Most Recent Messages in Coping

Living in Agony

I have a two wire Medtronic pacer/defb. Installed roughly 8 years ago.
I have Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy. Ventricular tacha.
and congestive heart failure. One of the atrial valves has a slight leak.
My EF is about 20-23.
60 yrs old.
BP low normal

I had a change out on the pacer about 3 years ago.
Also, I was given an ablation about 2 years ago.

Since I have had this pacer put in ...I have gone down hill in ability to work, play, stay act...



Today is my first day on this site. I got my first pacemaker on 8/3/09. I found out that morning and they put it in that night. I had been having syncope for 35 years - but it was always associated with intestinal problems. Doctors only focused on the intestines. Fortunately I was in the hospital with a monitor for overnight observation (had been having sharp chest pain from acid reflux). Right before they were to remove the heart monitor I had a severe "spell". My strip showe...


Left Arm Suffering

Well here I am 5 weeks after my 1st pm implanted and all is well....except my left arm/shoulder is feeling uncomfortable due to lack of proper use over this time! pm area now bruise-free and I can do lots more without trouble....anyone else out there had this and have you any advice?


26 years with CHB, now paced

Hi Everyone,

I came across this site shortly after getting out of the hospital. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

I managed 26 years with congenital complete heart block, living a completely normal life. I started having dizzy spells a few weeks ago and got the pacemaker just over two weeks ago.

I'm finding that it is taking me a while to get back to feeling normal. My pacemaker is a dual chamber pacer, tracking my atrial rate and pacing my ventricals. Well, my a...



I am new to the club ~ was told 2 mo. ago by my heart Dr. to have a pacemaker installed ~ A-fib condition.. This was after the procedure of stopping the heart & shocking w/paddles on 2 different occasions, about 1 yr. apart. Even with these procedures, heart resumed A-fib. I had been on Flecanide for a year until the heart Dr. said to discontinue taking the meds & have the pacemaker placed. I take Warfarin (Coumadin) & blood pressure/cholesterol meds & these are in check. I have had A-fib...


What did you do today?

Note: Today being whenever you read this. Both newbie Pacers and experienced.

8/20 will be 1/month for me. If you read my Post ASKING FOR ENCOURAGEMENT you'll understand where I have been. In short, scared to death...of even moving! I'm coming out of it thanks to some great help from DCPacer, Pacergirl & Bowlrbob.

Today I had a day off but I did some weed wacking with an electric weedwacker-no cord. I held it in my right hand and guided it with my left arm(forbidden arm)....


Asking for encouragement!

Here I am at 55. Weightlifter, Bodybuilder, Golfer, All around Mr. Tough Guy! In 03 I got 2 new valves and was fine until July 18, 09. I then went out with a block-my mom shook me to consciousness. I continued work and then hit the ground then jumped back up like a jack in the box! I called the ambulance and spent 5 days in the hospital. 4 ops. Pacer, Dye in veins, camera tube in throat, and cardio aversion(I think) I can't get these scenes out of my head. Playing them over and over. Mostly the...


Evening all...

Hi all, I havent checked in on this for a while but had a pm check yesterday and wanted to vent a little. Hope nobody minds. Im 26, Irish and have the pm 3 years and it has made a big difference.
What gets me is that I was never 'diagnosed' as such. I was told I have and electrical fault and that a pm was my best option. I was having 'episodes' for many years where palpitations and sweating would start then my heart rate would drop dramatically, I would get a tightness in my chest and esse...


"Out of shape"? or not?

I have had my pm for about 6 months now and still do not feel "normal." I saw my cardiologist this week and he said I can do anything I did before the pm, but that is not happening. I still feel very "out of shape" and cannot do the things that I normally did prior to the pm with out getting out of breath. For example, yesterday I rode my bike for only four miles and was breathing hard.I used to be able to ride 10 miles with out that feeling. I also notice that every day things can also make...


Thanks to all of you!

I just joined this site today. My PM was placed in Nov. 08 and it has hurt like hell every day since. The HD says it will get better. It has not. I searched for PM pain and found this site. Thank God. After reading some posts of others with pain, I know I am not a looney! The site is so sore, it hurts when I breathe! Also, my left shoulder and arm and along the wire in my chest. I am going to try some of the things mentioned here! Just am so thankful that it is not "just me", but also...


