Most Recent Messages

New Pacemaker

Hi all I had a dual pacemaker inserted for 2 to 1 block. Procedure 4 weeks ago.

I was lifting barbells compound exercises squats bench deadlifts rows military press before proceure  (3 days a week) 

I have been walking 3 miles every second day the last 10 days.

I hope to start running on the road as weights are not allowed by consultant.

I walk 1.5 miles up a 45 % gradient and heartrate stays 85-90 beats.

Yesterday I started jogging downhill and could o...


Spring Covid-19 booster dose

Hubby and I have been offered a Covid-19 Spring booster vaccine because we fall into the vulnerable group:  People aged 75 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, and those aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system will be offered a dose of Covid-19 vaccine this Spring, 2024 in the UK.

I know the Covid vaccine has been discussed over and over again on this site, but it just never gets any easier to know what to do for the best, es...


Verification of Email Address

Hi, How do I get my email verified? On initially joining I seem to be logged in, when I log out it will not let me back in because the email is not verified. Sent two emails to info@pacemaker and had no reply, I have to change my username and password each time I log in which is not great.              Thanks Frustrated Nearly A Member


AV Junctinal Ablation Procedure

Has anyone had an av junctional ablation procedure in conjunction with insertion of a pacemaker?  How did it go?  DId you have to stay on meds after procedures?  


Endurance Heart causes collapsed lung

Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. On Wednesday I had a Medtronic Azure pacemaker implanted. I requested they place the pacemaker under my pectoral muscle so that it didn't interfere with swimming and also requested the pace me at 50 while resting and 170 for the high with an aggressive response rate (4 on the scale of 1 to 5) for running. My pre pacemaker healthy resting heart rate was 48 prior to dropping to the mid 30s. They also set my sleep heart rate to 40 between 10p and 5a.



Syncope with a pace maker

Passed out last May and my heart stopped for 14 seconds. Was diagnosed with sick sinus.  Around the winter months of last year I started having syncope episodes again. I started tracking them in January and have had six episodes. All of them are between 7:43am and 12:01pm.  I no longer pass out but depending on the sererity of the episode it can take 30 minutes to recover.  My Cardiologist had me wear a monitor for two weeks and I had an episode, My blood pressure dropped to 89...


Entresto update...

Well... it's still going REALLY well after almost two weeks, I am feeling much better than I was, with more energy than I've had since before the pacemaker. So far, I've noticed there are NO new side effects with the added Entresto, which is a huge relief! It's frustrating that thanks to someone's error, I wasn't able to take this medication a year ago when I first tried. It would have been great to feel better a year ago. But there's nothing I can do about that no...


PaceMaker Club Forum Suggestion

The "New Comments!" notice doesn't seem to be helpful for me. I stay logged in and it always says New Comments! even though I clicked on the post last time and saw them.  Logging out wasn't helpful either because if I am not logged in, there is no notice, and logging back in no notice either, assuming I saw them all last time.  It would be great if there was a link for "Today's Comments" or "Last 7 Days Comments" because somet...


Automatic safety switch from bipolar to unipolar

An automatic safety switch from bipolar to unipolar occurred on Feb 22, 2024 due to an RV Pace Impedance measurement of >3000 Ω.

Anyone have this?  Do you know is it temporary or does it switch back automatically?  Boston Sci showed a procedure for the tech to test, so guessing maybe it stays this way until they interrogate it.

Granted this is my May 1987 lead, it will be 37 years old next month.  Sounds like I am getting leads removed and/or moving over to...


Recycling pacemakers

I had made an appointment with the funeral home to prepay my own funeral. Mom had done so decades ago, and it really made it nice on us kids to have it already lined up how she wanted. 

Today I went and settled my funeral arrangements. I'm so glad that it's done. I even wrote and turned in my own obituary for future use. 

I asked about my pacemaker. The funeral director said they remove the pacemakers and donate them to a company who picks them up and sends...


Update on Cataract procedure - it's done!

Cataract procedure has been done!  Got eye shield in place so haven’t seen results yet.  Tomorrow I start antibiotic drops (Maxitrol) 4 x daily and have to wear eye shield at night for 10 days.  It seemed to go well except the local injection of anaesthetic was extremely uncomfortable.  It was effective though and I was very relaxed and pain free throughout the procedure. 

I arrived at the hospital early at 7 am but was second to last on the theatre list.&...


Replacement on 4/22

Hello!  Long time no post!  At any rate, I have had my Medtronic Adapta for 15 years as of yesterday and am scheduled for replacement on 4/22.  This is my first replacement.  My only question is if anyone has gotten pushback when requesting to keep their old pacemaker?  I have always wanted to keep mine (jokingly saying I want to hang it from my rear view mirror in my car) - but wondering if this is an easy request to be granted.  I figure, it's mine so I sho...


ICD pain

I first had a pacemaker inserted, then remove and an icd inserted.  The icd was inserted 5 years ago.  Recently i have had regular and consistent pain in my left breast.  It will not go away.  Has anyone ever had such a thing and what does it mean?

I will be having my icd battery replace next Spring.


Checking in

Good morning from LA. It's been a while since I last posted. I've been preoccupied with other medical concerns until recent cardiology visits. In December I was diagnosed with a couple of cancers. First, polycithemia vera, a rare blood cancer, and anal cancer, which is more rare then PV. The latter required urgent treatment. I went through 28 days of radiation and chemo therapy plus a couple of days of infusion. I ran everyday during treatment and I continue to run. This morning I did...


Life Line Screening

Is it OK to have these ultrasound tests done.  I have a pacemaker.


100% pacing

Had my 6 month Medtronic check and I am not pacing at 100%. I will have had my device two years in June and my pacing has increased every checkup. I have an echocardiogram on Tuesday but not sure what time will tell me. I feel fine and live my life but have to say this has depressed me. My wife and kids almost lost me and I can see the fear in their eyes. I didn't know I had an issue when my heart stopped. I have addressed every issue as soon as I became aware of it. I know I am better of...


100% pa.ced and getting ready for pace maker replacement

I am a few weeks away from gettng my 9+ year old  Medtronic replaced.  I am 100% paced and my  electriophysiologist said he will have to run a lead from an external pace maker through my groin to keep my heart beating. 
Have any members had this done? How does this procedure work and where and how is the lead terminated to keep the heart beating.

                  Rodger zawodniak


Medication mishaps in the USA

Have you ever wondered if what your doctor is prescribing you is the best combination and the right amounts? For instance, the last time I tried to take Entresto, it didn't work out because my doctor forgot to tell me to quit taking Losartan, so my blood pressure bottomed out and I almost went to the hospital. Then he decided I didn't "tolerate" it well... but didn't bother to investigate further. As a result, I missed an earlier opportunity to get better. 



Hooray for the return of AgentX86!

So happy to see you posting again, AgentX. We've missed you.

I filed this post under "coping," because seeing posts from people I've come to know and trust is absolutely an important part of coping for me.


The story continues


As you might remember RNRVAS had reared its ughly head so I returned to the clinic. Forewarned, the PA and tech had conferred with St.Jude about how to deal with the problem, so this time they didn't tweak the AV delay, they wiped the previous settings and took a differenent approach.

It worked and I have had no more PMT episodes.Yay. One good effect is being comfortable driving again. I have even been able to give rides to a friend who was temporarily restricted fr...


You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

Member Quotes

I love this new part of me, and very, very thankful that this technology exists and I know that it's all only going to get better over time.