Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Pacemakers & Sharks

Very strange inquiry, 11 year old son has been paced since he was 18 months old. We are moving to the outer banks this month where surfing is very popular. My question, in case anyone has any info, is would sharks be attracted or opposed to the electromagnetic energy of a pacemaker? THere are devices divers use that use electromagnetic energy to avoid sharks.......


Motorcycles and Pacemakers

Hello everyone, I have had my pacemaker for a year now and still remain confused as to what kind of electrical devices I can be around.I know welding machines and other tools that have batteries are taboo but how about a motorcycle. You sit close to the engine and the battery. Does anyone out there have any experience with this. With the gas prices the way they are I am looking to getting a motor bike of some kind but need to know if they will be safe for my pacemaker.


High and Low Heart Rate Settings?

Hmmm... I'm reading a lot of interesting things about exercising and PM's, ICD's. I just had my ICD installed 4 days ago after I passed out while jogging (EKG's showed very long QT intervals). I enjoy running about 3 - 4 miles every other day and I ALSO like to do fartlek and speed training to get the most out of my workouts and constantly improve my 5K times.

My resting heart rate is around 50 - 55 (this drops down to mid 40's when I'm asleep) and I comfortably run at about 180,...


Cliff jumping

Prior to my pacer insertion (2005) I would occasionallly jump from rock cliffs in water, feet first. No more than a 50 foot jump. Anybody know if this is safe.


Rate response question

Hi all, I have a St jude pacer for sss and Bradicardia plus it is supposed to help a bit with a fib. I have been a pacer for about 2 years. The last 6 months I have been on 25 mg Beterblocker as the a fib seemed to be getting worse, this has helped a lot but now I find it difficult to get my hr going. When I walk up stairs I feel terrible when I get to the top, and have to wait for my heart to speed up before I can continue, My pacer is set at 60 bpm, but even with running up 40 flights in 15 mi...



I would like to know if anyone was given information to exercise their arm and/or shoulder when they were dismissed from getting the pacemaker?
I understand the doctor or at dismissal tells a person to excercise so you don't have a frozen shoulder. Is this true for most of you?
Thanks for any input.


out of cardiovascular shape

Hi all,

I had my third pacer about 6 weeks ago and have recently tried to start exercising again; however, I am concerned about what type of program I should do. Prior to this surgery, I mostly weight lifted. Now, I get a little more out of breath just walking, so I am afraid to even think about lifting weights.What type of exercise program do you do and have you been able to exercise the same since your pacer? Is it best to exercise or not with cardiac issues? I see elderly people at...


target heart rates?

I will be able to go back to swimming next month, and I would like to know if anyone's target heart rate during exercise is the same as it was before their pacemaker implant?
No matter what I do now, my heart rate never goes above 65!


Gym Cardio Machines

Hi Everyone,

There’s been a bit of discussion on this forum about the heart rate monitors on the cardio machines (treadmill etc) for those of us that visit the gym. One problem we mention is that they sometimes fluctuate (80 jumps to 140 drops to 90 etc etc) and I always assumed that it was simply the gym machine getting confused by the pacemaker, but I ran the idea past my EP a few weeks ago and he sent me to the PM technicians to investigate.

Just got back, and it turns...


Can dislocated shoulder pull leads?

Does anyone know anyone that has had a dislocated shoulder and pulled out a lead? I know you need to be careful for a few weeks after getting your electrodes in. I like to do a lot of serious whitewater kayaking, and I have dislocated my shoulder a couple of times when i've gotten really trashed. Also, I downhill ski a lot.

Just Curious! Thanks, Jim Jim


lifting weights

I just received my third pacemaker (having received my first at the age of 30 - I'm now 53) and am having a hard time knowing how much exercise is OK - mainly weight lifting upper body. My (new) cardiologist said to "keep it reasonable" and not strain too much, but didn't really give me any definite guidelines, other than don't lift 100 pounds. I don't want to fracture a wire...what's reasonable?


Weight training???

I'm 62 and (pre pacemaker) regularly engaged in what would be considered heavy weight training. I'm 2 months post operation and can't get any consistent guidance from doctors, therapists etc. to whether weight training, chest and back exercises, are safe or not. If not, how does one ''train'' their chest and back safely? Thanks for any help anyone can offer.


Getting back to training

I am four months removed from having a PM implanted and am desperately trying to gain the confidence to get out and begin training again for a triathalon I was planning on running in June before my episode.

My EP assures me that I am good to go, but when I run I feel as if my heart skips or something. As a result I slow down or walk and just do not seem to be making progress. Again, the EP assures me that everything is OK.

Has anyone else experienced this?
How have y...


Back training


I am starting back to my jogging and weights. I am taking note of a training program for getting back. I run 60 secs walk 60 secs for 20 mins - this is for the first week, second week graduates to more running.

I did this and also lifted some weights. I have had an all clear from the cardiologist after a stress test on a bike to see if I was OK. This evening when I had just finished lifting light weights then went to lay down, my heart went out of rhythm for about...



iam 36 and still play rec-basketball, and iam looking for a chest protector for df/pm. Iam new to this i just had my surg-3 months ago and iam ready to play ball again.. help

chest protector-for basketball use



Hi. I am a 68 male with a Boston Scientific/Guident PM. Itake no supporting drugs and consider that I am reasonably fit but need excercise. I want to join a local fully equiped gym. Can anyone advise a program or what I can or can not do.

Many thanks




Lack of guidance about exercize

I am a 67 yr old male. I had a double lead Guidant PM implant about a month ago for an accidentally discovered sinus block condition (asystole for 5.5 secs). I have worked with free weights and done cardiovascular (CV) exercizes all my life and have just gotten back to my CV routine.

I am eager to get back to weights (after another one or two months as recommended) and am not sure whether I can exercize using free weights or should use resistance machines.

I very much ap...


question on exercise

hi all, i'd just like a little advice from you pros. i was told by the doctors that i could resume normal activities and exercise after 3 weeks of implantation.
but after reading the horror stories of people with leads slipping out of place, i'm now not sure if i should wait longer. advice welcomed

dying for a swim,



I'm 51 and just got my PM last Friday, completely unexpectedly. I passed out a few times and my heart stopped for too long, so I was told it was a no-brainer. I'm sure it was the right call. Other than these episodes, my heart is in great shape and the doctor told me there shouldn't be any restriction on exercising, so I'd like to continue playing soccer on over-40 and over-50 teams. However, I've read that if you have a PM you should avoid contact sports, though, and sometimes it can get pr...


wii Fit board

does any one know if I can use the Wii fit board as it measures your bmi, and when i joined a gym they could not do it as it may have interfered with my pacemaker


You know you're wired when...

Muggers want your ICD, not your wallet.

Member Quotes

I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.