New pacemaker on July 21

Well, my son who is 29 just had his first pacemaker implanted on July 21. He has been doing very well since. He has questions & comments so I hope he will join this group soon.
It was implanted for bradycardia and Mobitz II conduction block.
It has been amazing to see how quickly his symptoms disappeared.
I have a question. How often do most people get "paced"? What percentage of the time? Especially those who have a pacemaker for either bradycardia and/or an AV block or Mobitz...


finding out for sure in 55 hours

I've been spending the last 5 days freaking out. ended up being sent to the ER at the end of april for shortness of breath, chest pain and just feeling really crappy with super high blood pressure, released being told that I was fine and to follow up with the dr that sent me to the ER, but that's not what was put in my medical record, where they said I needed to follow up with cardio/pulmonary to determine what was going on. I almost didn't follow up but I was still feeling horrid a week later...


pacemaker failure

My father has been told his pacemaker is failing and he is not a candidate for replacement. He is 91, his pulse is 50, he has SOB and is weak. What are other symptoms I can expect as the end nears? Do pacemakers suddenly stop? I am caring for him in my home.


One year on

It's now one year to the day since I had my pacemaker implanted. In all that time I haven't had one bit of trouble and almost all of the time I forget that the thing is even there. I get my pacemaker checked in a simple, painless procedure and that's it. My scar healed up very quickly, I had the op in the school summer holidays and I was back at my desk for the new term starting just over two weeks later. I do have a small card to carry but this is a very small price to pay. Good luck to everyon...



I am sorry to read about people having trouble with the implant procedure. I had none until regular doctor told me to start taking the blood pressure medicine. Then it got so bad that the eletromagnetic doctor took me off them immediately and instantly 50% relief and I saws him the next day. I didn't get back on the blood pressure medicine for nearly 4 years after that. OR just in the last few months.... I talked to the doctor all thru my surgery . Maybe I had better explain that my pain t...


Shold u tell about grandma?

I am 75 going on 76 in a week so I think that u should always be truthful to any member of your family. I have had mine for 4 y ears and the doc says I am good for 6 more. U didn't say how old she is but her life will be much more active than before, at least I kept on working till last October 1st. Past 75. I have a double lead because Doc said I was too active. I still have all my checkups and Doc is happy with my progress, at least my heart rate has improved from 20 beats a minute to...


Sudden pulsating sensation

Hi, fellow members:
I've got my PM implanted on the right side since 4 and a half years ago. Today I've had the most strange sensation. The muscles around the chest area of the implant, have begun to pulsate at the heart's rythm for a while, stopped and then begun again. This has lasted for some minutes,time to go to the nearest Emergency Room, where I've taken an electrocardiogram, that's been found OK. All the time I've been feeling well, and so I' feeling now,but the thing sounds ver...


Post ICD Shock Depression

Does anyone else here who has a pacemaker/ICD have a problem of going into a bit of a depression after being shocked by their device?? I go into a bit of a funk for a week or 2 after I have been shocked by my Defib. I really dont know the exact reason why but it definitely is linked to the incident. I want very much to be active and play sports and I am able to for stretches at a time but then I will get an irregular heartbeat and my device shocks me. After that I go into somewhat of a depr...


Parasympathetic system

This question may be way out there, but here goes. My PM was implanted in April of this year, and it was to correct heart block that was a complication of an ablation to correct WPW / SVT that I have been struggling with.

Long story made longer, I still seem to be struggling from SVT but mainly in the evening when I am "at rest", like sitting on the couch or lying in bed trying to sleep. Some things that I have read talk about vagal stimulation and the parasympathetic nervous syst...


29 yr old son, professional musician, pacemaker

My son, who is 29 years old, is a professional guitarist, singer, songwriter, & performer since the age of 14. He has developed a triple threat of heart conditions: (1) sinus tachycardia upon the slightest exhertion, (2) bradycardia down into the 20's, and (3) a Mobitz II (or A-V type 2) heart conduction block. He has progressed to a full type 3 full heart block on at least one occasion.

He was hospitalized at the local university teaching hospital in the CCU for 8 days within the la...


You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.