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May seem trivial, but it's so important

In this journey of heart failure, there are a multitude of learning lessons along the way. I have gleened so much from listening to others and hope to be a source of information myself. Some of the lessons I've learned seem rather trivial, but in all actuality, they are so very important. 

Lets start with water. It's VERY important that you get enough water daily. We all take medications, it's just part of the process. But until recently I didn't realize the importa...


Cardiac CT Scan

Re-posting this from a comment I made on an old thread in case you are scheduled for one and want to know what to expect. I also have a couple of questions about my results:

"I had a Cardiac CT scan today (5/24)(to get more detail from a recent echocardiogram)  and I have a Medtronic dual lead PM.  There were no issues during the scan with my PM and it was a painless procedure, other than the pain of getting an IV.  A few things to be aware of.  Did no...


Weird symptom....maybe....or not

Good Day! So friday morning I received my 3 month interrogation report (have had my pm for almost 2yrs) for my biotronik edora 8 drt and it was great. Still pacing at around 68% with last event being in feb. So...then last night I was woken by this weird vibration in my chest. At first I thought I was dreaming, it felt like I was shaking,  but once I was settling back asleep I got another jolt. Anyways maybe it was a dream??? If not, anyone ever experienced this? I see my...



Hi has anyone experience of running on roads with a pacemaker fitted.

What are the dynamics of pacing when running ie breathing heartrate. 

What are the potential pitfalls and issues?


Results from Aveir Dual - Some updates are needed for Atrial Battery Life!

This article came out:

As someone set to get this in a bit over 2 weeks - it has made me pause as I certainly do not want surgery again in 5 years.

I thought others thinking on this would benefit. My doctor who is running the study on this said a second generation is well underway but will be some time.

For those of you who got recent leaded pacers - which have the best battery thes...


Pacemaker and Polar Fitness tracker

All kinds of interesting things I'm observing as I start to get active once again.   I have a Polar Ignite 2 which I've been using for about 2 yrs.  And I know it is not as accurate as an EKG but it is pretty consistant and the number's I see feel in synch with my perceived exertion.  That was all pre packmaker (PPM).

Now post pacemaker (Medtronic Azure, which is set at 60/130 for tracking) what I'm seeing reported on the Polar Flow app is different f...


atrial flutter event and now testing

I had a 10-hr episode of atrial flutter and was on my way to the ER at the hosptial my EP works, which is almost 3 hrs from my house, and it converted when I was about 30 min from my house, so relieved so returned home.  EP's office said it had started at 2 am (I woke up at 6 with fast rate, sweating, and very symptomatic) and spoke to them about 8.  I had 2 more episodes the following 2 days, was again very symptomatic, but converted after about 20 min each.  

I went...


I had my stress echocardiogram today

Just a holding post to tell you that I got through my Stress Echocardiogram today.  They didn’t put me on an exercise bike and make me work, but gave me something intravenously instead to increase my heart rate.  It did the job and I had awful chest discomfort as my heart rate was increased.

The procedure was successful in that it gave them the information they were looking for but it was ever so uncomfortable because they tried hard to get good views, pushing between my...


My pace maker replacement

I had my third pace maker insertion  procedure two weeks ago👍. Procedure went well.   I am 100% paced  so an external pacemaker was used with lead through my groin. 
Not much pain at incision site and just finished the two week course of antibiotics. He kept me in the hospital over night   Electrophysiologist cautioned me on keeping iincision  site dry so as to not open incision until completely healed to prevent infection which can be problem...


Bipolar and alcohol ablation

Has anyone out there ever had a bipolar or alcohol ablation?  I had an ablation back in Dec23 for PVC burden but it was only partially successful.  My PVCs are back up to 30% burden and I am having a bipolar and possible alcohol ablation.  I understand alcohol ablations are not performed a lot.  My EP is getting special equipment to perform this procedure.  Anyone ever had one?  Thanks!


