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Progress post implant crt-d

I got a crt-d implant 3 1/2 months ago and want to see how I am doing relative to others.

Prior Implant:  LBBB, QRS=150ms, EF 20%

Post implant:

On table after implant, QRS=110ms

2 weeks later follow up, QRS=80

3 1/2 month cardiogram EF 35-40%

BP in normal range but varies like Texas Weather, wait 5 minutes. Ranges 110-140 but mostly 120/75 with pulse in 70's.

Manufacturer Abbott Gallant HF, CDHA500Q with multi point lead in coranary vein.



Alternate lead placement

I'm curious how many of you have alternate lead placement, not in the typical RAA and RV apex.

I will be having a double lead extraction and replacement as well as pocket revision (I believe we are moving it to the axillary fossa region) on August 13th.

Since switching from the EP who did my implantation, my current one has said that my leads were not optimally placed. He said that he rarely uses the conventional placement. After some research, I'm hopeful that h...


Incision Infection (superficial)

Hi, it has been awhile. I just had my 2nd pacemaker put in and the incision started leaking pus 6 weeks after the surgery. I  was put on antibiotics for 7 days. The one area still leaks a small amount of pus 8 days after the antibiotics finished. The Doctor seems to think it is superfical from a suture knot. Just said if it still leaks pus after 2 weeks or becomes inflamed and I high fever to contact her. Has anyone had this wthout removing the system and putting in a new one....



I had a new combi boiler fitted today and the model is operated via the Halo Combi RF (obviously Radio Frequency) but it didn't occur to me to inform the heating engineer I had a Pacemaker device. I know all my wifi gadgets are ok but never even thought of RF devices. It's placed in my living room. Should I move it???   Any advice please? TIA


The Halo unit is powered by 4 AA batteries and communicates with the Halo Lite Receiver unit on a 868MHz ...


My heart is working on its own ~5 months after receiving pacemaker

This is my first post on the site and first time sharing my experience online. Thanks for having me, I can definitely see this community being a valuable resource moving forward.

A little background on me: 

I'm a 33 year old man. I've never had any kind of serious health issues, I live an active lifestyle, I'm not overweight, and never considered my health to be of any concern.

A few months ago, in the early hours of 2/13, I was laying down to go to sle...


Pacemaker Club website updates

As per the facebook page, it looks like updates won't be here for a couple months. They are saying "fall", which to me means September:

Big changes are coming to, and we can't wait to share them with you! Our new website will be packed with powerful features to elevate your Pacemaker Club experience and strengthen connections within our community.

• Enhanced Member Profiles • Connect with others through detailed profil...


Pacemaker moving in pocket

I was diagnosed with joint hypermobility almost 10 years ago. No testing for any other connective disorders has been done. I have been finding my device moves 2-3 times it's size on all directions. This has confused my doctors and they have no idea what to do as they think it's the whole area moving they don't think suturing it down will help at all if it even keeps the suture intact. Lately I'm finding it's sitting lower in my chest (top of device was 2 fingers below coll...


Swimming pool hazard?

I thought I would share this article, it's enough of a risk of getting shocked for me to say no to swimming pools. But everyone has to decide if the risk is okay for them.


3 Month Check-up Results!

Short version -   Great check-up!  All systems functioning and no problems identified.  Settings adjusted to allow for exercise and my naturally lower nighttime heart rate.  Have my first echo next week along with lipids panel to see if any reverse remodeling has started and to see if my beta blocker holiday has had any benefit.  (more detailed version below)

Detailed Version:   Just had my 3 month post-implant check-u...



I posted recently (29th June, ICD Review) and I thought I would give you an update.

The ICD was adjusted on 25/6 and my situation was to be discussed at the group meeting. Since then I have had two letters. The first from the EP  saying: patient seen due to AF. Found to be in AT with a tachycardia rate of 100bpm with sudden drops to 55 with AP.  Then went back to AT. Reprogrammed DDI with VP/S at 55. Sent patient for a walk to assess RR, he felt better with it on. Lead checks...


Upgrade to 3rd lead

I am going in on 08/13/24 for a third lead due to the left ventricle with slower blood flow than the right ventricle. Is ithis common and is it the same recovery time and procedure as the original pacemaker placement?.  And any other input you have from your own research or experience!


Post COVID Heart block

Hi all...I have 2 questions.  How many here were diagnosed with a heart block (left branch bundle block for me) following COVID and vaccines?  Seems a bit more info has come out more recently concerning heart issues following COVID.

Secondly, I have always been a fitness nut and have done years of moderate weightlifting.  Do others here have limitations or soreness at the implantation site because of lifting?  I've recently started a bit more rigorous lifting pro...


Second ablation maybe

Hello all, recently back in and out of AFib.  I already take tikosyn and metoprolol and have had tons of cardio versions and had an ablation about 2 years ago.  Recent Dr visit the thought was to possibly have another ablation,  the first time I had it done it was a longer recovery than I anticipated.  I do feel much better with my device and being in AFib than I did before the device, which is great.  My question is for anyone that has had multiple ablations,  i...


New Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Guidelines - Edited*

I came across this website which was recommended by a cardiologist. 

The NNT (Number Needed to Treat) came about because doctors and patients are often provided with benefit / risk probabilities for commonly prescribed drugs in a way which may not be completely clear. Some physicians wanted to cut through this and provide something which showed doctors and patients the risks / benefits much more clearly. 

If you read the ‘About’ section,th...


New member

Thanks for allowing me to become a member. Receiving a pacemaker is very new to week today! My heart went into afib and I had, over a 24 hour period around 15 episodes of syncope due to around 10 second pauses which lead to an urgent pacemaker placement.  Doing well at home and processing all that's happened.  Looking forward to reading about how others have adjusted to their new normal. 


Check up

It's been a little over a year since having to have as an emergency a Boston Scientific pacemaker . No prior issues I am 67 yrs with an active lifestyle. I am scheduled for a Echocardiagram as a routine check up in September. I had frozen shoulder for many months and physical therapy has helped. Suffered from anxiety in results of all this , now that's 90percent behind me. I was put on 25 mg of Metropol 6 months ago . I walk daily and stay active most of the day. Wandering what questi...


Pacemaker and relationships

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but i'm a female in my early 20s with a pacemaker, I underwent heart surgery when i was a baby and that corrected most of my issues but I had to get a pacemaker when i was teen to regulate my heart beat. For the most part i've carried on with life the best I can, however I have always been a bit self conscious about my scars and since getting my second pacemaker shortly after (due to device complications), my self esteem has taken a rea...


Virtual vs Real

Rather than highjack an existing thread, I though I might air the Virtual vs Real clinic issue.

I’m old enough to have seen the NHS start, see it evolve, go beyond family doctor to robotic surgery.

My mother probably had to pay the midwife and she related the awful reality of healthcare before the NHS when at 21-years old, she had a mouthful of healthy teeth removed, a sort of insurance against dentist fees she couldn’t afford.

I’m grateful for the care I h...



Any one from Edmonton, Alberta Canada?


Annual review - positive experience

Contacted my NHS hospital yesterday, leaving a message on their recorder to broach the subject of upping my Maximum Tracking Rate. I have been having problems of breathlessness with vigorous exercise and have monitor evidence of exceeding current maximum and provoking 2:1 block.

They called me back within 45 minutes and gave me an apppointment for this morning.

I have a Biotronik Enitra 8 DR-T. They accessed the online data that my bedside box has been transmitting nightly for a y...


You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

Member Quotes

So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.