Most Recent Messages
Half shoulder replacement and PM
- by Mannion
- 2024-10-06 16:17:08
- General Posting
My mother is due for a pacemaker at the end of the month. We have a telephone consultation on Thursday.
Does anyone know if it will be a problem putting the pacemaker in on the left side if my mother has already had half a shoulder replacement done three years ago on the left shoulder?
many thanks
subpectoral pacemaker implant
- by paceandplay
- 2024-10-06 02:56:23
- Surgery & Recovery
I am a physically active 68 year old male having my pacemaker moved to under my subpectoral muscle due to discomfort and movement of my pacemaker implanted pre-pectoral last December . Can anyone comment on the their pain experience in recovering from a subpectoral PM implant surgery?
Thank you
Medtronic Azure RR programming for runner/swimmer/peloton
- by CrocG
- 2024-10-05 17:53:26
- Exercise & Sports
Hi Everyone, Hoping for some advice.
Im heading into the Cardio tomorrow for a check up 3 weeks post op and a reprogram of my Medtronic Azure DRI device. I have had some issues related to rate response at low to moderate activity levels ( jumps straight up to max rate) that I discussed in another post.
Doing some research I see that the customer programming for RR on Medtronic lets you set a threshold, an ADL ( average daily living ) rate and an Upper Response rate. To effectively...
Dual leadless pacemaker experiences
- by jwork
- 2024-10-05 16:02:00
- Surgery & Recovery
Any experiences with a dual leadless pacemaker for Braycardia ? The process, placement, recovery, pacing etc... any info positive or negative is appreciated as I will start down this road come January. 36 yr old F.
Are you healthy or sick?
- by Gemita
- 2024-10-05 06:13:37
- General Posting
Hi everyone,
When our new Pacemaker Club is launched, we will apparently have the ability to create our own polls to gather feedback and spark important discussions but until that time comes, I want to seek your help to start a new Poll.
About a year ago there was an interesting post about whether we considered ourselves to be healthy or sick? There were some excellent responses. The original poster has unfortunately deleted this post which is a pity because...
- by Farfalla
- 2024-10-04 19:22:42
- Interferences
I'VE READ ALL RESPONSES: thank you all very much! Lived experience is powerful. Striking off fear #1 from my list 😂 .
Hi everyone, good to find this space. 55F. Had a PPM put in on the 1st Oct. The condition is 2nd grade heart block mobitz II - 2:1. Had ventrucal standstills up to 16 seconds. Coming to terms with this "catastrophe". Seeking counseling to cope with the event. A chronic control freak now scared sheetless. No apparent heart diseases.&nbs...
Continuous Glucose Monitor
- by sybrsuzy
- 2024-10-04 14:16:29
- General Posting
Does anyone who has a pacemaker use a continuous glucose monitor? I really want to use one, but the literature says that there has not been enough testing done. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hot tubs, whirlpool tubs, saunas, steam rooms
- by c-ville
- 2024-10-03 18:18:02
- Interferences
Is there a safe temperature limit for either a hot tub or whirlpool tub? I've read no higher than 104 degrees for a hot tub. Would it be same for both. Also, how safe/unsafe would use of sauna or steam room be? I've had my PM for 4.5 years.
Anyone been electrocuted?
- by Xtrabeat
- 2024-10-02 14:38:02
- General Posting
Out for my daily walk I inadvertently touched an electric fence and got quite a jolt. It would certainly be enough to deter the cattle in the field. I assume this is a high voltage DC shock but has anyone had this and is there any risk to the PM? All seems to be working OK since - but it only fires infrequently now after my most recent reset.
AV VV Delay?
- by USMC-Pacer
- 2024-10-02 14:22:47
- Checkups & Settings
I know I've mentioned this before. Last time at the clinic we decided to leave well enough alone and not get into the CRT AV VV optimizing as in their words can be time consuming. Anyway, I've always noticed that during a rapid exertion, like running up a few flights of stairs, or a fight :), or just something that's sudden, gives me that feeling of a 2:1 block. Except that it happens with my HR around 120-130 and my max upper limit is currently set for 150. During normal exe...
number of views
- by new to pace....