Update From My Previous QRSD Post..

So the Advanced NP did another ECG and this time my QRSD was 122ms. She has no idea why it was higher before other than a defective machine. Anyway, she decided it was best to leave well enough alone where I feel so well and with no symptoms. 

All my AV and VV settings are being managed by Medtronics AdaptiveCRT and she didn't recommend me going down the rabbit hole of making all those changes only to get a few more ms off of my QRSD.

As far as the Septal motion from the...


Heart rate dropping at night

This is (I hope) more curoiosity than anthing else... but whatever. There are some heart rhythm experts here that I hope can provide insight.

Background: after years of adventures with drug resistant AF, pace-and-ablate, then diagnosed with diastolic heart failure (should have been diagnosed10 years before but hey), having an SCA and then an ICD, I had a heart transplant in 2022.  Life was (and continues to be) good (we wil not dwell on drug side effects because honestly...


Pacemaker question

Hi everyone.

I had a pacemaker put in last August.  I'm due for a pace check soon and a Electrocardiogram. 

My question is, at times I feel tiny pains that come and go around the heart muscel not the battery.  It must be the leads.  It doesn't happen often.  Is this normal?


Atrial fibrillation ablation results


Real-world data of radiofrequency catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: Short- and long-term clinical outcomes from the prospective multicenter REAL-AF Registry ( Published 18th May 2024)

What did they do, and what did they find?.....

A total of 2470 patients undergoing catheter ablation from January 2018 to December 2022 were included. Mean age w...


Pacemaker and side effects

Hi since i had a new pacemaker in Jan this year, i have been experiencing chronic back pain, it is destroying my quality of life, does anyone identify , if so would you please post a solution, if you can, regards Joseph.


Weight control while taking beta blockers

Has anyone found a beta blocker that doesn’t cause weight gain or make you feel lethargic and wanting to rest all the time?  If so I would like to know the name of your beta blocker and dosage?

I have read that beta blockers lower metabolic rates, which means that we burn fewer calories.  Beta blockers calm my body but they certainly reduce my desire to move around.  Is it the same for you?  With the increased health risks that accompany weight gain,...


Arrhythmias - what can your pacemaker do to help?

Hi everyone, 

The most common indications for permanent pacemaker implantation are Sinus Node dysfunction and high-grade atrioventricular block, both of which I believe are classified as disorders of heart rhythm.  Our pacemakers manage to treat these conditions successfully, but what can a pacemaker realistically do to control other heart rhythm problems like Atrial Fibrillation or even perhaps simple, benign ectopic beats which can cause such havoc inside our hearts?


Crippling anxiety

Since my pace maker install 6 weeks ago I have had crippling anxiety. It made me feel sick. I went back for a checkup, but the Dr said everything looks great. I feel tired, and it feels like my heart is in my throat. It feels like im suffocating. 

It is slowly getting better, and I have so much appreciation for everyone that has posted here. It is amazing reading all of your stories and advise. I no longer feel alone. 

I have second degree heart block, and therr was only...


Biotronic dual lead PM and Messenger home monitor

I had a Biotronik pm implanted 3 years ago with the intention of ablating my AV node. After a few weeks i was placed into the care of another cardioligist who decided to cancel the ablation and keep trying with drugs but i have been back and forth continually to my GP. She now wants me to keep a diary of how i feel and get data fro my PM in order to get a case for node ablation  which i might add they decided on over 3 years ago after a long period of misery. AF ablation wont work as i h...


Use of Portable ECG Monitors

This week I went to my GP to discuss the two recent Holter tests. One was a 7 day and the other a 2 day. Nothing really unusual was found. I wasn't surprised as a felt okay during these periods. In between and after the second test, I have had lots of palpitations and ectopic beats which leaves me unwell. My doctor suggested getting a home ECG device. Today I got a KardiaMobile 6 lead device and when using for the first time, it would only work on the one lead setting. It said possible AF...


You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.