Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

oh my gosh!!

About a week ago I was rolling rounds of wood down a hill and out of nowhere WHAM I have never been shocked so bad in my life!! My reaction was WHAT THE F@#$ WAS THAT then I ran away, I made it about 5 steps then another WHAM. That's when I realized it was me that I was running from, so I sat down really quick...My doc said that my heart rate got to high but that it was a normal heart rate.
I asked if I could come in and have my icd adjusted and she said yeah but then I got snowed in so...


I found a HRM that works on me!!!!

I gave up finding a heart rate monitor that will work on me after going through every brand at Sports Authority, REI and a high end running store- none would give me a reading. I was at the mall today and saw a ring hrm in the window at Brookstone. It’s not fancy and doesn’t have a lot of features, but it gave an accurate reading! It’s too clunky to wear for weight training but I really only need it on the treadmill and elliptical anyway so I am pleased. And I got a pink one. I...


New PM as of 12/10/08 - Fitness for Duty


I am a 47 y/o fed agent, as part of my quarterly qualifications I am required to shoot my pistol (no worried about that), run 1.5 mile (less than 12 min), push-ups (50 in 1 min), situps (50 in one min), and pull-ups 8.

I'm currently woking on light duty. However, my work will require a fitness for duty in January 2009. My question is for those who workout, are these realistics goals for me post PM?




gday everyone ive just had an on demand dual chambered pm implanted and i would like to know if i can ever return to wieghts or highly strenuose activity again . i am 34 years old with a young family i am a contracted construcion worker and need to be physically fit. if anyone could help answer this questions that would be great



hello and i have a pacemaker/dibfillbator i was 22 when i got it and now im getting weight what kind of excersing can i do and not get shocked


beta blockers / de-fib / PM affecting performance

i am a former world class triathlete who had a PM/Defib ICD inserted in August. 3 weeks later while cycling i went in to V-tach and they put me on a beta blocker (sotalol). i've been in 2x to have the device settings adjusted. however, when i ride my bike i have to stop every 15-20 minutes. it feels like i'm riding with a plastic bag over my head. walking / jogging is a bit better. it's gotten so discouraging i've almost given up cycling til i discovered this site and saw the success others are...


Surfing and working out

Anyone out there surf and stand up paddle? Are there any risks I need to be aware of when surfing after the leads are set and scarred over? I got my PM three weeks ago and I'm patiently waiting for the 6 weeks to pass. How about excercise? Are there any excercises that absolutely shoud not be done because of this little computer? Like pull ups, flys, military presses? Thanks for your thoughts. You guys are great. This is a great website!


At the gym post-implant...

So I got back on the treadmill this week, what, 3 weeks post implant of my PM? So I'm feeling like I should have gotten it a long time ago! I'm feeling great - more like I HAD a heart condition - can do so much more than before. So even though I was "asymptomatic" maybe I really wasn't. I guess tired and sluggish can creep up on you over time and you don't even realize it. You write it off to being fat, lazy, mom of two who works full time. But it is obvious there was something going on th...


Resuming running @ age 57

Tomorrow will mark the 4 week mark since my Biotronic Cylos DR-T (dual chamber, rate responsive) was implanted. I have 2:1 AV block which resulted in "chronotropic insufficiency" which means my running performance went down the tubes because of getting winded easily. I am 57 and have only been running for 3 years.

I walked for 2 miles the day before my one week recheck and felt great. At my recheck, everything was checking out great and I was really feeling quite good. I figured that...


Pacemakers and exercise regimes

I'd appreciate any and all information/suggestions for weight training with a pacemaker(exercises to avoid/modify;helpful websites);how soon(1 or 2 months rest to not displace leads).I want to get back to pre- pacemaker training as soon as possible.Thank you in advance for your assistance, Paul


From 160 to 60 (II)

Hi everyone from Spain,

Last week (on Thursday), I had an appointment with my Doc and I asked him for a solution. After talking a bit, he changed the settings of my PM. First, he increased my upper limit from 160 to 180. Second, he turn off an option to control tachycardia (I don’t really need this option) so I can go as high as 180 and my PM is not detecting the high rates as a problem.

On Saturday I checked the new settings and I went for a nice mountain tour. As expect...


Question for Angelie re: running

Hi Angelie,

I am a runner also. I have not been able to run much in the past 3 years due to lone A-Fib and symptoms from a low heart rate. My Dr. is hopeful that my new PM will help (implanted one month ago). I started back to the gym and am now running/walking on the treadmill. So far, so good. Would you mind sharing your story and problems with running? I am 55 years old and love to run. I have missed it tremendously. When I read that you had run a 5K - I knew how you felt....


Well, I did it!

Despite a few hang-ups along the way I managed to surprise myself this past Saturday at the 5k. I wasn't as prepared as I wanted to be, and I was basically just showing up to do my best since I already signed up for it. I figured at best I knew it would take me not more than a hour to do the 3.2 miles. I cried through the finish line when the clock stated "39 minutes". I was so happy, I was bawling and panting from running- I almost started to hyperventilate. I learned Saturday that it's hard to...


Exercise for arm?

Does anybody have any suggestions for specific exercises to rehab the affected arm?


Allowable upper body exercises

I had a pacemaker replanted about 7 months ago, after the first one got infected and had to be replaced.
My cardiologist has strongly advised me against doing push ups or any exercise that involves strenuous exertion of my arms and upper body.
The reason being the possibility of tearing the leads out of the cardiac muscle walls.
Any suggestions or advice please, as 1 hour a day of marching is not helping me get rid of excess upper body fat ?
thanks, cheers


Waterski Cardio's opinion

Hi everyone hope ya'll are having a great day!
I have talked to my Dr. several times and he says I should be able to do anything - Thank God! - my heart is fine - I have bradycardia, my heart rate drops lower then it should and I had a "cardiac arrest" on 10/03/08 and that is why they decided to put in the ICD, at my first Dr.'s appt last week the St. Jude Rep. was there and did the interrogation on my ICD, I also talked to her about barefooting and she said it would be OK and the fact that...



Hi everyone! I am a new member, finding the Club site yesterday, I had an ICD installed on 10/09/08 - I'm doing well and was OK'ed to return to work on 11/21/08. I have a question - Does anyone in the PMC waterski (?) if you do, do you protect you PM / ICD with anything (?) if so what do you use?

Thanks! barefooter


From 160 to 60

Hi there,
I had my PM implanted 3 month ago because a complete AV block do to a complications after a "normal" ablation. My PM is reading my normal pulse and I have a max. limitation at 160, My doc told me that in 5 month we can try to go a bit higher but I have to wait.

The problem is that I used to do lots of climbing and hiking. Now I'm starting with easy tracks and I'm getting use to all the "new-strange" feelings. One thing that's bordering me a lot is that my pulse is goi...


riding bike

ok so ive had my icd for about 4 months now and recently decided to start some exercise i just had a baby on July/08 and 1 day later got the implant it so hard at times because i just don't seem to have the same strength i had before icd is it common to have this emotional stress? my doctor recommended a phycologist due to that it can be still post partum depression or even deprssion itself i recently tried riding a bike 10 minutes later im feeling faint and even started to see blurry...


Wrist heart monitor

I am looking for a wrist heart monitor that will work with my pacemaker. I have a partial AV block. I have tried a few and they just don't give a read out or they give a false one. I can't seem to find anyone who can help including my doctor.
I used one before the PM and would really like to again. Thanks Bob
If you have any info. Please email me at:


You know you're wired when...

You have a T-shirt that reads “Wired4Sound”.

Member Quotes

I can't wait to give my son a run for his money again in the park again.