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June's remote quarterly transmission

I knew  my quartely remote tranmission was coming up , was not sure if it would be done before i left for a 10 day vacation.  Thank goodness it was done before.  I had notified my cardiologist  via the patient portal of my away dates.  Who then notified the pacemaker clinic.  When i returned did call the pacemaker clinic to ask for a copy of the log events and the summary page.  Not aware that the clinic is closed on Fridays.  She then called me on...



Hello everyone,

I've had my pacemaker for three years and no problems until this last few weeks. I get an awful stinging/burning sensation when moving my left arm across my body. Anyone else experienced this? 


Key Fob/Keyless Cars

I'm about to lease a new car and it has a key fob. Never had a keyless car and I am wondering if these interfere with pacemakers? 

Does anyone own a keyless car and experience issues with pacemaker?


Cardiovascular Risk Assessments

I wanted to open up a discussion about the Risk Assessment Calculation tool that doctors use to ascertain our risk of cardiovascular disease or suffering a cardiac event.  

In the UK your GP / General Doctor will put data into an online assessment tool including BMI, Blood Pressure, Age, Other Conditions, Cholesterol levels etc. and the tool will then pump out a number which indicates your risk of a cardiovascular event / disease.  A discussion then takes place regar...


PM tested without consent

Hi Everyone,

I had a new Azure dual lead PM placed last week replacing a single lead after I developed 2-1 AV block.

When the Medtronic rep came to my hospital room to test the PM, I asked her not to do anything without telling me. When my atrial lead is tested, I'm symptomatic of dizziness, chest pain and sometimes shortness of breath. They just tested it the day before so I asked that the atrial lead not be tested. She said she would only test the LBBPM lead. 

I w...


Recent change in heart rate after extended period with bradycardia

Early in 2023 my resting heart rate abruptly dropped to about 40 bpm (often falling to the mid/upper 30s overnight and sometimes during the day).  I’m currently 63, and for most of my adult life, I’ve had a resting rate in the low to mid 50s, as I’ve been a runner and cyclist since my teen years.

I was diagnosed with sinus node dysfunction, and along with bradycardia, I experienced chronotropic incompetence (heart rate wouldn’t go above 120 during vigorous e...


PLSVC - Incidental-oma

During the placement of my PM about 2 months ago, one of the "complications" that they ran into is that apparently I have what is callled a redudant or Persistant Left Superior Vena Cava.  This was one of the main reasons that they were unable to successfully manipulate the leads for CRT device into place and instead went with Plan B of the CAP device that I have (and I'm very happy with -so far).  The EP mentioned it briefly in his brief mtg w/ my famil...


ICD Review

I saw my cardiologist last week who did an ECG and said I was in AF and I should have the Rate Response turned off and put on the list for an AV Node ablation (see my post 18th June AV node ablation). This week I had my ICD review. The ECG and the device historic data said I was only in AF once in the last three months and not last week. This is not what the cardiologist had said. The EP doing the review said I was experiencing tachy-brady. This would explain my heart rate frequently going fr...



Re this sad story,  why would an implanted cardio/defibrillator have meant that he couldn't climb?


Heart beat sensation

I'm almost a year out from getting my PM.  For much of the last year I am very conscious of my heart beating harder than usual even at complete rest.  It feels like it's beating harder than it used to pre-PM.  I'm 100% paced in my ventrical.  Is this normal?   It's not painful but it's weird.  My resting heart now is 70 so it's not high but I'm stuggling to feel ok with this constant pounding.


Got Surgery: Aveir Dual Leadless

I had promised to do a write up after my surgery at the Cleveland Clinic which was very long and complex. Just a reminder I am Canadian so this was out of necessity due to poor care and lack of technology at home, including lead extraction volume.

It turns out that the only lead I had working to my ventricle was also fractured, and being pace dependent this could have had catastrophic results. I had had ongoing buzzing as well and was told at in Toronto it was probably in my head (...


Question about remote adjustments and PVC burden

Recently I got my device report and I noticed it mentioned not only my PVC's have went from 40-400 an hour which is concerning. But it also said I was adjusted remotely. I'm not sure how that is even done, but that would have taken place on the 21st. Yesterday, five days later, I was down all day, very lethargic and felt horrible. When I checked at my wrist for heartbeat etc., I noticed that I was having pretty bad PVC's, every few heartbeats was a PVC. By last night, I was feelin...


ICD and CGM - Is it safe

Hey All - this post is mostly for awareness.  Please share if you have similar experiences though

I’ve recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  They finally prescribed a CGM for me.  I was pretty excited because the finger pricking was getting old and painful.

 Last night was my first night using CGM.  Reading though what to expect i came across an article from the manufacturer of the CGM that said it wasn't recommending using yet as t...


New wire/pacemaker restrictions

Hi all,


it's been awhile since I've had new wires put in and my memory is not that great.

i am looking to geting four leads removed (26 & 16 yrs old) in October this year.

and two new leads and pacemaker placed (hopefully back on left side; non dominant side)

Surgeon said 6-8 weeks recovery.

I plan to check back with him to clarify the restrictions as I'm hoping to be able to go back to work within 3 weeks (with some restrictions...


New member

Good afternoon 

I'm pleased to have found this forum.

I had a pacemaker fitted 4 weeks ago because of Brady tachy. Unfortunately I collapsed at 1.30 am which resulted in me being blue lighted to hospital. The positive is the pacemaker was fitted well before appointment was due.. I've been ok but can still feel nervous at times. Today it feels like the scar is pulling and having twinges. Hope this is common 

Thanks for reading 


Pulsing in arm / chest next to pacemaker

Hi all 

I hope you are all well.

i had a pacemaker fitted right side in Feb this year with 2 leads, over the last 6 weeks i have experienced pulsing in my right arm / chest next to the pacemaker.

I visited hospital yesterday regarding this and whilst doing the test to the top lead in the right chamber, my chest started pulsing.

The Physiologist turned a setting off to prevent this happening as they said it is safe to do so.

I have woke this morning to find a...



Who has had an MRI since pacemaker implantation and what was your experience ? I understand that a technician adjusts the pacemaker before going into the MRI and then adjusts it back to original settings afterwards.


Leaving comments in old threads

I am still finding members are leaving comments in very old threads - please see post below from member tuck3lin.

Our current computer system doesn’t automatically bump new comments to the top of the new message board, so any comments you leave in older posts or even add to posts that are more than say a month old, may not be seen, unless you create a new message.  Furthermore, we are still not receiving “notification” of comments or of private messages...


Update on thread dated 2009-05-18 (!)

I am re-posting a new comment left by member “tuck3lin” yesterday on his old post from 2009, ref:   BY TUCK3LIN 2009-05-18  01:05:58 EXERCISE & SPORTS 1532 VIEWS 5 COMMENTS

It is good to hear from you tuck3lin. Congratulations on the arrival of your first grandchild.  Glad you are doing so well.  Gemita

by tuck3lin - 2024-06-23 21:38:32

It's 15 years later, and I thought I would loo...


Lower Settings

Hi All,

New member, but have read some stuff on here while researching. Very helpful!

I got my Medtronic Azure XT in September. I have second degree heart block that advanced to 3rd degree. Thankfully was in the hospital for a different condition when that happened and had CPR done.

My lower limit is set at 50 right now. At the beginning I wasn't really noticing when my heartbeat is lower, but lately I have been feeling like I did before the pacemaker when I get around 6...


You know you're wired when...

You prefer rechargeable batteries.

Member Quotes

My muscles are very sore but each day it gets better and my range of movement is improving.