Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

"New Wheels"

Hi all, I have changed Cardios and have been trying to get an exercise test to determine why my h/r will not exceed 125. Long story short I was asked to run around the parking lot and had my settings changed. Trying out my new "wheels" I was not able to get h/r higher than 103 while running and jogging for 30 minutes. I called the p/m tech and told her two of the settings could be the problem and she reluctantly agreed to see me after doc said it was ok. In the meantime I had been speakin...


General exercise

I had my PM implanted in October 2008 for Sick Sinus Syndrome. Before I had the PM implanted I was running around 5 miles every other day. Since then I really have not been exercising on a regular basis but I have continued to exercise. In the past Month I have been more regular with my exercise, running around 3-4 miles every other day (heart rate while running average:140-150 high:175). Since October I have been feeling great (no chest pains, not light-headed, not faint). However in the...



Hi everybody,
Does anyone have an idea of how soon after having a P.M. fitted you can take up swimming lenghts again?
I have had mine in for 11 days now.


question on pain

quick history, i have CHF, now have icd with defib. and PM and used to get angina daily, very bad...this went on for about a year or so before eventually becoming minimal. it still strikes but not as often. i asked my many cardiologists many a times where it was coming from and why and only one offered me a direct answer, saying that maybe there was still blockage in the tiny arteries which were impossible to get a stent into. the others just shook their heads like i was in la-la land and di...



Hi all, My first post! Just wondering if there are any members out there have returned to full contact hockey? Im a 28 yr old semi-pro hockey player. I had my PM sub pectoraly implanted 9 days ago. Everything went well but im itching to get back out there! I know I will be out for a good while yet. My condition is not life threatening the PM is precortionary, which is why i'v been told I can continue to play (with extra padding!). Probably have hundereds of questions but will only post a couple;...



Are there any members out there that play golf? I had my PM surgery one week ago and now have only 5 weeks to wait until I can play again. My question is, once healed and no chances of pulling out the leads, is your swing affected very much because of having a PM in your left shoulder?



Has anyone done any treking at altitude i have been thinking of doing this trip to kilimanjaro for some years but now am worried about any extra problems i could possibly encounter?


Legs aching

Interested to read about the guy with the aching legs going up stairs.

I still have problems with my legs feeling like lead when I attempt to go up hills or if the stairs go on forever. Whether it is because I have lost the fitness in the muscles or problem, not sure.

Still running and have just started body pump classes again.

I am going to ask my Cardiologist at the Pacer Clinic when I go in March, just trying to remember all these different things I...


exercises using weights

hello, does anyone know about using weights with doing exercises. I am now using 2 handheld weights each one weighing 1 kg = 2.2 lbs
even with this I am still a bit concerned about breaking and/or damaging one of my leads to my heart failure pacemaker that I have for the cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Anyone know up to what weights is safe?
Thanks for any info.Greetings Pacey.


BB & pm

What about the contact aspect of BB, how durable is a pm and can it take an elbow or shoulder blow w/out damage?


BB with pm?

I'm recommended for a pm due to av node complete block, my question is whether, with a pm, I can continue to play over 40 pickup basketball, I play 4-5 times weekly, full court, some of the games are fairly serious, because if you lose, you sit.
2nd question, will my cardiac condition improve w/ a pm, my ejection fraction is 55% w/ a resting hr of 33-37, max hr during exercise of 105-108.
I'm 62 and still have a few years left in the over 40 games before moving to the retiree games....


Higher (lower) - elevation sports?

I've heard rumors and stuff about not being able to ski, snowboard, dive, etc. with a pacemaker. Oh yeah, and taking tours of dams? Is this true? I wouldn't do that anyway with my cold fingers and toes, but I was just wondering... :)


Under 10:30

On 1/9, I wrote about getting back to running after my PM implant and breaking through 11 minutes per mile on the treadmill. Well, today at lunch I broke the 10:30/mile mark over four miles with a time of 41:28 (10:22/mile). It has been about 10 weeks post-implant.

It took me most of last year (before implant) to get below 10:00/mile, so I don't think I am going to get through that barrier anytime soon. I bumped my speed up just a little too fast last Friday and felt myself sag abou...


PVC's after Exercise

Hi, I am 23 yrs old. My pacemaker was implanted 4 yrs ago when I was 19. I was a runner in High School and exercised frequently. Until one day after a vigorious run, my heart beat was beating irregular in it's low 30's. After the cardiologist watched me for a couple of months, they decided to put in a pacemaker. I have never been the same. I am extremely symptomatic after exercising.

Anywhere from 1 - 5 hrs after exercising, I get really bad PVC's. It feels as if my heart is "sticking...


Running and Settings, low Max HR

I received my first PM (Boston Scientific Altua 60) Jan 16th 2009.

My story: I've continued running but been overly tired in general for the past few years. My Dr ran a lot of blood tests but couldn't find anything wrong except for High Blood Pressure and a Low Pulse usually in low 40's at Dr visits. He kept me off any medications that might lower my pulse since it was already low.

I went for a blood pressure/ cholesterol check up with my GP on Dec 19th and ended up...


Ski -ing!

Hi all
Just a quick question, I'm looking for some kind of protective padding, as I'm off ski-ing and just want that added protection. I've found the 'soft touch bra strap pad but can't seem to find where to purchase this in the UK any ideas??

Thanks :0)


Running and Max Rate

I recently had a PM installed and the rest rate is set at 50 and Max rate is at 155. I'm 49 and consider myself in good shape and have run one full marathon and numerous halves, 10k's etc. I have never given Max heart rate any thoughts and never worried about it till now. I took 2 months off of running and am now getting back into it and find my self like a beginner again and starting all over. Does the pacemaker slow a person down, make your heart weaker because its being helped or what seems l...


Under 11 Minutes

I am 50. Last year (before PM) I started working out on the treadmill in an effort to pare down my growing middle age waistline and keep my weight below the dreaded second century mark. Last fall, I ended up running my first 5K and 10K. Not fast, but not last. My peak treadmill time last year was about 9:30 per mile, averaged out over three miles. My outside time was always slower. I always considered that close to my limit, as this soft old body isn't built to go much faster.



Barefootin' AGAIN!

Hey Everyone!

Hope all is well and that your holidays were good!

Happy New Year to all!!

Just wanted y'all to know that Friday was the big day! - I finally got to go water skiing again for the first time since my ICD implant in Oct. I will admit I was a little nervous but all went well and I had a great time - we also got to ski on Sat. and Sun. - the water was a little cold but the weather was beautiful! I can't wait until we get a chance to go again!!


Running HR w/PM installed 12/10/08


I had my PM installed last month and have just started running again. I haven't run much since last spring because I would get dizzy after running (HR would drop below 40 after aerobic exercise). Anyway, I noticed that my running HR post PM is 20 bpm faster (180-185 bpm @ sustained 8 mph vs 160-165) prior to PM.

Has your HR increased post PM under the same load? Of course part of the issue could be that I am out of shape from not exercising properly for the last...


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.