Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Stress Echocardiogram

I have a stress echocardiogram booked for 29th May.  My first stress echocardiogram in years.  This test combines an ultrasound of the heart with a treadmill exercise test which measures how well the heart works under stress.  The stress echo test has been ordered to see if coronary artery disease is present since I am experiencing intermittent chest pain and other symptoms. 

I am wondering if any member has had a stress echocardiogram specifically to look ...


"Stiff heart"

Not strictly a pacemaker topic, but a newly available medication.

At over £300 a capsule, expensive.



I have been told by my EP team at Duke that my pacemaker implanted 2022 is MRI conditional.

The  pacemaker itself is MRI compliant and according to ST Jude the leads, implanted 2011, are "grandfathered."

Nevertheless, the local hospital has refused to do an MRI citing my specific pacemaker as the reason.

My question is, what does "MRI conditional" mean exactly? What "conditions" apply?





I read somewhere that arrhythmia can cause flushing. Is this true? 


Leg cramps at night got worse after pacemaker implant

I had a Metronic Azure pacemaker implanted about 4 days ago.  It is only pacing a ventricle.  My problem has been bradycardia for many years and my heart rate recently got too low.  Coincidentally, I went into afib.  It is not clear if the afib worsened the bradycardia or vice versa.

The surgeon decided to leave the atria alone and only pace the ventricle for starters because to fix the afib, an atrial ablation would be necessary and his statistics indicate it i...


New to Pacemaker Club

I had a pacemaker implanted on February 22 after having an ablation for afib and another for atrial flutter. While sitting, my heart rate is perfect--72-76 bpm. When I do something as simple as walking from den to kitchen, it may run to 88 bpm, sometimes in the 90's.  I had my first check with cardiologist Monday and he says all is fine, but this seems a little fast to me. My rate before surgery was 45--maybe I haven't adjusted to the faster rate. Is this normal? Thanks for...



Hello guys, 

I was wondering what side effects you've had while on digoxin. I started it today and I started having some GI issues. Does anyone have any tips on how to help feel better? Does it get better as time goes on? 



Entresto update...

Well... it's still going REALLY well after almost two weeks, I am feeling much better than I was, with more energy than I've had since before the pacemaker. So far, I've noticed there are NO new side effects with the added Entresto, which is a huge relief! It's frustrating that thanks to someone's error, I wasn't able to take this medication a year ago when I first tried. It would have been great to feel better a year ago. But there's nothing I can do about that no...


Life Line Screening

Is it OK to have these ultrasound tests done.  I have a pacemaker.


How is this even possible? Unbelievable change!

You guys aren't going to believe this! I can't believe it myself, it's so far fetched. I started taking Entresto last Friday morning, my doctor prescribed the lowest dose and said to cut it in half so I could be very slowly acclimated. Well... I braced myself for the side effects and was fully prepared to "take on" this newest challenge. I decided to stay with my Mom in town in case there were complications from it and even bought my usual 'gentle foods' for the...



68 y/o very active male, I am 6 months post op dual lead Medtronic pacemaker.  100% right ventricle pacing, 38% rt atrium pacing with a VVI algorithm and 150 BPM top and 60 BPM bottom.  Started having PVC's a week ago for no apparent reason, no change in lifestyle at all I can point to as a contributor.  Sent a pacemaker transmission through my App and my cardiologist set me up for an appointment this afternoon to discuss.  My PVC's are constant, skipping beats, po...


Advice for taking Entresto

Okay.... Ta..da... drum roll please...

I got my Entresto today and took half of the lowest dose to start; making it easier on my sensitive system. My question is, I'm supposed to take it twice a day, but I already take my Carvedilol twice daily at 7:30am and 7:30pm but I read somewhere that taking the two drugs at the same time was difficult for some... so, how should I take it? My usual method is I get up, have a piece of toast and a few ounces of milk to take my Carvedilol. Then a...


If you could rename Heart Failure, what would you call it?  

No one likes the term “heart failure” since it implies a terminal condition.  Heart Failure sounds so final as though it is the end stage of all diseases related to the heart.  But is it always so final for those of us who have been given a diagnosis of heart failure when it may have a treatable or even reversible cause in some instances, especially if it is caught early?

Instead should we perhaps call it something like Heart weakness, Heart impairment or Hear...


Now I know why I had problems with Entresto! Gonna try it again....

Many of you know my issues with Entresto, I didn't exactly tolerate it well right away the first time. And you want to know why? Well... as it turns out, they forgot to tell me that I was supposed to stop taking my Losartin because you can't take both together! It's no wonder I had problems right away! So... with that said, I've decided to give it another go. I'll take the lowest dose, cut that in half and start there. Wish me LUCK everyone! I'm hoping that the Entrest...


Gut Microbiome

We’ve talked about diet quite a bit recently on this forum, so I apologise for bringing it up again but there’s a lot of information being passed on to consumers (and patients) re: improving our gut microbiome and how we should aim to eat 30 different plant based food items p/week for various reasons. Reasons include: the impact on the environment, our intestinal health, to improve our immune system, reduce inflammation and for the prevention of diseases - e.g. gastrointestinal di...


Why no test for "ischemic heart disease" after PM?

This issue came up because my older sister had a stroke recently.  She is doing well in rehab and may escape any long term effects, but her doctor was asking her about the family cardiac history and she asked me to give her specifics about my problems that led to getting the PM.

So I looked at my hospital records from 2021.  I came across this note from the doctor who did the PM, "recommended consideration for ischemic heart disease or cardiac sarcoidosis." 



Left Chest Ache

Had the PM fitted in December 2023. Recently I have been feeling some aches on the left side of my chest a little lower than the armpit. Is it related? 


Have Afib?

Amazing video of an ultrasound of a heart in Afib. Check the clot bouncing around in there, ready to cause havoc.  This highlights the importance of not missing your prescribed blood thinner dose.

Copy and paste link in your browser:


Defibrillator with pacemaker

I currently have a three lead pacemaker being I have total AV block I am wanting to percent pacemaker dependent.

AV block I am wanting to percent pacemaker dependent.

I have recently been diagnosed with cardiac ATTR Amylodosis. 

I am in constant  flutter. 

My EP Dr suggested maybe I needed to fibrillator as well as back up in case I have issues with fast heart rate.

Normally, I'm at 80 but now I'm at 100 occasionally dropping to 80.



Peptides and low heart arrythmia

Does anyone in this forum have experience in peptides . 

Do they harm , as anyone tried them ? 

Hope all is well 


You know you're wired when...

Titanium is your favorite metal.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.