Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

recovery time

How long does it take to get back the energy to do workouts like you did before the PM surgery? Was doing 4 to 5 hours a day now 45 min seems to wear me out.


Outing at work..

Well, we are about to have our end of summer outing at work. Unfortunately it's at a waterpark, so, I will not be participating in the "water" activities, but I will probably go just to hang out.

They do have volleyball, but I just suddenly realized that is the possibility of getting hit by the ball on my ICD and being in pain for hrs worth playing the game. I guess I will have to decide or go make myself a makeshift chest guard real quick......


Increase in energy level?

I am new to the club and glad to find you all. I am being told that I need a biventricular pacemaker by my EP. My GP is concerned and wants me to take it slow. I've been reading up on my condition, the types of treatments and the meds available. I've read up on ablation, pacemakers, etc., but other than vague reports of "patients reported they felt XX% better" I've not seen direct answers to my main question about energy level.

I have LBBB and a-fib. We didn't know I...


Out of breath

I have been having problems running slowly and yet being out of breath. I've discovered that my pacemaker cuts in half the heart rate when it exceeds 150 bpm. Do other people experience this? What do you do? Thanks in advance



swimming & lead wire

What have you been told about swimming & a single lead wire? My EP said that I could swim, and my cardiologist said the same. However, he did say I should be aware of the fact that swimming can cause wear and tear on the lead wire. Does anyone have any knowledge of this? I do swim a half hour straight about five days a week. Because I am 80, I don't "sprint", but do so enjoy the swim. Would like to know your thoughts and your doctor's advice. aldeer



I am 2 wks post op. Tired still. Stitches out yesterday. Is it too soon to attend a dance, family thing. I know not jiving. Just wonder if it is all too soon and should spend most of time resting for the 4 wks.?????I do a walk each day and regular hhouse stuff.



As I understand it, there is a woman US olympic swimmer who has had ablation and now has a pacemaker. Does anyone know her name? She apparently has done quite well.
Thanks for your help.




I like to do resistive training and weights, and need to to be able to return to work!. Big issue for me is building up my neck, shoulders and back (I also had Open Heart and lost 45 lbs).

Pacemaker,Defib 6/6/08 - all they said was no lifting left arm over shoulders for 6 weeks. I started machine training 2 weeks ago and NOW they tell me not to do Lat pulldowns or anything where I have to have my arms (left) over my shoulders because it can mess up the "pocket" or the wires??. BIG i...


Late Entry to Scubadiving

I didn't start diving until I was 50 years old (54 now). I found I really enjoy it. Has anyone gone back to diving after implant? I have an ICD/pacemaker (3 wires). My doc says I should be able to resume diving but I'd like to hear from those that have done it. I'm not too keen on an incident 80 feet under! Anybody?


Talking blood pressure monitors

Do wrist monitors have magnets. Are they ok for us. Most must have pulse rate also??


Wii Fit

Anyone have problems using a Wii Fit? I'm fine with the Wii games but we got a balance board this week and I've been getting dizzy playing some of the games. It might just be me! I've been maxing out at the gym occasionally also which makes me dizzy, though it doesn't feel like my rate is too high when it happens.



I am right handed and have icd implanted in left shoulder. I play golf left handed. No plms so far, appreciate any comments


One wk post Op

Hi Did write before but cannot find it. I had dual pacemaker one wk ago tomorrow. Feel fine. Using arms too much I think. How easy is it too dislodge leads? Worried about that? I am walking every day, is that ok. Set at 80 but not a higher no. Have not fainted for one wk either so that is good. Was 19 beats per min. when fainting. 12 times in July. Incision 5 in long. seems long to me. Any advice about use of arms. Trying to not lift them but hard kitchen cupboards etc. Feel like I can do anythi...


When to start running again?

Had PM installed on July 22nd 2008. Needed due to low pulse rate from time to time and pulse pausing and passing out. Had first check up a week after installation and all was good. I have been walking almost every night about 2 miles and no problems. Looking foward to start running again. Normal runs are 3 to 4 milses 4 times a week. Anyone out there who can tell me when I can start running again? What issues if any can I expect? Should I limit my miles at the beginning? Thanks for the...


heart rate pacemaker was inserted June 4th and I am finally feeling somewhat better. I am a runner but have been unable to run and have switched to walking about 5 miles per day...this morning with my heart rate monitor on, I was walking about 14.5 minute miles and my heart rate went up to 143 although the range that it was set for was 60-130...would this be normal for it to get up to 140's??? I was rather surprised as I had never seen it go over 120. Any feedback would be very appreciated. Tha...


dance team

okay so i have a question...

i am a 13 year old girl in the 8th grade and i have a pacemaker...sooo... want to try-out for the dance team this year but i dont know if my doctor will let me :(

when i wsas in the 6th grade i was on the HIP HOP dance team and all i had to do was a stress test and i passed.

does anybody know if thier is a possibilty i could try-out for the dance team with a pacemaker?
the dance team has more of like spins and turns and like 5...


Hi Long Time

hi everyone

This is my first message for a long time and as you have all said when I first joined I would learn to live with my pacemaker. Well I have. I have started exercising but have one question, hopefully Smitty or Frank can answer. I was told to run for one hour twice a week. I have done this, on Sat I ran the hour came home, had lunch, cycled to my friends and then returned to go in swimpool. Later on I felt as though I either had ectopics or that I could feel my pac...


Mountaineering Backpacks

I'm 30 yr old, and just had a pacemaker installed a week ago. I've got no problem giving up rugby and other contact sports, but I can't give up skiing. I've been teaching skiing for many years now, and recently taken up ski mountaineering. The doctor assured me that mountain climbing and skiing wouldn't be affected by my PM.

After having it installed for a week, I'm surprised how close to the surface the PM is. I'm worried about the use of a heavy (50-100 lb) backpack, especially...


Total Gym

Does anyone use a Total Gym? I'd like to go back to using my machine but I'm afraid it may pull too much on my pacer.


Anyone out there with a similar issue

I have recently been diagnosed with an autnomic system problem that results in a low heart rate when resting and a rate that is higher with low blood pressures after climbing stairs, etc. The cardiologist I am seeing has nailed the diagnosis and is now treating me with a medication that reduces the blood pooling in my lower extremities and the lightheadedness I was experiencing is greatly improved. I am not, however, able to tolerate exercise well and this really bothers me. I love to bike lo...


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.