see if everything would be alright. When I spoke to a doctor at the hospital, i...


Train Enngines

Hi this is a problem that I have not read about before. It may be all in my head but here it is:
My husband is a train engineer. That's right, he drives the train. He invited me to do a ride along with him in the engine last Saturday night. It was great fun for about the first hour or so. I began to get light headed and was having some problems with feeling tired. It was late and past my bedtime so I thought it might be just that I was sleepy. Then my heart began to do it's filp flop bou...


problems again

I have been told that i have sinus traycardia( i may have spelled
it wrong). I have been sick for a month with constant coughing
and congestion.they have put me on antibiotic 3 times.
i am dizzy and short of breath.some chest pain off and on.
they are sending me to my heart dr again.
What is this condition.i have a pacemaker.
could someone help?



Thank all the posters with their information about getting ready for surgery. Due to your information, I did my shopping, and am now set up. My date for surgery is May 2, 2007. If it hadn't been for this website, I wouldn't have known to get a strapless bra and button shirts to wear after surgery.
I am getting my PM due to a heartrate of about 36. I'm a 56 year old woman, and I'm tired of feelin' tired! This site has been an education and a comfort to me. Thanks again. :-) Barb


Lenora, are you out there?

Hi Lenora, I have been reading Elisa and Surferman's comments about BP readings, meds, etc. and they have a lot of questions. Reading their postings I realize that these are great questions we can all learn from. Could you possibly address this for all of us? We need our resident RN to help out. I haven't been on for over a week and am so glad to be back! Thank you and as always God bless and keep you.


lead wire extraction-YIKES

Hi all I'm 47 had a pacer since 19 many lead changes ( excess hardware) had a percutaneous laed extraction 5years ago - did not care for it at all LOL- Now my battery is done and no room at the inn I need another extraction they shot for 6 last time got 3 one broke in half took myself off coumadin after 2 years not a good drug unless you eat the same food everyday - I'm not the best eater- I have numerous abandoned leads some are since I was 19- screw ins you name it it's probably in there - I a...


Shocking experience!

I turned my head and received a quite jolt at work, it ran from my neck to my chest and down my arm. It felt like I had been shocked but it might have just been nerve endings. It really was rather uncomfortable. I had this happen to me several times with my old pm but this is the first time since I got my new one in January 06. Anyone else ever have this happen?



Hey all, Im leah im 22 years old and had a pacemaker put in last month. Now a month after i am having some throbbing kinda around my pacemaker. I was just curious if anyone has ever encountered this or if im just experiencing something different. I call my nurse all the time and now i thought i might just ask you all.



Hi....I had my first pacemaker at the age of 8
Now 42 years later.....I am still having a wonderful life here in the lovely land of the loveable Aussie
I am married....had 4 healthy children and I am the proud grandma of 3 girls.
I want to travel to the wonderful USA for holidays....
is there any restricion for coming to US with a medical condition.. I am travellling for the first time overseas....



You know you're wired when...

Jerry & The Pacemakers is your favorite band.

Member Quotes

I have had my pacer since 2005. At first it ruled my life. It took some time to calm down and make the mental adjustment. I had trouble sleeping and I worried a lot about pulling wires. Now I just live my life as I wish.