Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests it needed?

hi this is with reference to mr. j.r's reply to my fathers condition. i thought i shud put up the whole history before u. my father underwent surgery for a pericardial teratoma in 1994. about 2 kg was removed. he was fine for a while but then he started having palpitations and feeling of weakness. he went to the doc who gave him verapamil. he took that for sometime then stopped.sometime later he had a brief episode of amnesia that lasted for abt a minute.we contacted the doc.he carried out a no...


High Blood Pressure

I had my PM for 7 weeks and have been battling high BP since the implant. Prior to PM I was on 40 mg of Vasotec and BP was controlled. Since PM BP has been anywhere between 150/80 to 205/102. Doc first tried 50 mg of Toprol XL which brought it down some but never to normal. Yesterday he increased the Toprol XL to 100 mg. This morning upon getting out of bed my BP was again 190/100. I have taken two doses of the 100 mg, one yesterday and one today. Any thoughts on how long it will take the n...


Upper Respiritory Infection

Does anyone know the complications of having an upper respiritory infection with a pm? As in will it last longer. Because I've taken antibiodics and now 3 weeks of having the infection the area where my pm is hurting. What I mean is beneath the skin between the pm, pain everytime i move or i slump or slouch. It's also becoming hard for me to breath. I was talking to my mom over the phone and she said she could hear me breathin funny. So anyone know????
p.s sorry for my tangents, I'm a teen...


Jolt in chest question

Hi- I'm 3 months into a dual lead Medronic Avanta PM for Bradycarida, low heart beat. Not a defib. Its a demand PM set at 60 bpm at the low and 175 at the high.
Recently while reading in bed I had a jolt to the chest similar to a punch without the pain. 2 hours later another one with less impact and then one more again with less impact. It then stopped.
There were no other symptoms or anything like a heart attack.
A call to my cardio dr resulted in a appointment next week but the...


Symptom help/advice please

Hi Everyone,

I'm new here, just found this site and would be grateful for any help or advice you could offer.

I'm 36, from the UK and was diagnosed with complete heart block in June. It's a bit of a long story so apologies and please bear with me. I had a routine high blood pressure check with my practice nurse in April and she did an ECG too. She showed results to doctor who sent me to hospital where I spent the night hooked up to a heart monitor. My HR was low 40s, droppi...


Long QT anyone?

Last September, I had a cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation caused by "long QT syndrome". I know my condition is pretty rare, so was just many of you who are reading this have the same diagnosis?


Feeling AF Beats

Hi Everyone :)
Have had my pacemaker for ( AFib) almost 5 years and for the past year I have felt "rumbling"...."heavy beating"......"sludging" while at rest on my left side:( The feelings are at the rib cage area. Not ALL the time but very frequently. The arryth dr had me start taking baby aspirin daily....still does it? Am TOTALLY dependent on the pm.

Has anyone else had this feeling? It's kinda unsettling as I start wondering if the pm is acting up!?! PM is checked onc...


sick sinus syndrome

hi my father is 67. he has sick sinus and the doctors want to go for a ppm.they say he wud receive beta blockers after the implant. i wonder what willl become of his bp as he is hypotensive already! 90/60.


Physicals after a pacemaker

How often and what kind of tests, besides EKGs should one with a pacemaker have?


Should I keep pestering the doctors?

I am 49 and very fit, doing lots of exercise each week. For the last 18 months I have experienced dizziness, shortness of breath and fatigue, which is most unlike me. It doesn't stop me doing anything, in fact a vigorous game of squash often makes me feel loads better. My symptoms come and go. I can feel absolutely normal for a few weeks and then feel really lethargic for a few days, or even up to 3 weeks.
I have been to a cardiologist who has done lots of tests and discovered my resting h...



hello everyone. we were in london for the preadmission clinic for my husband john's triple bi-pass. we were told he would be called in 2-4 weeks. he is totally blocked in two valves. well he is to show up to-morrow for the second bipass that day. the surgeon is very good a dr. martin goldbach. he is married to a news announcer in london. he told john how she gets up and is picked up every a.m. at 3 am and then after lunch returns home to watch her children and care for them. some people are amaz...


