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Just a Tidbit

Yesterday I saw my EP/Cardiologist for a follow-up appointment.  All is good for the most part but I did mention how my everday walks include hills and how they completely zap my energy and cause me to be so short of breath.  I asked him how he felt about perhaps making an adjustment to my rate response.  He looked somewhat surprised and asked where I had learned about rate response.  I answered "oh I belong to the Pacemaker Club and that subject is frequently discuss...



Thanks for the responses to my previous comment. They were very helpful and appreciated. 





ubiquinol Form of CoQ10

Anyone heard any pros or cons on benefits or side effects of ubiquinol / form of CoQ10?


New Implantee

I've been implanted 17 days ... After surgery I had so much pain breathing while lying down I had to attempt sleeping propped up. This improved to the point that after 10 days the pain was barely noticeable. However I still experience so much coughing during the day and and night my abdominal muscles are sore. Has anyone else experienced this? I related all this to my cardiologist and he said the catheter may have "Irritated" my lung and it will resolve itself in time. I would a...


A couple questions . . .

It's been a while since I've been on here. I had my first pacemaker / dual-chamber implanted at age 57 for Bradycardia w/ AV block, Mobitz 1 (Wenckebach). Also, diagnosed w/ HF. Then in 2020 I had it replaced with a CRT pacemaker. So.... my questions are:
1. If you have a CRT, how long have you had it?
2. If you have HF, how long have you had it? 


How to Read Interrogation Report

Just received my interrorgation reports (all 25 pages in total) from my first two interrogations; Day after implant and 13 days after implant.  The Google U course for "Reading Interrogation Reports", doesn't start till next semester, so till then can anyone share the points I want to look at or pay attention to? I don't expect to find any smoking guns or surprises, but I do hope to get a feel for what's being measured and how this makes a difference to me. &nb...



Got settings changed on my biotronic every 8 yesterday not to sure about CLS setting think it's making me lightheaded and dizzy, anyone else had this problem ,?


Tick tock

I've had my bi-ventricle PM / ICD implanted for about 5 weeks now, after some serious sustained VT's. Everything seems to be going well but I am specifically but not consistently experiencing times when I can distinctly feel my heart beating. It seems to only happen in bed. And if my arm is laying across my chest, I can feel the beating into my arm. 
Anyone else experiencing this? 

I have a fu appointment on the 29th of the month.

thank you 


SVT and pacemaker

This past year I was diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia.  My pacemaker was implanted in 2016  due to sinus node disease.  My Electrophysiologist won't even speak of an ablation.  Has anyone a similar situation?



Can anyone tell me if VVI -CLS settings on biotronic evity 8 pacemaker same as VVIR settings 



Boston Scientific Accolade MRI EL Model L331 undergo MRI scan

I have a referral from my neurosurgeon for an MRI cervical spine scan with my Pacemaker.

My Pacemaker is the Boston Scientific Accolade MRI EL Model L331, and was implanted on 15/03/2019. I am very concern regarding the impact of the MRI scan on my pacemaker. I read it has a MRI mode where they can adjust the impedance so that I can undergo a MRI, after which they will reset it back to normal. Can anyone please confirm this, and who sets my pacemaker? 



Pacer setting is set very high....

Need some advise please if anyone has dealt with this issue:

Medtronic Azure XT dual chamber pacer implanted June 2022 for Mobitz II and LBBB, but only at high exercise > 140 bpm (minimum setting is 40 bpm bc I am normally in 30's).  55 year old male, avid runner and triathlete and no heart muscle issues... all conduction, and no clue what caused it.   Running was still awful in July 2022 and discovered pacer was only programmed to work <1% of the time.&nbs...


QRSD & Dyssynchony Optimization

Going to my device clinic where a specialist is going to optimize my QRS duration on the 28th. They noted on my recent ECHO - "Abnormal septal motion is present, consistent with the presence of left bundle branch block." 

I interpret that as a septal flash and a clear indication of dyssynchony. All they told me is they want to narrow my QRSD as much as possible. From what I read, they are more than likely related. I have no idea what they are going to do as far as te...


Battery gauge indicator

I was curious if anyone with a boston scientific device knows how long is left on your device when it gets to the yellow section on the battery gauge indicator?  Mine is almost to the yellow section, and then after that there is a very thin  red section near the end, which I assume is end of life (eol) and definite explant and replacement time.  Was wondering if the yellow section represents 6 months left on the battery?  Thanks!


MRI with Pacemaker and leads?

I have had a pacemaker for almost 30 Years. 100% dependent. They just replace my last PM (my fifth) with a new one last Jan.

I have since then been diagonosed with Parkingston desease. I want to join a study that requires two MRI's. The PM tech said the new pacer is safe to have MRI. However my 30 year old leads have never been replaced. The tech was not sure even though I have model numbers for the leads. Any suggestions?


Burning and stinging in the area of the pacemaker

I had my medtronic pacemaker put in in 2017. About a month after it was put in it was turned off. I was actually feeling much worse after it was put in than before I had it. Went to two other cardiologists and did several tests after installation by the first cardiologist and was told I was miss diagnosed and didn't need a pacemaker so it was turned off. It's still there because removing it is called elective surgery by the insurance and company which means I would have to pay 45K. Th...



My pacemaker was set vvir when I was in hospital then they set it to dddr and I'm feeling missing beats last couple of days , should I go to hospital and get checked?


not what I expected

Good evening everyone,

I am new to this group and am hoping you will give me guidance and good advise.

I had a pacemaker inserted on the 13th.  I have sick sinus syndrome.  Which took the doctors at least three years to figure this out!.  I had been very fatiqued, short of breath, and had to sit down after any activity to catch my breath.

I have a apple watch so can monitor my heart rate.  The issue is I have had NO changes at all in my symptoms.  An...


Pacemaker 101 - Great Resource

In my studies at the University of Google, I found this resource that explains pacemakers and all of their functions and jargon in a pretty user friend way.  It leans a bit towards the geeky side but not so much that an regular person without a tech or medical degree couldn't understand.  (full disclosure, I've got the tech degree... *haha*)


2 weeks+ post CSP Implant - and quite the ride

Starting out with the good news - I've had my 2 week Device Check-up, and all looks good.  It was a kinda weird experience watching as the RN tapped a few keys and I could feel my heart start to race (which I was told I might "feel").  I half expected the nurse to tap another button and then my feet would start dancing... *lol*   I had a lot of questions but no surprise the nurse was unable to answer.  I was told that at present the unit is set at 3.5 vo...


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

My muscles are very sore but each day it gets better and my range of movement is improving.