Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Do anything???

Hi all, this is my first post here. I'm 3 months post pm implant. I'm 43 and was fairly active up to about 3 years ago when I broke my right foot and slowed down a bit...and then about a year ago started feeling sob and an irregular heart beat. Thought I was just getting really out of shape...

I've been an AVID backpacker - out for 8 -10 day trips - carrying around 60 lbs. I've been an avid paddler -swiftwater and flat water. I've climbed, biked, rafted, dog-sledded... I work...



Hello folks,
I am new to the forum but I have had a device implant since the early nineties. I received the implant when I was in my 20s due to an ablation procedure. I was a very active adult who occasionally experienced SVT with exercise.

I thought I would briefly share my experience since then. I should state that I do not have an ICD so the risk of shocks is not something I need to consider. I am primarily at risk for lead fracture or device failure, or device/lead-relate...


Question please re: Heart Monitor

I'm 3 weeks post-op for a Medtronic Dual Chamber Pacer. My question is regarding the safety in using a Polar heart rate monitor. I have the type that utilizes a chest strap for the sensors and the wrist-watch style read-out. Do you all think it is OK to use such a monitor or can it somehow interfere with the Pacemaker. I'm thinking it should be OK, and I really don't want to call the docs office with this question. I was told by the Doctor at my first check-up that I could walk on the tread...


Outboard motors

I have a St jude p/m installed in August of 07. I was told not to use a chain saw because of a problem from ignition interference. I sold the saw, but now I'm wondering about outboard motor's ignition systems. Does anybody have any info on that.


New Guy

I am 54 years old. I have worked as a Firefighter/Paramedic for 27 years and have been an avid hiker and Backpacker longer than that. I Just got my Pm a month ago after being diagnosed with SSS and Bradycardia. When the doctor told me I needed a PM I asked him 2 questions. Will I be able to continue working at my job and can I still go backpacking. He said get a desk job and go fishing instead. I would have walked out of the office except my wife gave me that look (you know the look) so here I...


ready to push the limits

Hi Gang, I just found this site and immediately registered. I'm only 2 weeks post-op but the swelling is gone and I've resumed biking (and was walking from day one). I was a competitive distance runner for 45 years so I'm chomping at the bit to race again. I have a PM currently set at 60-105 but my cardiologist is aware of my excessive addiction to aerobic activity and said it will just stop feed-back when I exceed the device's programmed upper limit (which I'm sure I've already achieved several...



My pacemaker was implanted in August and I am anxious to get back to throwing the hammer. Do you think this can happen without pulling the leads. Some have said stay away from that activity, Any help appreciated also what wt. Training exercises should be avoided? Thanks, Gary



I have a St. Judes zephyr xl dr 5926 pacemaker. It has been 6 weeks since I had it installed. My surgeon told me its ok to lift weights again. Today I lifted for the first time. After my workout I felt around the pacemaker with my fingers and have like a little slit or notch on the edge of the pacemaker facing my shoulder. From what I remember before my workout I thought it was a complete smooth circle. Am I just panacking?
Help...let me know if anyone has this same device.


Anyone do Curves?

I have exercised at Curves for the past 2 yrs with tremendous success. Has anyone here exercised there before and were you able to return. I had to give up the treadmill because of arthritis in my hip. Since my PM I've been walking to get exercise but I sure would like to return to Curves someday.


How Long?

I am having an ICD implanted in early November. How long must I wait before I can play golf again?


change doctors?

Hi- I am an active 67-year-old in excellent physical condition from a small southern city. A few weeks ago I went to a cardiologist because I'd occasionally been feeling light-headed. Monitor recording disclosed pauses up to 3.65 seconds. The cardiologist told me that I had sick sinus syndrome and needed a pacemaker. Other doctors agreed, so I picked one of those docs to do the implantation and went in to him with a detailed list of my activities (backpacking, climbing to 20,000 feet, white...


leg swelling

hi everyone,
I am very new to this site. I am a 22 with a pc. I am also a ballet dancer and teacher. I got my pc in feb and have been feeling very good compared to before my pc. I have had swelling in my legs and feet for a good week now and can't put on my pointe shoes. Has anyone had this symptom after long days on your feet? i called my dr. the nurse said nothing to be concerned with, yea that is easy to say they don't have to deal with it!



I will be 8 weeks after surgery this week. Will it be safe to play golf?



pain after lifting weight

Has anyone ever experienced a lot of pain after lifting something heavy? Does it go away?



Thanks to Bob Sr for advice on how to view comments. And thanks to those who sent comments,,,Janetinak, Bjmcpherren and Boatman50. I am due for a new pacemaker within the nex month...will show your comments to doctor.



I posted a message regarding fishing on charter boats with radar units. I see that there have been two comments and 75 reads. How do I find out what the comments are. I'm new on board so I need your help. Thanks

I've checked the message board almost daily and see nothing relating to my question. Is there another area I go to to see the comments?


doing 5k's once more

I am 72 and always jogged and lifted weights. In 2004 I was told I was in a-fib and had bradycardia. I have had a pacemaker since that time. I have very slowly been able to regain some of my running form and have done a few races this year. Right now I am at a 10 minute mile which usually places me in about the middle of the pack in the over 70 age group. I would like to hear from anyone out there doing this and how is it going for you. My recovery time after a race seems to take much longer...



I have a St. Jude Medical pacemaker Model 5342 in my chest since 2000. I love to fish but have been reluctant to go out on charter boats because I have found no one to give me a definitive answer regarding the radar on board ship. Will these shipboard radar units affect my pacemaker?

Would appreciate whatever data you can provide me on this matter.

The fisherman


update and a 1/2

Hello Everyone,
This wednesday will be 6 months for my pm. Today I finished a half marathon without needing to stop. I happy with that since I had a chest cold that required my to leave a trail of. . .you know. Anyway, Thank you all for the encouragement. I hope to encourage others. Leading up to my PM my physical symptoms werent' all that severe compared to others. I got a dual lead pm for sss resulting in bradychardia. But the anxiety was tough and at the start of the race I was b...


Climber again

Thanks for your replies. I had my first post surgery meeting with my cardiologist who still felt I should quit climbing. He said it was the same as weight lifting and neither should be attempted because of the potential for lead dislodgment. Reading that other people still continue to weight lift I feel he may be too conservative. I posted a climbing with icd question on a climbing forum were a cardio physiologist responded that she felt she would be more concerned about an incident when cli...


You know you're wired when...

Airport security welcomes you.

Member Quotes

I am not planning on letting any of this shorten my life. I am planning on living a long happy battery operated life. You never know maybe it will keep me alive longer. I sure know one thing I would have been dead before starting school without it.