Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Help with AFIB I don't know what to ask for

I was diagnosed with sick sinus node syndrome and AFIB April of 2023 and recieved a pacemaker September 1, 2023.

Prior to the pacemaker implant I was taking 40mg lisinopril nightly. I complained of what I thought was cardiac cough and the cardiac nurse switched me to losartan potassium 50mg.

I had issues with this medicine (see note to follow) and then she switched me to clonidine .1mg which I also had problems with. At this point I told her I would rather take lisonpril and cough...


New to AFIB

Had my pacemaker implanted in 2014 with no problems to date.  Within the past year during interrogation, they have noted a concerning amount of AFIB lasting very short periods.  My last interrogation they found over 1300 incidents of AFIB.  Approx.800 or so were again for very short periods of time,  another 200 were lasting up to 10 minutes, and the one which concerned them the most was one lasting 45 minutes.  Since I'm not up to all the terminology used the bes...



Hi folks, I had my first PM implanted in 2004 at 44 YO and second around 2014. I want to have an MRI on my lower half to check back,, hips and knees all at once. I do not have an MRI safe PM but am starting some research to see if this is possible. I will probably need a new PM in the next year or so, but the leads will not be changed to the best of my knowledge. This would be near Cedars in Los Angeles CA

Thanks All!




Unusual Heart Rates

I thought I would share my current issue with you. My CRT-D fitted in September is set at 55bpm and this is mostly my actual pace when I check with my home monitor. However the last couple of weeks I have been having spells of higher rates of 85 to 102 which usually occur when, but not exclusive to, moving about. My BP also increases. At the higher heart rates, I get chest flutters and feel unwell and I have to lie down. I usually then go back to 55. As advised by my GP I have increased...


Update and a reminder

Today I am fully recovered from the bout of diverticulitus and feeling the best I've felt in months--really since I don't know when. Happily, the improvement in mental clarity is keeping pace with the physical, and it seems reasonable to hope, i.e. within the realm of possibility, that more improvement is coming.

Let this be a reminder to us all, that yes, you have a heart condition, and yes, you have a pacemaker, but not everything that happens is being caused by the...



Has anyone been diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy? What were your symptoms? What tests confirmed it? What is your treatment plan? 


Colchicine and statin

Newbie here - thank you all for this club and forum.

I had a PM implanted 2 months ago. Been having several issues which are another topic. One is suspected inflammation. The doctor just prescribed colchicine, a double dose (.6mg x 2/day). The pharmacist said there is increased risk of muscle breakdown and other serious side effects when taken with statins.  I am already on 15mg of Atorvastatin. I don't want to trade one set of problems for another. Anyone have experience with...


Cardiac pet scan

I had a cardiac pet scan today! I haven't discussed the results yet with my doctor but I saw that my resting ejection fraction is 72%.  Is that normal ? I read where if the EF is too high , it means there is heart damage? Have any of you had a cardiac pet scan? 


Sudden increased pacing

Hello, has anybody ever had a sudden dramatic increase in ventricular pacingwhen they're pacemaker was routinely interrogated? If so, did you find out what caused it? Did it cause you problems? And did it need to be addressed? Thank you


PVC Question

I have  a Medtronic Claria MRI Quad CRTD (9/7/23) and AV Node ablation.  Like so many others here, I am having PVC issues.  Had them right after device implant and ablation.  Calmed down, had rate reset from 80 to 70 about a month ago.  Had 2 weeks of really annoying PVCs and brief NSVTs.  On advice from knowledgable people here I spoke with my cardio and raising the base back to 80 for now seemed like a good move.  First week or so of that was good. &n...


Ranolazine for PVCs?

Does anyone here have experience taking the medication Ranolazine for PVCs or other ectopic beats? What is your experience with it? Or, does anyone know where things stand with regard to the study cited below?

  Ectopic heart beats: Finally some hope on the horizon? [Nov '18]
This YouTube channel is hosted by Dr Sanjay Gupta, York Cardiology. In this short vid...


Mystery diagnosis

I'm ba-a-ack. Once again with something that feels like an arrythmia, but nobody can find it.

Since March of this year, I have two week-long monitors, in both cases, the official result was no abnormal rhythms detected. However, my EP theorized that I was still having RNRVAS. He widened the PVARP even more (making it so that I'm practically never paced in the ventricle.) Almost immediately I could feel a 60-75% improvement.

However, I still have the other symptoms showing...


Mitral valve

Hi everyone,

Newbie here first post so please treat me gently. 

At a recent pacemaker check I was concerned that my ventricular pacing had increased and the consultant mentioned that there could be a link between this and mild mitral valve regurgitation which was found on my echo.  The technicians then made some changes to my settings that have reduced the ventricular pacing.  I asked what they did and they mentioned some algorithm to extend the AV delay?

I kn...


Low oxygen levels


I have a question about low oxygen levels after exercise. I have sn ICD due to episodes of VT and I also have multifocal PVCs. I struggle with ongoing symptoms but try to exercise either walking or gym each day for 30 minutes. The recovery however is quite traumatic with increased symptoms which last about an hour. I noticed my oxygen  levels drop to around 89-91 during the recovery period. Do you think this is indicative of changes to my ejection fraction? I had an ec...


Which condition would be easier to treat: Sick Sinus Syndrome or Heart Block?

I have often wondered which condition would be easier to manage/treat:   Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS) or Heart Block (HB).  I have just seen opposing views from two valued members and I thought it would be interesting to do a post on this and to get some more views.

I know this is not a straightforward question because both SSS and HB can be changeable and sometimes improve or worsen, requiring more or less in the way of management/treatment.  Both conditions are not always...


Beta blocker

I have had my dual BS pacemaker since June. Starting tomorrow on Beta Blocker Metroprolol . Anyone on that? 


Follow up Echo

Hi all.  It's been 7 weeks since I got my new battery, Medtronic dual chamber.  The echo I had today showed my EF was unchanged, 45%.  
It said I have  mild concentric hyper trophy.  I am not on any heart meds, am not overweight and don't have high BP.  Don't smoke or drink.  
EF was 55-60% in 2016.  
Anyone been Dx'ed with this?  Thanks as always.

I will be following up with my cardiologist.




I've been on 160 mg of valsartan, 12.5mg of carvidellol, 5mg of amlodepine and 5mg of rosuvastatin since April.  I take them morning and evening.  Two times this  week, in the morning, I felt lightheaded, once when bending over to clean oven and the other time standing when cooking.  Both times were after taking morning medications.  I take blood pressure every morning and evening. They've been normal.  For My evening reading, I take it sitting and standi...


Flecainide for Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse?

Hi all! I'm 37 and I have Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse (and an ICD). I saw my cardiologist for my annual visit today and he recommended to change my medication a bit...because he has seen other female patients (with the same condition) do well on the combo he's recommending. The idea is that I would change the medication and then do a Holter in 3-4 months to see if there's any improvement with my arrhythmias. He's mainly concerned because at my last device check (which...



I'm officially in ERI as of October 8. This group is wonderful with sharing information. Looks like I'll be getting my first pacemaker replacement in the near future. Any words of wisdom on what to expect?


You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.