Most Recent Messages in Interferences

Pacemakers and disability

I work in a paper mill. Lots of huge electric motors, control panels, welding, electronics, etc. I have been told that there are some in the paper industry that have been put on disability because of pacemakers and the proximity of the electical equipment, static electricity, etc. Does anyone know where I could get information on this. I have had a pacemaker since 2005, and am extremely fatiqued all the time. Up until then, and after the pacemaker, I was active. Now, I am simply so tired t...


Effect of Arc welder

I am engaged in design &development of Arc welder. I would like to know the effect of arc welder on pacemaker. What is the safe distance from a welding pont or arc welder.


The riding carts at WalMart

I have back and leg trouble already so when we went to the new Wallwqorld opening yesterday I opted for a go-cart.

About 5-10 minutes of riding I became dizzy, and I checked my pulse and it was 119.....the last time it got that high was when I was 35 and doing step aerobics! I'm usually a steady 80-86.
I could only stay there about 10 minutes before I thougt I was going to barf, and I had to be physically helped to the ladies room. Do you think the battery which was under my s...


An iPod alert for pacemaker, ICD users

By Harvard Heart Letter
September 25, 2007

If you have a pacemaker or implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), you have probably been warned not to keep a cell phone in your breast pocket or hold it near your heart.

The same rule should apply to an iPod or other portable music or video player. A study presented at the Heart Rhythm Society meeting this spring showed that a turned-on iPod held two inches away from the chest for five to 10 seconds can interfere with...


hand held hair dryer

Have curly hair and like to have it streightened. Will hair dryers or heating irons effect my pace maker?


Info on dangers

I've seen lots of questions on what devices are okay and not lately, I've done a project for school on pacemakers before and saw this sight so I went back to it and got the information.

This information was copied from:

Devices that may put your pacemaker at risk
If you have an artificial pacemaker, be aware of your surroundings and the devices that may interfere with pulse generators. This list will help...


Laser teeth whitening and hair removal

Hi all, recently I was at the dentist having a check up when we got on to talking about laser teeth whitening. Does anyone know if you can have laser treatments such as this or hair removal, eye surgery etc.. does the laser somehow interfere with the PM. Seems unlikely?


Drag Races

Just a question, because I'm curious.
Has anyone ever heard of possible problems from dragsters, funny cars, jet cars etc.?
I have been and never had a problem, but the question is there.


Airbag injury

Does anyone have information on airbag deployment in an automobile accident and the potential for bodily injury caused by either malfunction of the pacemaker/defibrillator or to the body because their casing?

My wife Shirley recently had these devices implanted this year and ask me.


MRI Scan

I was at the hospital yesterday, on another problem and the specialist recommended that I went for an MRI scan. I pointed out that I had a PM and thought it was not advisable. He took a note of the make and model and thought that some types did not cause a problem.

I have a St Jude, dual chamber, and when I read the book, it says to avoid Electro Magnet Interference, EMI and lists an MRI scan as a source of EMI.

Just wondered if anybody else has any experience of MRI scans.


name stuck

hi blake i am stuck on this site my name has been there for 24 hours and i am not on jessie


nintendo and game boy

does anyone know if nintendo and game boys cause interfernece with the pacemaker and icd's i know awhile back there was concern over ipods. it will be helpful to know for me as i will be with my grand children three weeks in august. thanks maureen



Does anyone here drive a Prius? I've just received a pacemaker and am a little worried about the electric motor.

Mike Greensill


Electro-Mab Compatibility Guide from Medtronics

Medtronics mailed me a booklet "Electromagnetic Compatibility Guide".

It is a compendium of devices in the home, office, and garage, and elsewhere, which can impact your implanted device.

4 categories are:
Household Items/Hobby
Telecommunications & Office Equipment
Tools/Industrial Equipment
Medical/Dental Procedures

Their website is
Phone line 800 551-5544, Ext 41835.

It's helpful reading.


Bad experience on a tour.

Hi: I want to share with you a bad experience I had last week.
My wife and I were on a guided tour through Italy. For those not familiar with this, over there guides provide their "flock" with radio receivers walky-talky like, so that the guide proceeds with his/her explanations and the group gets the info even if they get mixed, as they usually do,with another crowd of tourists. I was given one of these things, hung it round my neck and we proceeded on a short slope towards the ruins of P...


PM & Security devices

Just yesterday my cardiologist and Medtronic emploee told me again it is important not to remain in between the security pillars at the entry to retail stores.

According to them, these devices definitely do interfere with the PM operation if you remain within the field.

Do not pause when going through these security devices. Better safe than sorry when it comes to your heart & health.


Loud Speakers

Can anyone tell me if loud speakers from a band effect a pacemaker?


music in church

Hi everyone!! It's brokenheart! I just wanted to know if any of you ever felt any problems with speakers...see i go to church a lot and there is a lot of loud music and i dont really sit close to the speakers but last week i felt very weak when i was in church and the music seemed awefully loud that day. Anyway, my heart was pounding hard but it was slower than normal and all of a sudden i started feeling dizzy like i was almost going to pass out. does any one know if loud music can affect your...


IPODS, and pacemakers.

This is an addition to Blake's post. Thanks Blake for looking further into this topic.
Although this post is taken from a comment made, in answer to the study led by 17 yrs old Jay Thaker, it, in no way should be taken as an actual fact, since no studies have been conducted, that I know of, as to its veracity.
" A 3.7v device, such as an IPOD, backed by enough current, is ample to cause short range Radio-Frequency-Emissions, that will penetrate flesh easily. The aluminum shell of a pac...


Ipods and Pacemakers

Hey Everyone,

Please check this out, very interesting article on PM’s and Ipods, they mention how many people who have pacemakers aren’t affected by Ipods becuase they don’t use them.. But I am 23 years old have a PaceMaker and use an Ipod I guess I should stop using them... anyone have thoughts?


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