Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports


43 with a PM now for 9 days and feeling good. Back to work now for two days. First beer today! But what about skiing? Dr says no sporting activity/lifting/reaching with the left arm for 3 weeks after the operation, but then "whatever you did before you can do with the PM". What I'm wondering is whether any of you out there have direct experience getting back on the slopes? Its winter and I wanna ski - so do my three girls!!

Same question goes for surfing.....




Does anyone here practice yoga? Can anyone think of any concerns doing it? I've started yoga and I wonder if all the stretching could cause a lead to come out. I've had my pm for 9 months now and all is fine. Is it ever possible for a lead to pull out, even after it's been in a long time?



Hey I just wanted to see if anyone out there has ever tried the grape fruit diet?!?! It says it a heart healthy diet and the have heart patients who need to lose weight do it. I wanna start and I wanted to see if anyone knows anything about it.


Would Love Gym Workout Advice

Hello all,
I am 22 female and have had a pacemaker since a baby. (It’s now located in my collar bone). I never was much for exercise but just recently joined a gym. I am getting bored with the treadmill (I do a fast walk then run for about a minute then slow down, then speed back up, etc.) I also do the bike and have taken a couple pilates classes.
My question is what are some other good exercises to do at the gym? I feel like I get too tired on the elliptical and don’t do many of th...


I'm Implanted! - Day 1

Finally! I had a Medtronics Adapata (RDL model with larger battery-dual chamber paced at 60-104) implanted yesterday. I want to thank everyone here for their support and encouragement. My situation was a problem with exercise (sometimes just plain exertion of any kind) intolerance which led to a lower heartbeat. My real problems started after exercise when I would experience real brady. I also had started experiencing elevated BP (150/100) range.

I got the 2 month sentence (lol). I d...


Post Implant Exercise

4 days to PM day! It suddenly occurred to me that I did not ask my EP exactly what his prescription for post PM activities will be. I think I remember him saying that after 2 months I could do 'pretty much anything'. I am not a body builder by any means but I hope the usual weight machines in the gym are not going to be off limits after, say, 2 months.

I have one question: I have read all the advice in here about taking it easy post PM to avoid fracturing leads. Does this refer just...


Some Doctors

recommend 3-4 weeks, before you can get on with sporting life post PM op some recommend 6 weeks.Is the difference for 1 lead or 2 lead pmakers?


I need your input

Hi pacers!
I need your inout. I am working on a product, along with an athletic trainer, that I made for my daughter who is now eight and has been pacing since she was three. It is a protective device/gear for when she plays sports. It is patent pending and we are in the marketing/devolpment phase. I have brought the product to both of her cardiologists(Columbia Pres. in NYC) and they both encouraged this product. I was wondering if you could give me feed back if you would use/need thi...


heart and brain

did u kno that if u exercise ur heart and brain u can live longer?


Approved Exercise Equipment & Accessories

My wife received an ICD 15 months ago & is doing well. However, her doctor has advised her to lose weight & get in shape. She is willing to use a elliptical trainer - but, all the ones I've seen have heart-rate monitors in the handles (you place your hands around the metal hand-holds & they measure your heart rate). I am leery of these since she says that her doctor told her not to stand on a weight scale that determines fat content (similar electrical method?). Anyone have any knowledge, experi...



everyone needs to be in shape. you need to exersice and eat right. everything you do needs to right or good so you can do what you want to do. everybody even parents need to be in shape. being in shape everyday of your natural life. so stay healthy.


Hammer throwing

Recently i asked for your advice regarding returning to the Hammer throw. for those that responded, thank you for the interest. If you dont know what hammer throwing is, check out u tube hammer throwing videos. . I have followed my DR's. advice and started slowly, so far so good . I have returned to wt. training and throwing the Shot Pt, Discus and Hammer or wt. throw. so far I have regained strength enough to train with regularity. I sure hope my understanding of my body helps determine my l...



I am a league and county vets palyer. I had the PM fitted Wednesday this week. Doctor says that after three weeks I should be ok to play. Is this true? Will I be able to play in the same fashion without interferaing with the PM?



working out ???

Does anyone know how long I have to wait to lift waights?
I have had a pm put in on 12/3/07.

Thanks ........................SAL



Hi All,

I'm also new to this group. I am Dutch and live in The Netherlands; 54 years old, male, and have my Medtronic 2 lead Adapta PM implanted three weeks ago, hopefully solving my AV block problem. The operation was non uneventful, because I had a total heart failure for about a minute and the operation had to ben stopped halfway. After installing a temporary PM with a lead through the groin, the operation was redone the next day and now everything works fine.
I used to enjoy...


Want to rejoin gym

Hi All,

I am 30 years old and new to this club. Though I am not new with pacemakers and have it for last 25 years. I got my second replacement in march 2007. Prior to this replacemcent I was doing a bit of weightlifting etc. But this time my Doc told me not to lift heavy weights. when i asked him the reason he said that it is just a general advice. Now after 9 months I wish to join Gym again, but i am affraid as this may damage the leads. I understand that millitary and inclines types...


Drugs (Sortorol) and working out

I wsa recently place on Betapace to help control my Vtachs and either it's in my head or the betapace is lowering my capacity to workout. I still do my normal workout (1 hr 5 days/week weights, heavy), but have noticed I feel more winded as well as I know my pulse is lower than it used to be. It also immediately falls off.

Anyone have experience with these types of drugs and exercise? I'm going to work my normal pace for a week or so, then communicate with my PE about it's effects. I'...


Bicycle Fluid Trainer

I am tony... 45 yrs... about 5 weeks in with a pacemaker for vaso-vagal syncope - long pause ...anyways other than not sleeping well and some anxiety I have started exercising again...walking, aerobics, step etc... to start out slow...I know I can jog at this point...Does anyone know if the magnets in a bicycle fluid trainer is to much or might interfere with the pacemaker ?...



Before I got my pacemaker, I was taking a kickboxing class. At my 6 week check up he said I could resume all normal activities, but I didn't think to specifically mention the kickboxing class. Think it's okay to resume that?


chopping firewood

I won't see my cardiologist for over a month so I am hoping to glean some wisdom from this august bunch. Now that winter is gripping the northern climes - I was hoping to split some firewood. Do you think the vibrations from the impact of chopping would have an effect on leads? My PM was implanted two months ago and I don't even know its there anymore (maybe not always such a good thing, huh?)



You know you're wired when...

You read consumer reports before upgrading to a new model.

Member Quotes

Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.