Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

CT scan and contrast

Hi All

Having an abdominal CT scan with contrast next week for an issue totally unrelated to my biotronik edora 8drt. My 1st ct scan since I got the pm last year due to complete HB.

Intuitively, and medically as well (I am in the medical field) I know neither the ct nor contrast will affect my pm. I guess I have to hear it though from my fellow pm wearers. I probably should be more concerned for actually needing the ct scan in the first place (haha) but I am more focused on t...


Risks of long-term RV pacing

I have total heart block, but my Sinus Node is working OK. Consequently, my Biotronik Enitra 8 PM is operating in Right Atrium Sensing/Right Ventricle Pacing mode: effectively bypassing the AV block.

This is now working well and I was feeling optimistic about the immediate future until I read recently about the risks of long-term RV pacing! Various unpleasant sounding consequences, including heart failure and death, are apparently possible. My pacing burden is necessarily 100%.



What’s next

If the protocol is ICD pacer, Coreg and amiodarene, Whats next?  Ablation ? 


Results of echo

Hello again, everyone.  Thank you for all the help you have provided to me in a different ..thread?  
I know I will be getting the info I am asking here sometime today but waiting is not my best trait so here's my question:

My 14 Yr old dual chamber Medtronicpm went  into safe mode Aug 15th.  I wanted to get the battery replacement asap and it is scheduled for tomorrow, Sept 7.  I had the echo yesterday and the report said I have mild regurgitation in t...


CRT and arrhythmia

Hello everyone. I'm a reasonably active, slim and otherwise healthy 45 year old female. I've had cardiac arrhythmia since childhood. In 2011 I was diagnosed as having a RBBB. On August 7th, this year, I was diagnosed with a Complete Heart Block and received a CRT-P pacemaker implant on August 15th. I wish I could say I'm doing well. I'm trying my best to present that way, but I am very frightened. Morning and night time are the hardest. I'm still experi...



Has anyone ever taken the anti arrhythmic medication called amiodarone? I was prescribed 200mg , 2x a day? 



In April, I received a new ICD with  3 leads due to an episode with tachycardia! After new medications and new device my ejection fraction improved from 30% to 50-55%.  I started exercising and have been feeling great! Then, out of the blue, I had another tachycardia event! Luckily, my ICD did its job and my rhythm went back in 6 seconds! Has anyone had reoccurrence of VT after ICD implant?  What triggered it? I did exercise that day and ate a chocolate bar, which I genera...


I am lost, please help

Hello, i have Afib, PVC, Mobitz 2, type 1 (Wenkerbach). I am exhausted all the time, can have one day good aerobic excercise, next day, i am bedridden. Cardiologist ran an array of tests, 4 ECGs. Heart rate during excercise 150, at night 30 to 50, never above! Cardiologist doesn't see any problem with that, his conclusion: "Mobitz 2:1 and low heart rate at night is normal for trained healthy individual". Had cardioversion - 3 Months in NSR, didn't feel any better. Here goes...


Additional diagnosis?

Hi everyone, 

My original diagnosis before implantation was tachy brady syndrome.

Just saw my cardiologist on Aug 18 for my first follow up visit since my implanation on July 18.

Now the doctor mentioned 2:1 heart block and SVT. I'm starting bisoprolol 5 mg per day. He changed my blood pressure med to Hyzaar. 

Is this an additional problem? Or just a more specific clarification of what condition I have?

Found out that I am only paced for less than 1...


Ejection Fraction

My question is whether or not a low EF% always suggests heart failure?

I ask because many members with SSS and / or AVB post on here to say that their low EF% improved with pacing to a normal %EF. I note that many do not mention a prior heart failure diagnosis. 

Can SSS and/or AVB alone cause a low EF % or does a low EF% always suggest that there is a heart failure component? 





Hi  Similar to previous post. Being a 'newby' have a lot to learn.

Reflux (GERD) seems to be worse since implantation. Could the problem be related to the new pacemaker settings and is there a fix ?  First pacemaker check due 30th Aug.

Many thanks   Neil


Blood pressure

Hi , I'm new to the Pacemaker club . First implant (Dual chamber) pacemaker 26th July 2023.As always there are many questions which I hope with the knowledge you guys have can shed some light on the various topics. 

Since implantation seems I have changes in BP (increase) not the normal steady state. Discussed with GP and decided to increase my Losartan which has reduced the BP considerable. Bloods and review in 2 weeks. Your thought would be very welcome ?



First Post

Hello,  This is my first post. 

First pacemaker fitted in 2012

I had atrial fibrillation and 3 failed ablations, so pacemaker was fitted.  I had a total hip replacement due and was in Agony but the surgeon wouldn't go ahead until I had an AV node ablation.  This made me pacemaker dependent.  This pacemaker was only replaced in 2023.  (11years 7months)  I experienced lethargy for months before it was  replaced.  Since my new box in N...


Complete heart block - questions to ask


I am extremely grateful to have found the club in the midst of what seems like the darkest time of my life (I'm not an official member... yet). I'm a young, healthy (?) 33 yo, with two young kids, just diagnosed with an incidental finding of a complete heart block that looks to be congenital. Have had a low resting heart rate (mid to high 40s, dropping to 37 at sleep) for the last 10 years (Apple Watch tells me it goes up to 160+ with exercise), some fatigue (effectively...



hi guys

thanks for your input on my last posting.  question now is they used the right wrist and then they went near the elbow and said they couldn't find or get what they wanted near elbow bend area so they went to the groin as backup and i remember them saying they went there to check pressure.

they also said NO  STENTS .   get rest then back to regular full time work after a week with NO RESTRICTION.

what are the thoughts on what might be next.


Multifocal PVCs

Hi everyone 

I am new to the club. I have an ICD as a result of one episode of VT and due to third degree heart block.

Over the past few years I have developed multifocal PVCs and I am very symptomatic. Tried all drug therapies to no avail. I have had two unsuccessful ablations which have targeted one spot and the EP has said there are at least four other spots which haven't been attempted.

Does anyone have any experience of treating multifocal PVCs please? My readi...



Has anyone cut their Multaq 400 mg in half and did the meds keep your afib away?


Pacemaker with Freestyle Libre 2 sensor compatible? also, Pet Scan with pacemaker

I use a continuous bloodsugar monitor on my arm.  Just got a pacemaker.  Will they work together.


Also  I have stage 4 cancer, and have a PET scan every 3 months.  Is that I a problem with Pacemaker?




PET Scan

Hi all, I had my 3 months (4 months) checkup with my cardiologist, and she says she super happy with everything - she also mentioned that I"m using the device less than 5% ("Which is great - it means your battery will last longer!!!") ... and that I won't see her again for a year or 18 months, and I'll have an ultrasound in March 2024 to check everything is still in place. 
And then she asked if I'd heard from the hospital re: My PET Scan, and I had to say...


Medical Event that Led to Hospital Emergency Room


We are from Israel. My elderly mom had AICD Endurity DR PM2162 pacemaker installed 7 years ago. She's been on checkups twice a year until recent two years when they made it annual checkup. Her doctor recommended her pacemaker after an event when she started feeling unwell and fainted. She believes that hospital's intern did the implantation under the surgeon's supervision. On the night after the implantation her condition became bad which prompted the near p...


You know you're wired when...

Your device makes you win at the slot machines.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.