Most Recent Messages in General Posting


I am a therapist treating a client who has had two ablations and has been recently told a pacemaker is the primary form of treatment to asssit with her arrhythmia. My client is extemely skeptical, and fearful of this option. This is outside my scope of practice (cardiac issues) and I thought some peer support may assist with my client's decision making process.

Does anyone know of any support groups in the greater Toronto area that I could refer the client to??


Chiropractor Visit

Is it ok to see a chiropractor for adjustments and what should I becareful of


New to PMC

Active and in good health after only 3 or 4 days of feeling a little dizzy and faint on Feb 28, 2007 I actually fainted at a site just 2 miles from St. Lukes (Mayo) Hospital. Fortunately my wife was with me and able to drive me to the Hospital. I walked into the ER and blacked out for real at the ER desk. When the EMT tried to take my vitals there was no pulse and he began Chest compression. Within minutes I was wheeled into the ER and had several attendants treating me and they called for the C...


Chat Room

Ok I see a few people are here, talk to me in the chat room i am, Colleen


Pacemaker update

To all that have helped me I say a big thank you for all your help!!!
If interested pleas reference "Told I need a pacemaker" posting
I have just returned from a specialist in arrhythmias and he reviewed my file and determined that I do not need a pacemaker..although the future may bring differern circumstances but not now. He said due to my heightened vagal tone and active lifestyle I am seeing dropped beats at night. The vagal tone he said is more active at night that is why my holt...


a blessing

Saturday morning when I went to religious services at my synagogue I asked my Rabbi if there was a prayer that one gets for getting a pacemaker. He thought for a moment and said, "tick tick, tick tick, tick tick." One more for Blakes next book. AmyMarla


A similar topic

Hi Guys,

I have been reading your posts with interest. I am flying to Naples from the UK in a couple of months time. It is the first time I have flown since I've had my pacemaker and I'm a little nervous. I have read all your experiences, so I think I'm pretty clued up on what to do and what not to do - thank you all.

I just wondered if there are any language experts on the site who could tell me how to say "I have a pacemaker" in Italian please? I'd like to write it on my...



What is the protocal for passing through airport security? I've never done it. Should they let us go to the front of the line?


Another ER Visit!

Still wasn't feeling up to speed and started having trouble breathing again today went into the ER and just got out about an hour ago. So they figured out the problem. My pm was causing me to go into tachycardia and my body just couldn't handle it. So the dizzy feeling, and the loss of feeling in my left hand had spread into my feet. Now it is set correctly and hopefully will function well. Every doctor told me I was crazy along with my parents. They tried to tell me it was in my head and when t...


Symptom Question-Am I crazy?

Like some of you this is all new to me also. I would like to know if anyone else deals with the same issues. The past two years they thought I was having seizures because of an abnormal EEG and I could not wake up in the mornings. After a 7 day sleep deprived EEG they found that my heart rate and blood pressure drops to low and explained that the communication between my brain and my heart doesn't work at times. The EP Doctor said I need a pace maker. I failed the Echo Stress Test but the Heart...


Has anyone heard from Electric Frank?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard from Electric Frank
lately? .He used to have some very good answers to some of our postings.
Hope he is OK!


Chatting now

Chatting now until 4 pm EST .
see below posting



I haven't had a chance to get on lately. I spent Fri night Sat morning in the ER with more pain. My pacemaker is doing fine my heart rate was tachy and my blood pressure decided to go high and then went down. I was severly dehydrated and my potassium level was at 3 which is low. I had the sharpest chest pain that I had expereienced since getting the pacemaker. They gave me a lot of drugs to help with all the pain. The ER doctor said that it could be atleast another month before I have complete f...


Chat April 15th(or now)

Hey folks~
It is currently Sunday, April 15th, 2:16pm EST (New York time). I will be on line for the next 1.5 hours. I will go back and forth to try to catch someone in the chat room. Surferman - you're objective is the same? Let's give it a go! Anyone, guest or members can join us - just go to chat and press send message to indicate you are there. Nobody bites! :-)
I for one have been trying to get one on one conversation going. Messages are a great way to transfer information,...



I'm writing this posting to everyone. I thank you all for being in my life. I know I'm not perfect, but my Lord is. I hope that when you guys read something that I write and you don't agree with it, you'll understand I'm not doing things to hurt anyone. I really enjoy all that I read and continue reading here on this wonderful web site. You've all have been a part of my life for some time and I hope we can continue to help one another get through this stumbling block. Thank you for bein...



Have been skydiving for over 40 years, but have not jumped since my pm installation last November. The harness rides directly over my pm "bulge".& I am afraid that damage or displacement of my pm could occur as I recieve my opening shock at terminal velocity. There is extreme deceleration as I am slammed into the seat of my harness. My doctor says I'm good to go medically & psychologically, but physical abuse to my pm by my harness is up tp me to find a way around. Has anyone out there found a v...



It is currently Saturday, April 14th, 2:42pm, EST , or New York/East Coast time. Trying to get folks into the chat room. If interested, go there and hang-out for a bit. Okay? I for one would really like to have some one on one contact with my friends here!! See you there!
$6Mman a.k.a. Adam :-)


vehicle motor interference

I just wanted to let you all know that we have found the culprit causing the sensation from my Medtronic PM. It is so simple, I should have thought of this first. It turns out that the sensation was caused by the seat belt crossing over my PM. The Medtonic PM is so much more sensitive that the ones I have before. Just the least little touch or tap causes a vibration of sorts. With the seat belt crossing over it, there was a constant interference the whole time I was driving. I am so glad t...


MRI didn't hurt me

I needed an MRI for my lower back -- a lumbar scan -- and got it. You need to be persistent, you need to know your facts, and you may need to be prepared to feel some pulse changes without freaking out. But it can be done.

I managed to do all three. The pacemaker was undamaged, according to pre- and post-MRI pacemaker diagnostics. I am not recommending this procedure, just saying I had one and suffered no ill effects. I'll get to that in a couple of paragraphs, but some background fi...



Thanks for fixing the problem!! I can now read the comments again~ thanks for all you do!!


You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.