Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

How restricted should I stay?

3 months post PM. Im 28 and a former college athlete. Specifically, I played Softball for UNLV. According to to my St. Jude device brochure I cant play softball or ride horses. Does anyone do this regularly? These are two of my favorite past times. Also, I am getting back to exercise. Ive lost 20lbs from my pre PM weight 180, but I was told by my EP and Cardiologist not to do sit ups or push ups. Im not so worried about the no push ups but I really need to do something about my tummy. Im 3 month...



What type of protective vests do you recommend for a leisurely bicycle rider? I have been known to go over the handle bars on an off trail mountain bike ride in the past but don't plan to do this again. Where can the vests be purchased?

Does anyone else get short of breath when they first start hiking? It takes about 45 minutes before I feel as if I can keep up. I don't take any heart meds.


Best device for underwater diving (scuba)

I suspect that decision will soon be made to implant a device. In my research thus far I am finding it difficult to find information on tested pressume (ATA) for these devices. Guidant does rate their units muh better than Medtronic (you give up diving with a Medtronic), but St Jude may also be certified for higher pressure as well.

I am hoping that those of you on this site will have better knowledge than I do about this. To give up diving simply due to a lack of certification see...


Setting PM Upper Limit

At 7 weeks I'm doing great. (At 4 weeks I basically forgot I had a PM.) On my interrog. at 7 weeks, they reported that my dual pacer was pacing 75% upper and 0.1%(essentially 0) lower chamber. I'm on a BB (Inderal LA) for BP and an atrial arrythmia that I had before PM. The Inderal seems to have done the job. I still have PVC's, my Medtronic showed some 3000 in a 6 week period which is negligible. Luckily they are infrequent and when they do happen last only a few seconds. I made a good choice...


pacing during exercise

Hi again!
You, my fellow club members, have helped me figure out many things about life as a pacer in the last 6 months. Thank you so much.
I didn't get much response though to my question about "pacing during cool down" I posted in the exercise section. I know there are many of you exercisers out there.
Perhaps I didn't explain well enough. I only know I'm pacing during exercise because the heart monitor jumps considerably, say from 75 to 145 or whatever and stays the...


Soccer team!

I am soooo excited! My friend from church is going to give me papers on her soccer team to join! Their team only has 12 players, so they kinda need help. I haven't played on a team since second grade! Have tried out, but my doctor doesn't know, but I don't care. I absolutly love the sport, but since my PM was moved to my chest I haven't played.


exercise question

Hi all,

Been off for a while so good to say hi again.

I know there a few folks on here that work out quite a bit so I have a quick question...I'm trying to find a good ab toning exercise that won't put a lot of pressure or strain on my PM. Mine is located just under collar bone, left side. Crunches are too uncomfortable on the site for now. I need something a little more gentle, until I can work up to crunches.

I am doing 25 minutes daily on an elliptical. Th...


pacing during "cool down"

I'm 6months post-PM, and it's great that it's something I hardly even think about anymore. Due to diagnosis of "osteopenia" (thin bones), I got a really nice eliptical rider, and have been using it 4-5 times/week since the end of December. I worked up my speed slowly preferring to stay on it than try to go fast and hard and injure myself (or faint). Pretty soon I'm going to start increasing my time, but for now I do 15 minutes of work out and 5 minutes cool down.
My question is...


PM Protection?

I'm thirteen and recently had a PM
implanted in December. Right now I'm
looking for some kind of protective gear
for the PM so I can continue playing sports.
Anyone have suggestions on gear?


End of the line?

I am addicted to exercise and adventure. I just can't get enough of either, and prior to my PM and a subsequent thrombosis issue, the only thing that kept me from the life of a thru-hiker or RAM (race across America) participant was money and family.

A few days ago I got a call from my cardiologist that I must see him ASAP. He got my latest phone interrrogation and was not pleased with the findings. For the first six weeks after I was stented for a LAD blockage, I obligingly partic...



I am now into my third week since the PM. I have another appointment for fine tuning on the 22nd Feb.

When can I start my cycling. I am walking about 5 miles a day and part of that is up hill.

Am still fighting the fatigue through the Beta Blockers but have reduced the dosage with the say so of the doc.

Any advice.


pain at pm site

I am 4 months out from pm surgery. I recently started an intermediate yoga class, since I started I have had some chest pain and pain , not soreness on the right side of my pm where the leads attach. I've also noticed my collarbone is sore, and my pm seems to be working more than usual. Is this normal? I have an appointment Wednesday for a pacer check I am going to mention it when I go in. I don't want to seem like I'm overreacting. Sure would appreciate any info.



Protection during softball

I plan on playing softball this upcoming season, but my mother's insisting i cover my pacemaker/difribillator with something to protect it from an impact of some sort.

I've never heard of anything which can do that.

Anybody have any ideas?


magnectic resistant exercise bikes

I've had a pacemaker for 7 years during that time I,ve steadily gained weight and have decided to do something about it.

I have been looking at buying an exercise bike but they seem to all have magnets in them are these safe to use with a pacemaker?




Can bowling dislogde of break the lead. I am right handed and PM is also at right side. Also it would be great help to know if I can play badminton with my right hand.....


Newly implanted

Hello--just got a pacemaker on 1/25/08, about five days ago, and go get staples out on Monday, about five days away...I'm sure I'll have many questions over time, but my initial one is: Can I eventually lay on my stomach and get my at least once monthly massage? This is something I thoroughly enjoy and would miss--massage--both sides up! Any advice?


most insertion running

I am 4 days post insertion of my pacemaker with SA node dysfunction. Until last Friday I have always run competitavely and trained about 60k a week.
I am keen to get back to racing 10k & half marathons.
Any advice?
With thanks


Heart rate

My ICD is set to deliver “therapy” (don’t you love that term) at 195 bpm. Well I have to run for work, when I do run I wear a Polar heart monitor to keep track of my heart rate. My question is while Im running if my heart rate hits 195 will I get zapped? The nurse told me I have 2, I guess fail safe features to protect against un-needed therapy. If my heart gradually rises and is steady I should be safe. Its not that I don’t believe her, I just would like to know if anyone has heard of this or s...


Tested my pacemakers ruggedness

Yesterday I gave my pacemaker a real test! I was out in the desert near home doing some photography and slipped on a rounded rock covered with sandy soil. The result was that my feet went out from under me and I landed on my left side. That would have been enough, but the camera was on a strap around my neck and it was between me and the ground, or actually between my pacemaker site and the ground. I waited a couple of minutes taking my pulse to see if I had damaged the pacer or leads but all wa...


pacemaker protection?

Hi my name is Lindsay and i just turned 18 and got my pacemaker in october 2007. I have always been involved in gymnastics and skiing but my parents are afraid that my pacemaker will get hit. What kind of protection should i wear and where can I buy it? Should I wear like a hard vest or something?


You know you're wired when...

Titanium is your favorite metal.

Member Quotes

A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.