Most Recent Messages

2 weeks+ post CSP Implant - and quite the ride

Starting out with the good news - I've had my 2 week Device Check-up, and all looks good.  It was a kinda weird experience watching as the RN tapped a few keys and I could feel my heart start to race (which I was told I might "feel").  I half expected the nurse to tap another button and then my feet would start dancing... *lol*   I had a lot of questions but no surprise the nurse was unable to answer.  I was told that at present the unit is set at 3.5 vo...


Lead Extraction

Hello there, 

I had my first defibrillator implanted in 2001 after my cardiac arrest. Since then I have had 2 more implanted. I was 26 years old when I received my first one and my Cardiologist decided to implant it through my under arm and sub muscular. This was great until lately,  with my 3rd one. The wires are very close to the surface and I am getting cysts and inflammation from them. Unrelated I happened to get sepsis 2.5 years ago and had to have Open heart surgery...


Pace maker replacement

Had 3rd pacemaker put in this morning. Staying over night.  Had an external pacemaker temporarily connected due to 100% dependent. This one is Boston Scientific. The prior two were Medtronic   So the EP switched me from a Ford to a Chevy  for longer battery life????




Having my first followups for my pacemaker and TAVR.   The Pacemaker folks say I have artilial flutter and a-fib.  They said I am 100% in a-fib.  They gave me a medicine called Amiodarone HCL 200 MG.  They keep talking about re-setting my heart...has anyone had this experience?  I understand the reason for eblation but not sure why they want me to take this medication and what's the deal about resetting my heart.  

If anyone has taken thi...


External device to speed up?

Has anyone used an external device to speed up their pacemaker? For activities that need the HR, but don't have enough movement to speed it up.


Stress Echocardiogram

I have a stress echocardiogram booked for 29th May.  My first stress echocardiogram in years.  This test combines an ultrasound of the heart with a treadmill exercise test which measures how well the heart works under stress.  The stress echo test has been ordered to see if coronary artery disease is present since I am experiencing intermittent chest pain and other symptoms. 

I am wondering if any member has had a stress echocardiogram specifically to look ...


Low pulse Rate

My resting pulse rate is regularly way below my set rate of 60.  At rest it is commonly in the 40s. This is confirmed by counting, Fitbit, oxyometerr and blood pressure cuff.  I do at times, have a large amount of ectopic beats when the rate goes down below 60.  I can make the ectopic beats go away by raising my HR with exercise.

Anyone else experienced sustained low hr? Do you think that it could be pacemaker malfunction?



How to tweak your device for peak performance

Hi. I've had a pacemaker for years. I'm looking for advice on how to tweak my device to get better performance from it while biking and exercising. My own heart used to kick in when I excercised. But now I seem 100% dependent and I feel it's not providing adequate pacing for what I'm trying to do on the bike. Quite the competitive athlete here. Are there other top athletes on this site? I'm heavy into mountain biking right now. Struggling going uphill a...


Small Electrical Shocking where the leads are placed.

I know that this sounds crazy, but I am having a small electrical shocking feeling in my chest fairly close to where the two leads from my defibulator are located.  It doesnt hurt, but i can definitly feel it when it occurs.  Has anyone else had anything like this?  I know there are hundreds of reasons why this can't or shouldn't be occuring, but it is.  

So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Pacemaker Misfiring Nightly

Hi everyone! 

I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this...I received my 4th pacemaker implant in October 2022 & until about 3 weeks ago everything was going smoothly. (I’m 100% ventricular paced/90% atrial paced) Then I started waking up somewhere between 2 & 3 am with hard heartbeats and once they would start it lasts around 10 minutes but I can’t get back to sleep afterwards. At first I thought it was just my heart & I must have bee...


"Stiff heart"

Not strictly a pacemaker topic, but a newly available medication.

At over £300 a capsule, expensive.


atrial fibrillation

I am now 7 months into  receiving my pacemaker . I really was hoping I would be so much better than before the procedure . Unfortunately I still find myself getting breathless on walking up inclines and experience chest pressure when I move fom a seated position quickly . I have also had one 3hr episode of atrial fibrillation. The ECG on my fitbit is always inconclusive only occaisionly showing normal sinus rhythm . I have been for checks  at the Pacemaker  clinic and I wa...


Sore shoulders

Hello everyone,


I would like to inquire about a medical issue I have been experiencing. I received my implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) three years ago and have not had any significant problems until recently. Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing a persistent, dull pain in my left shoulder and neck. I have researched online and found various possible causes, but I would appreciate any insights or experiences from others who may have encountered a sim...


New to PM Club

I would just like to say how helpful and informative plus calming all of your posts have been for me since I just received my Pacemaker in February. According to my recent check up, I have not had any episodes of atrial flutter since this was put in and I hope it stays that way as it was ruling and ruining my life. Thank you all so much--keep those posts coming!


This June 46 years pacemaker wearer

How many years for you?



I have been told by my EP team at Duke that my pacemaker implanted 2022 is MRI conditional.

The  pacemaker itself is MRI compliant and according to ST Jude the leads, implanted 2011, are "grandfathered."

Nevertheless, the local hospital has refused to do an MRI citing my specific pacemaker as the reason.

My question is, what does "MRI conditional" mean exactly? What "conditions" apply?




Complete extraction of pacemaker and leads

Hi! I'm member here since 3 years, but only because our daughter got a PM aged 6 (Syncopes, AV Block 3)

Eversince the implant the pm showed only 1% or 0%. Now one of the leads is too short so action is needed.

The docs have put the pm down to 30 since 2 months and nothing happened, no dizziness or syncopes, nothing. They are now recommending to remove the PM because they think it's not necessary anymore and to give her heart the possiblity to grown without leads and have a...


Solar flare/geomagnetic storms

Here in the USA, we are slated to experience what could be a pretty powerful solar flair/geomagnetic storm today and tomorrow. I've been experiencing really strange headaches that last a few seconds, and I'm slightly nauseous but it doesn't feel like my normal medication issues. As a highly sensitive person, I'm wondering if it has something to do with the impending solar event. 

Here is an article I read about it for reference. 



30 years paced

Today marks 30 years since I got my first pacer!  I live a full, active life and don't plan on slowing down any time soon. There have been a few challenges and bumps in the road, but overall it's been nothing but a blessing. Technology is so amazing.



I had a pacemaker placed on February 22. I have been having shortness of breath only when walking a good distance, but none otherwise. I had my first device check two weeks ago and the cardiologist said all was fine, but this bothers me. I feel great otherwise. What could be the problem and will I adjust?


You know you're wired when...

“Batteries not included” takes on a new meaning.

Member Quotes

A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.