Most Recent Messages

First pacer check, pacing at 37%

I was wondering for all ya'll out there who've had pacers for a long time, I got this question. I asked it before in one of my other posts but didn't really get an answer. At my first check-up, 1 week post implant, I was pacing at 37%. I was sort of surprised at that number, because it seemed kind of high. I guess I just wasn't expecting the pacer to pace that much, just once in a while. 37% sounds more like once in a while. It must mean that I must have really needed the pacer in the first plac...


I think my pacer is shocking my shoulder

Hi Everyone
I had a pacer put in last december 07 the last few weeks i been getting what i think might be shocks in the tissue around the pacer. when it starts its kinda like a spasm flutters and varies in length each time. My cardio dismissed it as nothing but it is something bothers me greatly I was wondering if anyone else had this problem?? Any information is greatly apprieciated.


Quality of life

I have been reading the posts today, not having been on my computer very much the past couple of weeks, generally just long enough to make some kind of comment, then off and generally back to laying down. Today has been a good day. I have been awake and have had some energy and so was also doing some reading of research stuff...

Has anyone wondered why it seems that the research that is reported regarding Quality Of Life say that people with PMs and/or ICDs have no loss or decline in...


Quality of Life - My View

A lot of talk about “Quality of Life” so I had to throw my two cents worth in.

My P/M has really improved my “quality of life”! No question about it.

Before my implant I was so weak that just caring for myself was a chore and we won’t even talk about the syncope. Now I can again enjoy getting out and walking and enjoy my family too. Maybe the qualitys not to the point that it once was and most likely never will be, but improved – yes it is.

Life is what you ma...





pocket revision

Had a pocket revision 6 months after battery change. It is now almost a month and feeling very tired. Dr. stated some people bounce back faster than others. However, I am so glad I did it as the last surgeon botched it. I had leads poking and pacemaker top pushing through skin and traveling PM to underarm.
Now, the original surgeon placed it deeper and I don't feel any pain. Did any one ever have a PM pocket revision and what did you experience and how successful was it?



Pookie, sitting in chat, waiting for any "usuals" to show up...

Don't forget, working out, so be in and out, so be patient.


I did yard work yesterday

My husband & I cut (he ran the chainsaw!) a bunch of tree branches yesterday to start getting rid of some dying trees. Then I pulled weeds and dug up and moved flowers around. I worked pretty hard all day & felt great doing it. However, today I'm exhausted and can hardly put one foot in front of the other. I'm seven weeks out from having my implant and feel pretty good. Maybe too good. Apparently I'm going to have to pace myself better. Do any of you feel like you hit a wall after doing alot of...


Medtronic ICDs

As i look around this site and a few others i have been on looks like medtronic makes junk. Im haveing a defibulatar put in on week from tuesday, I think i will contact my cardioligist and request he not put one of theirs in me. Am i seeing this right anyone have a commment on this. Please please let me know quick.


Guess im getting a defib in a week

Hello all, just found this site. Ill give you my bio. On July 13,2008 I went to urgent care as i thought i had broncitis, dr gave me some antibiotics, the next two days later woke during the nite not being able to breath, went back to dr he ordered a chest xray as he thought i went into pnenimoia, called and said i had had congential heart failure started me on some heart medicine and water pills went in monday and had a eckocardigram, dr calls wants me to see a cardioligist, friday july 25th ha...


9/5/08 Pacemaker Recipient

I had been feeling a little tired for several weeks and out of breath when walking from car to store (prior to this could easily do 2 miles on treadmill). I did not pay a lot of attention to the symptoms, thinking was maybe allergies or who knows what. Finally went to family doc, did ekg, heart rate 35-40. He immediately faxed ekg to cardiologist and within 24 hours Pacemaker was installed. I keep saying THANK YOU THANK YOU AND FEEL SO BLESSED. Still a little tired, just got home yesterday...


Feeling sad

Hi there:
I have had a miserable day. I feel soo sad & don't know why. It's 10 days post surgery. Been crying some . Has anyone else have this let down feeling. The Dr gave me a RX for something, but don't want to take any more than I already have so many I take now. For Heart etc. What does one do when one feels like this. Could you help me out. I just feel miserable.
Thanks for your support.


Weird neck / shoulder pain ? (Vent)

Doing ABSOLUTELY wonderful a little over 3 weeks post implant, with the exception of wearing a 30 day event monitor to catch my flutter, and a strange neck /shoulder pain.
I've followed doctor's orders by NOT raising my elbow above my head. I've also not pushed, pulled, or carried anything over 5 pounds. Unfortunately, just like I thought, my shoulder is frozen. My collarbone has this nervy sensation when I raise my arm to shoulder level. My forearm is weak, and have already pulled a muscle...


probably silly question

hi all! so i know this is probably a stupid question but i just got an air purifier today that release positive/negative ions etc etc etc. i was just wondering if that would affect my pacemaker/icd in anyway. =)


Protection in contact sports.

Hi all,
for a good few years now I've been into judo as my main sport and stress relief. I've recently had a pacemaker fitted (last week) and after speaking to my sensei (instructor) it's been suggested I wear some kind of protection when I'm training. I've looked at the sporting wear web sites and e-mailed a few of them asking if they do anything that might offer some kind of protection - none really came up with anything of any use. If anyone has anything that would fit the bill or can po...


PM Newbie

Hi everyone,

I am 37 and had my first pacemaker installed 4 days ago after syncope episodes and a diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome. It happened pretty fast. Once I got to the cardiologist I was having surgery less than a week later.

I am already feeling better! so far I feel more alert and energetic and the numbness in right hand (2 fingers) is almost gone after being numb for weeks.

going from a resting heart rate of 38-40 BPM to 58-60 has made a nice differen...


To Electric Frank & Smitty.....

Hi Fellows: I have a question for you two experts! I've had my 2 lead PM since May '06. My ventricle paces 100% and the atrium 54% at last check. I'm due next month for a PM check. Recently when I check my BP, my HR is fast up to 108 on one occasion. This evening, for example, my HR was 101 one time, and when I rechecked it was 89. I have confirmed this with a Pulse Oximeter. I take atenolol (beta blocker) 50 mg daily and have permission to adjust the dosage if I feel the need so have be...


Home Monitor

Just receeived a letter from My cardiologist indicating they are setting me up for home monitoring. How often is one usually checked? Just received my P/M 2 months ago.

Thanks to All.



###### IT"S A BIRTHDAY!! ######

A Birthday Wish, For Mimi, September 8, ( 1948 )

If the breeze holds a whisper of Birthday magic… …and your joy grows as freely as wildflowers in the sun… If your heart is forever smiling at how lucky you are… …then this wish for you has come true.


~ Dominique ~


Laughter :D

I agree with the Magster and others, that we could use much more laughter in our lives. It is good, it is healthy, it is fun! I personally try to laugh everyday. Most times I succeed! :D

Many of you know me and also know that there has been times in my life that I have not felt much like laughing. I try, but during those times I seek support from this site to help pull me through those tough times. I believe that is so very important, not just to me, but to everyone here. Most of us...


You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

Member Quotes

I feel so incredibly thankful that I can continue to live my life.