- 2024-10-01 20:43:15
- General Posting
Do not know if it is just my computer or if it is the site. But the number of views on our queries seem off. There is no way to get over 2000+ views.
new to pace
How did you find this site?
- by PortCityPacer
- 2024-10-01 18:27:20
- General Posting
As a new pacer and new club member, I'm curious how other members found this site. I had my PM implanted on July 8th and have had what I thought was random episodes of PMT. Several visits to my PM team and a few reprograms didn't help. I started keeping a log and soon realized my episodes were occurring every 21 hours at the 56th minute of the hour, then again 5 minutes later at 1 minute past the hour. I did a search on Perplexity and one hit was a PMC member who was having the...
Creatine Supplement
- by Andiek11
- 2024-10-01 08:47:28
- Exercise & Sports
I'm considering adding a creatine supplement (pre-workout) to help on heavy exercise days. Wondering if anyone else uses it. Curious as to how this could impact (if at all), my PM function. I've a Medtronic Azure (5 monts ago) to manage an ideopathic LBBB with an reduced (but now improving) EF. No other cardiac issues (electrical or otherwise). Current settings are 50-160 - no rate response. Oh, I've also requested to have the upper se...
- by pezzypooh
- 2024-09-30 23:31:42
- Complications
Hello! I posted two pics in the gallery of my newer scar - and the weird placement of my one lead. Never had one on top/visible with my previous pacer. It actually rubs in my clothing a lot and is quite irritating. Not sure anything can be done about it...
3rd Lead
- by pacedgolfer
- 2024-09-30 10:47:20
- General Posting
Hi Everyone, I had my pacemaker put in 7 years ago, when I was only 20 years old. I was diagnosed with 3rd degree heart block, and have had no issues since PM Implantation, currently not on any medication. I just had an echo done and we found that my EF% dropped by 10-15% down to 45-50%. I still feel normal but I don't want this to drop more before adressing it. My Dr. is suggesting a 3rd lead to the other side of my heart, saying that the EF% drop is more than likely due to a lack of syn...
Using welding and cutting equipment with a pacemaker
- by larrypoff
- 2024-09-29 20:23:03
- Interferences
Has anyone had any experience with high frequency and any interference with the pacemaker?
International Travel / TZ Change and settings
- by CrocG
- 2024-09-29 17:30:12
- General Posting
I have a sleep mode setting set up for my Medtronic Azure XT DR MRI Surescan. It triggers at 10pm and switches off at 6am and seems to work well so far. I tend to travel a bit internationally and this means TZ changes. Anyone know how to help this mode sync to the local time zone?
Medtronic settings for walker/runner/swimmer
- by CrocG
- 2024-09-29 17:25:02
- Exercise & Sports
Hi everyone, new to the forum and grateful for any advice on this issue. Reposting as i had this on general, but realized its probably more exercise related.
I am a very new pacemaker owner, having only had my device 2 weeks today. It is a Medtronic Azure XT DR MRI Surescan.
I have a two lead device treating a "sick sinus syndrome" that was diagnosed in a regular checkup (25 bpm HR) and a PM fitted immediately. I also have an exercise induced right bundle branch bl...
Weird behavior on on Medtronic Azure XT DR MRI Surescan
- by CrocG
- 2024-09-29 17:01:09
- General Posting
Hi everyone, new to the forum and grateful for any advice on this issue.
I am a very new pacemaker owner, having only had my device 2 weeks today.
I have a two lead device treating a "sick sinus syndrome" that was diagnosed in a regular checkup (25 bpm HR) and a PM fitted immediately. I also have an exercise induced right bundle branch block, that i have had as a teenager (normal 42-45 RHR) that has not caused me any issues. In all other ways heart is healthy. I am...
4 Months in
When I first got the PM, the first few weeks were scary. After some adjusting, everything seemed great. I even forgot at times I had a PM. But over the last few months I've had increasing episodes on a heaviness in the very center of my chest (where my bra would cross between my breasts). My heart rate also has started fluctuating at night, wakes me up and I'm hot.
After being in and out to see the doc all looks "good" and they are telling me that my PM has nothi...
You know you're wired when...
Three months of free Internet comes with each device.
Member Quotes
Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.