Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

running - pacemaker upper limit and vtach

Had my pacemaker put in for bradycardia/sic sinus syndrome earlier this year. I run a lot, so was eager to get back to it as soon as possible. On follow-up visits, they noted that my pulse had gone above 200 on a few occasions. 

Comparing to my Garmin tracking, it looks like when I run my HR quickly gets up to 140, which is the upper pacing limit for the Pacemaker. Then, it is pegged at 140 for most of my run. BUT, sometimes towards the end of the run my heartrate suddenly cli...


Delay during exercise

I seem to have a continuing issue with PM not increasing heartrate during exercise without a delay.  I walk a steep hill which would have caused HR to be 110, and my pulse is now 78 and I am out of breath.  It catches up in 3-5 minutes.  It is very annoying.  I am an avid hiker and I hate pausing for PM to "catch up"  Is there a fix for this?  Anyone else have this issue?


Recovery HR not going down fast enough

Hello everyone...

I just got a dual lead Medtronic Azure XT DR MRI SureScan implanted (they removed the older single lead PM so that I can have synchronicity between upper and lower chambers.) I have a working SA node but am suffering from a complete heart block because my AV node isn't working right. My PM has been configured so that the SA node drives the AV node. 

I went for a 2 mile run for the first time yesterday. The run felt normal but I realized after the ru...


Cycling max heart rate

Hi all,

I'm fairly active and reasonably fit. When I swim, run, and paddle my heart rate tops of at ~140bpm. Yesterday I went on a long bike ride and my max heart rate was only ~100bpm.

Has anyone else found this? 


Jump Rope Skipping

 Is there any complications to implanted Pacemaker by skipping Jump rope.


Twin lead pacemaker

Hi all 

I was wondering life span with a twin wire pacemaker also can you live a normal life or do you have to be careful what you do ie can you go swimming or walking I'm only 57 years old and have had a new mechanical heart valve now I need a twin wire pacemaker done for my af the ablation operations I have had,have not worked I would appreciate any advice off someone that has had this done 

Thankyou Haz 


Latest News

For those interested, looks like my diagnostic mystery saga is coming to a close.  After 4 cardiologists and a pulmonologist, I went to see the Director/MD of the Cardiac Performance Center at MGH/Boston.  He was awesome from several angles.  He put together all the pieces and came out with a strong and optimistic diagnosis.  Basically I have complete LBBB, but because of my fitness level many of the tests such as CPET and cadiac cath showed some good test results, an...


Any Runners or Cyclists Out There Who've had an ICD Implanted for V-Tach?

I'm a brand new member of the Pacemaker Club.  I'm a 60 yo male, a lifetime runner and cyclist, and had my first pacemaker implanted, a Medtronic Cobalt XT DR MRI Surescan with dual leads, this June.  My basic heart history is that a few years ago it was discovered that I have scar tissue from myocarditis of the LV.  Soon after that I developed afib which progressively got worse and I had to have an abation to stop it.  The ablation succeeded.  After implantin...


Swimming with Boston Scientific

After breaking a lead earlier this year, my Medtronic unit was replaced with a Boston Scientific.  I am a lifelong swimmer and the hope was that the new unit would work better for me since it has the minute ventialtion sensor as well as an accelerometer.  So far it is working better for things like cycling and hiking but it is not working well in the pool.  I feel like I've seen a posting on this forum by a gentleman in Australia who is about my age who had set a national r...


Running with dual lead PM

I just got implanted with a dual lead PM from Medtronic (Azure XT DR). The reason for the PM is that I have a heart block and my AV node was not working.

The doctors told me that once I get this dual lead PM, I will be naturally paced by the SA node (our natural pacemaker)...meaning once the SA node fires, the PM detects that event and performs the function of the AV node by sending sending the signal to my heart's ventricles.

My question - is there a possibility that the PM w...


Scuba Diving / Sky Diving?

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have any information regarding scuba diving or sky diving with a pacemaker? 




while jogging and JUMPING the chest and PM all jumps and jumps , doesn't it hurt the leads all these jumps ? 


Vital Beat or Paceguard for biking

Has anyones used the Vital Beat or Paceguard pacemaker shield and shirt? I'm considering buying one of them to use when biking for protection from a possible fall. I'd like to know what your experience has been, and if you have a recommendation.


Any cycling success stories with a Biotronik ICD

Recently I had a Biotronik Rivacor 7 DR-7 implanted. I'm 59 years old and avid cyclist (over 10,000 miles in 2020). I was wondering if anyone has had any success in getting a Biotronik ICD synced properly for cycling? I've had it adjusted twice but still struggle with shortness of breath while riding even at a reduced pace. My current settings are below:

Max CLS 130

CLS Response Med

Upper rate 140

AV delay pacing 225

AV delay sensing 185

Thanks in a...


Best Pacemaker for a bicyclist

I have been an avid bicyclist for years. Recently, my cardiologist implanted a Medtronic monitor in my chest to determine whether I need a pacemaker. (I have had bradycardia for many years and had an ablation for A-Fib back in 2014.) Long story short: a few days after the implant, I received a phone call from the Cardiologist's nurse who told me that the cardiologist wants to meet with me on Tuesday, to discuss pacemakers. The cardiologist believes that I have sick sinus syndrome and the...


Exercised Induced Hypertension

Hi Mike,

You said you take Lisinopril 30mg. Did you know that if Lisinopril works too good it can cause a rapid loss of blood pressure. I am a nurse and I heard this from a doctor. Maybe your pacemaker is not the issue. Talk to your doctor about your Lisinopril and your symptoms. 

I hope all works out for you. BTW, Happy Fathers Day! 


Exercise induced Hypertension

I have lately experiencing a sudden drop in blood pressure while brisk walking. I usually walk for 5 mi at a brisk pace (2.5-3 mph).  My tolerance this spring has been steadily decreasing, and I am fatigued the last 1/2 mi; lately though I have been unable to go more than a mile.  I am having sudden drops in HR, from >130 to 60, and subsequently am unable to increase my HR above 65-70. I have also extablished that my BP will drop to <95/60.  When this happens I feel dizzy...


Supercar insurance

I am going to castle coombe for a supercar experience next week and suddenly thought about my pacemaker. Any advice? Will this be ok?  Thank you as always 



Is it safe for me to be in pool with grandbaby & no one else is around?  I'm very anxious that I might faint or have a heart attack while alone with her.  I keep her week days.  She's 8 months old.  I'm 2 months out from implant, no problems & doctor had said I could return to normal activities.   Just a lot of anxiety over this even though physically I feel better now that my heart rate is above 30. 


Protection while biking

Prior to getting my pacemaker a few weeks ago, I was an avid cyclist. Looking forward to getting back on my bike soon.
Can anyone recommend a device/shirt/vest to protect the pacemaker from possible bumps?

I've seen the vital beat and pace guard devices advertised online. Does anyone have any expeience using one of them?


You know you're wired when...

You take technology to heart.

Member Quotes

I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.