Most Recent Messages in Interferences


Hi everyone .Can voltage cause a problem to pacemaker in a sign of a couple of palpatations Thank you all.


riding a motorbike

G'day! Can anyone please tell me whether it's still ok to ride a motorbike once the pacemaker settles in?


EMF and Electrical Field concerns for Electrical Contractor

This was originally posted in Travel and Work forum - I'd like more commentary if possible, so I thought I'd post it under this category:

I am wondering if there are any electrical contractors out there who have a pacemaker and are working in a different work site or location every day. How do you manage the uncertaintly of magnetic field and electrical current levels if your job requires that you visit a different customer (sometimes power plants) every day?

I would appre...


eye glasses & PM

HI Guys,
I experience some sort of burning twtches & slight pain when I put my metal rimed eye glasses in shirt poicket above pace maker doctors cannot explain this . I have a "Neway "VDDR, Sorin PM. Has anyone experienced this effect? Keep well allyou paccers.


cell phone and pm

dear members,

it is said that use of cell phones with bluetooth will interfere the functioning of pm.all modern handsets and cordless earphones are with this technolopgy.what can I do ?


EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility

I am a brand new member of this club, so do not have the benefit of past discussions. I wonder whether anyone has quantitative information on electric, magnetic and RF (radio frequency) field intensity thresholds for a St. Jude Medical Bradycardia pacemaker? I would like to have field strength limits in Volts/meter, Gauss, mW/cm2, etc., with associated frequencies. So far, I have been unable to get this information from St. Jude Medical.


Battery Operated Cordless Drills

G'day folks -

New member - 5 days into a dual stage rate adaptable device. Mighty sore shoulder, but no worries.

Question - it appears electric drills and other hand held electric devices are perceived to be okay to use, but what about my all-important Dewalt 18v cordless drill? Although a desk jockey (software officer), I can't imagine home life without my beloved drill.

All comments welcome. Thank you.



Wondering about new cell jammers

Hi All,

Having read about the new (still illegal here) cell phone jammers that cut off cell phone connections (not sure how works tho) does anyone know if these things will affect our PM/ICD's? Plan to ask my EP @ next check-up but that isn't until Jan. 2008.

Had a not great experience today. As I am 100% PM dependent I had to go thru a security to get into a work site I have not visited before. Not the airport. So I told the security guy that I couldn't go thru the walk-...


Pacemaker and Wireless (WLAN) Interference

I just bought a new wireless laptop (with radar to detect wireless networks when I'm out in the real world), because you know, I just can't wait to go out and get all hopped up on caffeine at the closest Starbucks and Google the heck out of my new wireless laptop! LOL! I also bought a wireless router to set up a WLAN in my house to share my broadband internet connection with my laptop.

As soon as I set everything up and got it turned on and connected, my pacemaker went crazy!...


Polar heart rate monitor

I had been using a Polar heart rate monitor for years when going to Cardiac Rehab, Now that I have a PaceMaker I have wondered if it will effect the pacemaker. The Polar transmitter is a T-31 and is strapped around the chest and transmits a signal to a wrist receiver.


Radio Controlled Aircraft

I belong to a Radio Controlled Aircraft Club and enjoy the flying of the models and the meeting of friends, I am wondering if the transmitter will have any effect on my PM or if so is there any work around that I might try.


Again, working in a large industrial setting

Thanks to all that replied about my inquiry about wearing a pacemaker and working in an industrial environment. I really appreciate your feedback. To add further, I have had the pacemaker for 2 years. I am 58, and have always been very active. I have played racquetball for 20 years, and still continue today. However, since the pacemaker, it has been extremely difficult. I hear of others that go about normal activities such as biking, tennis, etc, without problems. I can't help but wonder if the...


Pacemakers and disability

I work in a paper mill. Lots of huge electric motors, control panels, welding, electronics, etc. I have been told that there are some in the paper industry that have been put on disability because of pacemakers and the proximity of the electical equipment, static electricity, etc. Does anyone know where I could get information on this. I have had a pacemaker since 2005, and am extremely fatiqued all the time. Up until then, and after the pacemaker, I was active. Now, I am simply so tired t...


Effect of Arc welder

I am engaged in design &development of Arc welder. I would like to know the effect of arc welder on pacemaker. What is the safe distance from a welding pont or arc welder.


The riding carts at WalMart

I have back and leg trouble already so when we went to the new Wallwqorld opening yesterday I opted for a go-cart.

About 5-10 minutes of riding I became dizzy, and I checked my pulse and it was 119.....the last time it got that high was when I was 35 and doing step aerobics! I'm usually a steady 80-86.
I could only stay there about 10 minutes before I thougt I was going to barf, and I had to be physically helped to the ladies room. Do you think the battery which was under my s...


An iPod alert for pacemaker, ICD users

By Harvard Heart Letter
September 25, 2007

If you have a pacemaker or implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), you have probably been warned not to keep a cell phone in your breast pocket or hold it near your heart.

The same rule should apply to an iPod or other portable music or video player. A study presented at the Heart Rhythm Society meeting this spring showed that a turned-on iPod held two inches away from the chest for five to 10 seconds can interfere with...


hand held hair dryer

Have curly hair and like to have it streightened. Will hair dryers or heating irons effect my pace maker?


Info on dangers

I've seen lots of questions on what devices are okay and not lately, I've done a project for school on pacemakers before and saw this sight so I went back to it and got the information.

This information was copied from:

Devices that may put your pacemaker at risk
If you have an artificial pacemaker, be aware of your surroundings and the devices that may interfere with pulse generators. This list will help...


Laser teeth whitening and hair removal

Hi all, recently I was at the dentist having a check up when we got on to talking about laser teeth whitening. Does anyone know if you can have laser treatments such as this or hair removal, eye surgery etc.. does the laser somehow interfere with the PM. Seems unlikely?


Drag Races

Just a question, because I'm curious.
Has anyone ever heard of possible problems from dragsters, funny cars, jet cars etc.?
I have been and never had a problem, but the question is there.


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.