Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Bradycardia and Cardiovascular Disease

This probably is a dumb question, but if you have a pacemaker implanted because of bradycardia, are you (or were you) considered to have cardiovascular disease? Now that I have a pacemaker, medical personnel keep insisting that, when I fill out their medical history forms, I check the box "Cardiovascular Disease" for conditions that I have or have had. I don’t feel that this applies to me as my only problem was an electrical one. I don’t feel like I have (or had) heart dise...


water water everywhere

this is so simple - yet so inconvienient - Nearly 4 years into my pacer - with a dx of cardiomyopathy - all is fairly well. I exercise, eat right, watch my salt, take my meds, etc, but I have been retaining a lot of fluid lately - yesterday I got the pacer checked and it confirmed fluid around the heart- the long and the short of it is- I can't get in to see a doctor until the middle of March - and the pacer tech is aware of this - but of no help. I am very uncomfortable and find it all...


Please lips!!

Dear All
Hi.Thank you for your replies about my palpitations (posted message yesterday). It is a relief to know I'm not alone in getting them & it was very interesting & helpful to read your experiences.

HELP!! A few weeks ago I happened to look in the mirror to discover that my lips were blue!! My first reaction was panic as I think blue lips are to do with circulation. Anyway, I put it out of my mind & then was busy looking after my husband, after his operation, so forgo...



Hi all. Firstly, thank you for all your kind messages regarding my husband's shoulder operation last week. Despite a bad experience with staff at the hospital (we hadn't been to this UK hospital before & it was not very pleasant there)....the operation was all done by keyhole & he went home the same day. It is ten days post-op now & he started physio today. His dissolvable stitches have dissolved & his 4 entry wounds healing well. His shoulder is still quite painful but to be expected at this st...



Hey guys, have a question for you....As your HF has declined have any of you found ways to regain some energy? I have been having some issues lately that we have required us to increase some medications in hopes that it would help with some of the tachycardia that I get along with the other stuff that goes with HF. I have been having a rough time sleeping mainly due to the tachycardia waking me and my energy level just goes south with doing very little.


What could it be

Well, the doc told me to stop taking Sotolal one week ago. The fourth day off the drug, I kinda passed out at work and so on. In the mist of all this i guess i have a sinus infection real bad or something and i am still light headed and dizzy. I am being treated for this. i have went to my heart doc and pacemaker doc and things seem fine. I am going back to my primary doc to have a talk cause i think something is up. I am having trouble sleeping, I feel depressed, I am having hot and cold fla...


new drug

Can anyone tell me about this new drug they now have in Canada for atrial fibrillation. Saw it in this mornings paper.  Would like to know if anyone here is on it and what the cost is because it says not all drug plans are covering it yet. Thanks for any information you may be able to provide. Sorry, the drug’s name is dabigatran. Guess that would help:)



Hi wenditt i am new here and I have Brugada Syndrome I was diagnosed in feb 09' and it was by ECG then I was transfered to a different hospital for more tests and surgery for my ICD. To this day they still don't know for sure if I have it because genetic testing is inconclusive but the treatment is working so they say it's my diagnosis.


two questions of recent events

Hi everyone: Just got back from another hospital stay but not to do with the pacemaker (I hope). I've had two surgeries due to breast cancer in the past, 97 and 05. With each one, lymph nodes were removed from the axilla area (under arm). June of 05 developed lymphedema of the left arm and wear a compression sleeve to reduce the size and help get the flow of lymph fluid to flow back to the body. With the node removal the lymph fluid has no where to travel and stays in the arm. It's like a dead e...


High Priced Pradaxa

Pradaxa may be a new wonderl drug but it's very expensive. You can save a few bucks if you're willing to order it from one of the Canadian pharmacies. Even so, it's in the $690s for 180 (90 days, twice a day) 150 mg tablets.

I told my doc I couldn't afford it and if that was my only choice I could get me a servicable casket for about the price of a 90 day supply.

As a result he's considering putting me on Warfrin (sp?) which is a generic and is more reasonably priced. If...


non sugical ablation

Can someone eplain non surgical ablation for afib.



Could someone please tell me what this means? The baseline ECG demonstrated atrial premature beats and inverted T wave in iead aVL?
Thanks Roy


ADD medication


Does anyone have any information regarding taking ADD medications with a pacemaker? My friend's cardiologist seems undecided on this issue and will confirm whether or not to continue taking this medication he has taken for years.
Thanks in advance!


Has this happened to anyone?

I am eating the same, exercising regularly now, and have begun gaining weight over the last three weeks. It is over 1.5 pounds per week. I am jogging and can't get my heart rate over 130 bpm even though I feel like I am working harder. I am on sotalol 80mg 2x per day. I have my normal appt. with my cardiologist in 1 1/2 weeks. Any suggestions? I feel good, just getting heavier by the minute.


brugada syndrome

Does anyone have any experience with this syndrome???  If so, how were you diagnosed?



Help for afib

To anyne with afib,
I have been diagnosed with afib and my Dr sent me home to suffer. my nutrietionist suggested I take magnesium tablets. He said take as many as I can until I get diarrea. I've done this and have had no trouble since I started it. Worth a try! Hope it helps. Ken


Syncope (fainting); hypotension

Hi Everyone,
Well, my pacemaker is only two weeks old and I am doing well.
However, last night I had an episode of syncope (fainting spell) and I analyzed what could have caused it.
After dinner, I was sitting down watching TV and got up to take my plate to the kitchen. I took about seven steps down the passage and collapsed on the floor. I only lost consciousness for a few seconds and became aware of what had happened almost immediately. I also had a very brief nosebleed that sto...


stopping digoxin

hi everyone! i take toprol xl, baby aspirin, spironolactone, digoxin, and enalapril everyday. today my doc told me i could stop taking digoxin. i trust his decision but i am a little worried about it because i've been taking it for so many years. has anyone on here been in the same situation with stopping digoxin? how did you feel after you stopped?


dont feel like having sex.

im only 30 ever since i started to take meds for the heart like coreg ,,and some pills for anxiety , ohhh men... i dont fell like having sex .i feel tired all the time ,i dont have and erection problem is just that i dont feel like having sex with my wife and i feel so sad about that.i can have sex , but is just i dont feel it no more ,,i talk to the doctor about it he change me the medicines 6 months ago ,,can anyone tell me what the hell those medications have that make me feel this way . does...


Advice regarding IST! Pregnancy Risks

Hi All,

I am 20 years old and was diagnosed with Inappropriate sinus tachycardia last year after a longstanding history of symptoms (since I can remember) . I underwent rigorous testing after repeated syncope episodes. My holter revealed IST with a 24h Mean of 95bpm, but daily HR's going in excess of 200! I experience symptoms DAILY, palpitations, exercise intolerance, fatigue, pre-syncope, chest pains, shortness of breath etc.

My cardiologist is an old man with very trad...


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!