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I am a serious newbie have only had this since Wednesday morning and honestly scared to death I will pull the leads out.   The decision to implant this came up so quickly I didn't have time to breathe.  At 3 in the morning with my shoulder on fire at the incision site I keep wondering what I got myself into.  How long does it take before the jim jams go away?


Peacemaker life

Hello! I'm 24years now and a complete atrioventricular block so 2 years ago i needed a peacemaker. Now, i have 2 years with him but i have a question. How much can i live with this? With a peacemaker.. i mean, i will live a normal life and died at 70-80-90 years old or i will die in the next years?.. i mean, can i live a normal life or not..because i don t wanna die young. when I searched on the internet, the life expectancy of people with stimulators was 8-20 years


Pain accross the chest (occasional)

My wife received a pacemaker 4 months ago. She now has an occasional pain across her chest. sort of like an electrical charge but goes from one side to the other. The physician said he thought she was still healing. Any thoughts?


Celery Juice

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone drink celery juice or juices other kinds of juices whether vegetables or fruits?

I would like to start implementing this in my day to day diet but unsure if it's safe for us heart patients.

I plan to ask my cardiologist.. I'm not taking medication but I'm trying to naturally treat a gut bacteria. 

thanks all 





In 2003 I had a Medtronic pacemaker implanted with two leads. A couple years later they had to add a third late. Everything was going okay until I moved to Tallahassee Florida and of course had to get a new EP. Changed pacemaker in 2014 to Boston Scientific but still used the same leads. Unfortunately I got stuck with an issue even after that pacemaker was recalled and they had to put a new one in so that was number three. The issue was after the second pacemaker I have been stuck with an awf...


Left arm color

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I had my pacemaker implanted.  I thought my left arm looked pinker than my left arm but tried to ignore it thinking I might be imagining it.  But today I've spent the day comparing my arms.  My daughter came over and I showed her.  She agreed that my left arm is definitely a pinker color than my right arm.  It's also weaker than my right arm and my shoulder has some slight pains.  I think those things are normal but I'm...


Pm ventricular lead replacement

Hey everyone! So glad to have found this site! Had a pm inplanted on 13 June '24. Had 23 years of tachycardia/brady/extra systoles and eventually syncope. Upon release from CCU after 2 days, I noticed excrutiating stabbing pain under left rib. Went back to thoracic surveon and him and technician said all looked fine. Pain eventually went away after 4 weeks and was replaced by pacing under my skin at exact place where stabbing pain was. Specialist tech came and found the Ventricular lead i...


Sleeping on that side

So, I just had my pacemaker installed last Friday. That shoulder is still pretty sore. I'm still taking it super easy too. My question though, is when can I sleep on that side? Like how long before it's safe to?

Thanks in advance!


Whom to Believe

As a curious 🤔 person I decided to attempt gathering information on possible treatment other than replacing my CRT-D. 

The fourth EP I interviewed seems to be a winner from my viewpoint.  No lecture, spoke appropriately to me.  As we discussed my situation the doctor confided he could not confirm my leads are compatible with the device he is considering as a replacement.  I pulled out my Medtronic ID Card with my Lead ID numbers.  The Lead ID numbers on my Medtr...


Heart, blood pressure & sleep monitor

Hi I recently was diagnosed with sick sinus syndrom and received a pacemaker  August 12, 2024.

I am curious if others are using devices such as fitbits (anything really!) to monitor sleep, blood pressure and heart rate and if you hanve recpmendations on good devices. 

SSS deveolped as a result of failed sleep apnea treatment. There are times when it's been recomended to not use CPAP for a few days and I want to know whats happening.

Also I want to know blood pr...


Battery change pacemaker with problems

Hi all

i had a battery change in April and all went fine with recovery.

i feel that my pacemaker isn't sitting right, feels like it's on my collar bone and it just aches all the time.

when i sleep on my left side i wake up with the freakiest muscle spasm which affects the whole side of my body. I've recorded it to show my family as it's unbelievable.

has anyone experienced this? Do you have any advice? I just feel worse off after my battery change.



Pacemaker Mediated Tachycardia

A V node ablation and dual chamber pacemaker about two years ago. Due to my age (80) and being very active, it took ages to get settings which enabled me to lead my normal life. However after constantly pestering my pacing clinic and making modifications to my exercise program , a compromise was reached.

However, over the last six months i've had three occassions where my heart has raced so high to the point of my almost fainting. My wife called an ambulance on two occasions bu...



Are ectopic beats dangerous?


1 year checkup

One year checkup for my current device today. Previous checkups not relevant because this is a new heart with a new set of problems (not AF and heart failure but intermittent high grade heart block with ventricular standstills)

Paced 40%. Delay adjusted to reduce that. My new heart has an intrinsic base rate of 100+ so lengthening the delay should not be an issue and will help battery life (currently 7 to 8 years estimated but it's too early to start worrying about that. A...



I had a dual chamber pacemaker implanted six weeks ago . It seems to be doing it's job but I am freaking out a little because at nightime when I lay my head on my pillow I am aware of my heartbeat . I hear the thrumming and it's weird . Anyone else had to deal with this ?


PMT Detection Settings

Does anyone know if there are any other settings which have to be considered or altered when programming a PMT Detection Rate on the Abbott Assurity pacemaker? 

Thanks in advance for any info. 


New to pacemaker

Hey y'all! I just had a pacemaker installed on Friday. I was having ablation done to correct PVC'S and the catheters damaged my heart, and so I needed a pacemaker. I still feel like I've been in a car accident now. I'm 55 and also have a history of afib. Been in afib 6 times. That's what caused the PVC'S. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for reading my story!


MRI Fail (on me?)

Went to finally get my MRI of the heart Tuesday.   Full stop.   They realized new pacer had only been put in for 5 weeks and 5 days.   

came back at the 6 week mark two days later.   Got in the tube and found out in the first few seconds that I had forgotten about some shoulder surgery 30 years ago.  Apparently there was a small piece of metal about 2-3 inches away from my pacer that I was unaware of.   this is my guess.  I will pick u...


Pacemaker newbie


I'm completely new to the pacemaker community and am just realising how little I know!

I am 64 and active runner and walker.  My pacemaker was fitted a month ago after I passed out a few times within a couple of days, having never passed out in my life before and zero previous heart issues. 
It appears I have sick sinus syndrome?  
Anyway, I'm a month on and awaiting the time in a couple of weeks or more when I can get back running. I'...


Amiodarone and PVC and Alcohol Ablation

From: Gemita
Date/Time: 2024-08-20 13:05:56

Subject: In response to your message

Update to alcohol ablation

by Debs59 - 2024-08-09 16:36:50 we go again!  My alcohol ablation that was performed for my extra PVCs, help with my EF and CRTD to work better was once again partially successful.  The doc tried his best to get rid of the alpha PVC that causes all the problems BUT it did not work.  I stayed in hospital for two days an...


You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker completely solved my problem. In fact, it was implanted just 7 weeks ago and I ran a race today, placed first in my age group.