Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

upper limit

Has anyone found the upper limit on their pm impairs there ability to exercise? When I run it seems that I have a real hard time catching my breath. If I slow then I can catch my breath.
I have asked the tech to turn off the upper limit on the pm so that my bpm can go as high as it needs to. But she seems reluctant and has it set at 170. It hink my heart wants to go higher.
Is it possible to turn it off? What is the upper limit that others have? My diagnosis is sss resulting in b...


Golf Swing

G'day, newcomer from Australia here. Had an ICD implanted a week ago.

Feeling pretty good and as a golfer, keen to get back into it.

Read a few posts on here which indicate there should be no problem after a few weeks, but the thing that bothers me at the moment is that it would appear that the device will actually get in the way of my swing.

I'm right handed and the implant is on the left pectoral, and when I take my left arm across my chest, my stretch is r...


Confused about type of sensor

Hello club,
I am scheduled to recieve a PM next month. I enjoy running and cycling alot. I only have slow resting heart rate. So far, my rate climbs normally when excercising. What is the best sensor for runners and cyclists? Accelerometer? Or minute ventilator?


pacemaker replacement

i just had my pacemaker replaced on 7-19-07. the leads were fine so they were not replaced. how long before i can start running and weight lifting again. do i have to wait 6 weeks like the original operation? thanks



Someone mentioned playing football 3 times a week. Is that full contact tackle? My son is considering playing high school football. Has anyone else done that - any problems?


increased HR while walking

Pacemaker 2.5 weeks. Atrial and ventricular lead. First checkup showed ventricular lead using too much energy. Will
recheck in one month.Question why does my heart rate go up so quickly with walking.Previously with my bradycardia I
had difficulty getting rate up to 80's. Today on treadmill at 2
miles per hour rate went to 106.Asymptomatic. Will be checked next Tuesday. Any thoughts on this.


increased HR while walking

Pacemaker 2.5 weeks. Atrial and ventricular lead. First checkup showed ventricular lead using too much energy. Will
recheck in one month.Question why does my heart rate go up so quickly with walking.Previously with my bradycardia I
had difficulty getting rate up to 80's. Today on treadmill at 2
miles per hour rate went to 106.Asymptomatic. Will be checked next Tuesday. Any thoughts on this.


Kickboxing anyone?

I've had my pacemaker for about 8 months now and I've been doing various bits of aerobics and things but haven't tried my real love - kickboxing! Now, I know they said "no contact sports" but I was just wondering if there's anyone out there who's doing any sort of martial arts? Can anyone recommend somewhere to get a protective vest? I'm based in the UK, female and about 5ft2, so I'm finding it tricky finding one that isn't designed for enormous rugby players! Thanks!


Weightlifting alternatives

I just had my pacemaker replaced a few days ago. My doctor told me that I should not have been lifting like I have been after he talked to my family after my surgery. I never was told any restrictions before and now no overhead presses (military presses, bench press or inclines) as the repetitive motion would stress the main lead and possibly fracture it. They replaced the secondary lead when they replaced my pacemaker. I have lifted all these years (I am 45 years old) and I have competed in...



Hi my name is keith am 24 i got my PM on Nov 27 2006....
i been playin paintabll for 6yrs i love it and its a big part of my life.. but i have not played it yet with my PM... maybe im just
Nervous.... like what will happen if i got hit there or what now sould i go out and buy a Chest Protector.... i dont want to give up a sport that i love and injoy


hot tubs

hi my name is Ashley Amaro I went into a hot tub one day in the summer of 2005 and I also went in a pool too and in a couple of minutes my lips and fingertips turned a blue color after about ten minutes and later that summer I went to my doctor in Boston Mass and I told her and she was shocked she said no more hot tubs I can go in them but then can not be any hotter then 82 degrees please e-mail me a thanks



Anyone ever go swimming with their pacemaker? I have been invited to go swimming this summer. I never been swimming since my pacemaker implant and back sugery. They say swimming is good for you. It's been a very very long since I went swimming. It will also depend on my energy level.


Choosing the implant physician

I have problems with exercising (I have a recent post entitled "Chronotropic Incompetence"). I am asking for some advice on how to go about choosing a doctor to implant a PM. I started with an interventional cardio. who was very open minded in sending me to an EP. It took a couple of years to reach the diagnosis that a PM is what I need. Should I use an EP or the interventional cardio? Should I base my decision also on the device manufacturer used? To complicate things I just read an article fro...



Good news. Just returned from my doctor's office after my first visit since the PM was put in on May 10, 2007. After testing the device he told me I could play golf in two weeks as long as I didn't try to act like Tiger Woods! Going to give it a go after six weeks for nine holes.


Any distance athletes out there?


I got my pacemaker implant last year and I'm curious to know if there are other people out there with an implant that run marathons and compete in Ironmans.

It would be interesting to compare training notes...



Running After Pacemaker

I would consider myself a good distance runner but, this last year or so I've been having trouble breathing while I was running. I went from running 5min 30sec a mile to barely breaking 7min 30sec a mile. There were a few other symptoms, such as lightheadedness, syncope, bradycardia, etc.., that lead to me seeing my Doctor and the diagnosis that I need a pacemaker. I am 24 year old male, and I am pretty nervous how I will feel after the operation.

I've read a lot on this forum and the...


hot tub/steam room

Can you use a steam room or hot tub with a pacemaker? j


Weight Lifting

I received my pacemaker 18 months ago and am starting up a weight lifting exercise program for weight reduction, strength and overall conditioning. Can anyone tell me what exercises should be avoided and why. TIA


Can I play golf after 6 weeks?

Hi Everyone,
This Thursday will be the last day of week 6 for me, that means I have my PM for 6 weeks now, well almost 6 weeks!
So my question is, can I start golfing? I am not taking any medication or other health issue, all I am worry about is repositioning the PM lead. Mine is VDD single.
Please advise.


Marathon success

Had my pace maker fitted in June 2006. Loads of problems for the first 6 months, couldn't run more than a few meters without my heart rate dropping down to below 90bpm.

My cardioligist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 mins.

Still having problems with heart rate dropping though if I try to run fast or up hills. My cardiologist is seeking advice but cannot find a solution.

Although I am...


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.