Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Pain Ball & Rafting

Hi everybody,
Long time no join with this great community. I miss you all.
last June was 1st birthday of maine. Everything going well.
I was busy to do the Coal Terminal Project at Borneo Island.
Now our team making plan to do outing for refreshing. We will play the Pain Ball dan 12km Rafting (Grade 3 for non profesional rafter). Does anyone experienced with those games? What must be prepared before playing the games?

Ela girl, Chatryn B and Smtty how are you?


press ups/push ups

anyone know what i can start doing this type of exercise again (6 weeks post implant) plus also wondered if punch bags are safe too ?


No idea?

My name is quique, I'm from Spain (sorry for my English), I need a pm because after an ablation I have a complete AV block. I used to make lots of sport, mainly climbing and hiking. I don’t know which kind of pm will be better for me, and if I would be able to go over 220 pulse when necessary.

Any idea??



weight gain

I was just wondering if anyont had experienced rapid weight gain after their implant. I have gained 20 pounds in one month! Granted I could have used a couple extra pounds on me, I never expected to gain that much...Does it ever stop or am I just going to blow up like a baloon? I exercise and eat right, even minimally but it won't seem to go away!


Heart Rate while exercising

Hi all, I've had my PM for about 6 weeks now for complete heart block. one thing that's worrying me a wee bit is that when i exercise (say run for 5 mins or fst walk for 30) my rate only goes up to about 80 even though i'm out of breath. alos after exercise i have slight SOB for a couple of days and feel tired. any one else experienced something similar? i can't tell if there's a problem or if i'm just unfit!

many thanks


Golf Addicts

What are the chances my EP clears me to play golf 30 days after my pacemaker implantation? I was told it may take six weeks to be cleared to swing a club. Has anyone been allowed to play sooner than that? I'm going crazy. My family is coming in from out of state. They're getting together to play and I want to do more than just drive the cart.



Hi there, i'm 34 years old and just had a pacemaker inserted at the beginning of June. Its another familiar post here as i love karate and was hoping to sit my black belt grading in November. Unfortunately Doc says no more sparring incase it gets broken. Anyone else do Karate ?


exercise setting

I am 7 weeks post ventricle lead replacement and feeling GREAT finally. I have been walking 1-2 hours daily since the replacement but now I am starting to get a real cardio workout and tomorrow I will start weight training again. My question is that when I saw my doc last week she mentioned a setting for exercise that could happen if I felt like I was hitting the wall when I exercised. I didn"t get that feeling this morning but what did happen is my heart rate monitor (Polar) was jumping all o...


Weight Training and Heart Failure

I was first diagnosed with idiopathic cardiomyopathy in March of
2007. At the time I was working on a large condominium project and was frequently doing physically strenuous work. I was hoping that with medication I would have significant improvement with my condition. I didn't seem to get much worse, but I also was not getting any better. In August of 2007 I finally gave in and had an ICD implanted. Since then I have had improvement in my condition
but my ejection fraction is still 16...


go carts

I've had my PM for over a year now and I was wondering if anyone has ridden a go cart with their PM. My family is going on vacation soon and we usually go out for a night of riding go carts. I usually drive as well, but since my PM I am hesitant to do so because the engine is so close to your body I don't know if it has any effect on your PM or not. I get my PM checked this afternoon and I will ask at the dr. but hearing from first hand experience helps a lot too. Any comments are welcome!


E-stim in physical therapy

Has anyone with a pacemaker ever had e-stim to the knee or foot in physical therapy? Any problems?


the quest for a hrm

I've been through two brands in the last week. One was the wrist type. It took three or four tries to get a read while sitting still, I could not get it to read at all when I was working out. I think it was the model, not me, because the reviews on it were pretty bad.

I took it back today and traded it for a Polar P6 with a chest strap. It works fine on my husband but I can't get it to read on me at all. From browsing the old posts here, I see that I'm not the first to have this probl...


heart rate

I received my PM 06-31-2008 due to my heart pausing for 6.1 seconds. I’m a runner and my resting heart rate was between 48 to 44 bpm. Since my PM was inserted my resting heart rate is 60-62 bpm. My Dr said he would adjust it at my 1st check up. I know it will be up to my Dr on how low the PM is adjusted but I would like to know how low do the runners out there have their PM set? Thanks Thomas


I Made It!!

Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who was encouraging along the way.
I ran the triathlon this morning and finished 39 seconds ahead of my overall goal.
The great thing was that my wife and boys made it just in time to give me a big cheer when I needed it the most!
If I could offer any encouragement to those reading this post it would be to never sell yourself short, and to continue to seek ways to do the things that you love. Just because we have received a PM or ICD do...


Triathlon Two Days Away

Well, I am officially at the 5 month mark since I received my PM. With that, I know that I am fortunate to still be able to do the thing that I love which is being involved in triathlons. In two days I will line up for the first time since the implant, and to be honest I am a little nervous. Theoretically there should be no complications, but you all know that what the doctors say and what goes through our minds are two totally different things.
Anyway, remember me on Saturday. Here's...


Triathlon Two Days Away

Well, I am officially at the 5 month mark since I received my PM. With that, I know that I am fortunate to still be able to do the thing that I love which is being involved in triathlons. In two days I will line up for the first time since the implant, and to be honest I am a little nervous. Theoretically there should be no complications, but you all know that what the doctors say and what goes through our minds are two totally different things.
Anyway, remember me on Saturday. Here's...


Rugby and PM.. bad news ??

Hi all ;) So had my pm/df for about 4 years now and doin ok i guess, Bein young i still wanna live my life and i love sport. Been told by my doctor not to play contact sport 'however' i love rugby union and cant say no. Playin fullback and havin a ball!! Everytime i make a tackle or get tackled i hold my breathe just hoping im not gonna hurt my machine. I know the machines r rock hard but honestly do you think i could stuff my machine or wreck my leads ?? Or do you think the muscle will cover it...


Rate Response turned off

Well, I had my first device check after my early May PM implant.

I shared the concern that after I exercise (4 mile run-45 minutes), I feel 'out of whack' for a day or two. I get SOB and my HR jumps up very quickly with the slightest activity. I also asked why the rate response was turned on when I had AV block and to my knowledge no issues with my Sinus node. After my tech called the Medtronic engineer and my EP, they decided to turn Rate Response off.

After work, I g...



I'm recently implanted with a pacemaker. As was, I enjoysex with my wife....How long after can I have sex?? Can I take Viagra???


PM and Exercise HR

Hi everyone- I am curious what experiences other people have had with their HR while exercising after getting their PM. I have AV Block and had a PM inserted about 1 month ago.

I just started exercising this week. I have noticed that my HR starts around 75 and jumps almost immediately to 155-156 (within a minute). It settles down to around 150 and when I slow down it gradually comes down as you would expect. I have only been running 2-3 miles at a 12 min/mile pace to start.


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.