Junctional Rhythm and Pacemaker

I've been putting off getting a PM for several years. Actually my 5 year old problem with an exercise induced bradycardia was not diagnosed as requiring a PM till a couple of years ago. Anyway, now it seems my heart goes into a junctional rhythm when I start exercising. Sometimes it is an accelerated rhythm. (The junctional is a backup pacemaker and if it's accelerated that means it's actually going faster than the sinus node).

My EP says that a PM by itself may not help and I'm goin...


Apologies for my self pitying posting on 31 July

My father Kenneth had a seizure on 15th June. He had dropping of heart beat and vomitting. He was fitted with a Pacemaker straigt away. After the pacemaker my father continue to have seizures and started getting his words mixed up. My sister organised for him to have a CT scan on the brain. Me and my sister were then informed that my father has an extensive left temporel inhomogeneous high grade glioma cancer on the brain and this what courses the problem on the 15th June. My father is rec...


2 and 3 lead Pacemakers

I have had a two lead pacemaker for about 8 years....I have had it replaced once because the battery aged and failed. I have developed fluid in my lungs which has been attributed to my heart. It has been recommended that I replace my two lead pacemaker with a three lead one. They say it will be more efficient. Has anyone had a problem like this and were you told the same thing? What has been your experience?
I would appreciate anything you can tell me related to this type of problem.



This is my second post today so many questions. I had mentioned being in afib now for about 4-5 days i have a pacemaker for tachy - brady syndrome i take coumadin i also take digoxin and tambacor ant atenalol because of the afib but have never had it last so long anyway the last time i saw my cardiologist he mentioned doing a mini maze procedure he told me there was only one dr in colorado who did this and he happened to be at the hospital i use has anyone had this and did it work he...


Should I get a PM?

I gave birth 5.5 weeks ago. at 9 days postpartum, I felt a little weird (figured it was anxiety, long time sufferer) so I checked my bp, was 170 /97 pulse 44 called OB they said go to ER. I was just tired. just had a baby....Endedup seeing a cardioologist. had a holter shows sleeping rate 33-70's and day rate 50's - 100's I do not think I am really having symptoms because when i get dizzy I will checck my pulse its around 60 then Ill feeli ng fine at night and it is sometimes down in the u...


Hello..Newbie Here-Complete Heart Block

I am so glad I found this site. I am almost 58 with no serious heart problems in the past. I was diagnosed a few years ago with a leaky valve (not mitral valve prolapse but something like it) and an irregular heart beat and sometimes rapid. I have been taking 100 mgs. of Toprol XL for a few years now. Two Sundays ago I was at work when I started feeling weird. Heart racing, feeling hot, weakness in legs, hard time breathing. Went to ER and they told me I had complete heart block and very l...



hi yesterday we went to london to nuclear medicine and they found my hysband has 65 % blockage and most likely needs bipass not angioplasty. just waiting to see surgeon. it is a little anxiety provoking when you read heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest can occur. anyway both our male friend and my brother went thru it and went back to smoking and drinking can you believe it? some habits die hard lol lol well just thought i would keep you updated jessie


Kidney disease & a pacemaker

I have polycystic kidney disease and have had a pacemaker implanted for a few years now. It has totally changed my life for the better! Does anyone have a combination of kidney disease and a pacemaker. I am only 42, but I will need a kidney transplant in a few years and I wanted to know if the pacemaker would interfere?




I'm New to the Site (Real Long)

Hi to all, Well I'm a 25 yr old who has SVT.It started out first with IST then after the 3rd ablation It was swicthed to SVT I am on my 4th Sinus Modification w/Ablations around the sinus node and the docs are still puzzled why my HR still hasn't budged. I am at the Max for Beta Blockers, and Calcuim Channel Blockers, and lets not forget they added some Xanax to see if that would work.. My HR was so bad cause me to deliver my daughter at 27weeks. So Now I have the 4th Ablation on the 18 th and t...


You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

Member Quotes

But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.