Most Recent Messages in Interferences

Plasma cutter problems with defib/pacemaker

hi, 63 yr old with defib/pacemaker installed. I want to use plasma cutter, recreationally, what hazards or potential problems should I be aware of? Thanks in advance for any help.


ham radio radiation hazard

(1( please correct my email address to
(2) advance ham license but hesitate to set up without learning more about rf radiation with pm with defib.


Working with nuclear power!!

Does anyone know if it's safe to work in a nuclear power plant if you have a icd or pacemaker fitted???



Does anyone know if the pacemaker interferes with the fitbit's operation. I have not bought one yet. Thought i would check here to see if others may have some experience with the fitbit and pacemaker operation.


How cold is to cold?

I live in Alaska. It gets very cold here sometimes. I'm curious how cold is to cold? -20, -40? It's been as cold as -80! I don't leave the warm house at that temp if I can help it but what if I need to help bring in wood? I know my body keeps the pacemaker warm but it's close to the skin and I just don't know the parameters .


osun pacemaker alert

Can anyone give me advise if it is worth buying a PM alert unit i.e.Osun detecting magnetic fields etc ? Or is it throwing away money...


Osun EMF Meter

I had my PM fitted in July 14 and I work where EMF may be present. On the opening page I see that Osun advertise there EFM meter. Does anynone have one and doesit work?


Infrared Mattress

I was wondering if there is a conflict with the Medtronic pacemaker and using a Far Infrared mattress. Suffering from major arthritis and was hoping for a little relief from chronic pain.

The mattress will be plugged into a 120v, and the infrared mattress is underneath the regular mattress pad. There is also a layer that protects from EMF. The infrared emits very low levels, especially at a 0 setting which will have most often.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Dental Equipment

Hi All,

What effect does dental equipment equipment has on pacemakers?

Appreciate your response...


wireless devices

Does anyone have any problems using wireless dongles etc when 100% pacing. I want to watch my smart TV with streamlined videos but unsure if its safe.


senior travelling by plane with pace maker

My mom is 89 years old and has been wearing a Pace Maker since May/2013. She wants to visit my brother which is 23 hours flight in total. She is in good health. Will flying in plane interfere with the pace make. Does the screaming sound when the plane takes off interfere with her pace maker.


over sensitive pacer

Hello every one, I need your comments again, I am very sensitive to cell phone lap tops and wireless routers. my challenge is that I have to trouble to Panama in 2 weeks and know that most planes have hot spots, passengers will be using their devices. I am concerned how this will affect me. I am wondering if the voltage can be lowered.


Keyless Vehicle Systems

I have just had my third PM replacement, a Biotronik Evia DR-T with a home monitoring transmitter. My car is a Nissan Qashqai which has a keyless system and I note in the handbook that drivers/passengers who have pacemakers fitted are advised to consult the PM manufacturers before using the vehicle. I emailed Biotronik in Germany and received a reply within the hour, the following is their reply which may assist other PM patients

Dear Sir,
The electromagnetic fields generated by...


Fibre Optic cables

Hi every one, thanks for all your advice and comments and need your help again. . I have just had the new Fibre Optic cables aplied in my home, and from the time I entered the house I felt a discomfort in my chest and tinglings in my fingers and left arm.I was forced to turn the complete modem off.
the technician returned and disconnected the WIFI and reconnected my previous wifi. That did not work, I f...


Keyless entry/ignition and hybrid systems in cars

Hi, I am new to the club and am not sure how to search for messages about keyless entry/ignition systems and their possible interference with pacemakers. I may soon ride as a passenger in a Lexus Hybrid and someone told me there may be an issue with my pacemaker. An old article from the manufacturer (Boston Scientific) says no reported issues but there are no guarantees! I intend to go over this with my doc but thought I would ask you guys too! Thanks.


magnetic fastners on handbags/purses

I have a few handbags / purses with magnetic fasteners and had no problem with interference to my pacemaker I purchased a bag today that has a message inside which says "contains magnets and not suitable for customers with powered medical implants ????? they are just press stud style fasteners


pacemaker microwave problem

At work I have to microwave lunches for kids. After 30 minutes of heating their lunches, my pacemaker - heart starts fluttering. This continues for several hours. It happens every day that I heat lunches for the kids. I know they say microwave ovens are safe, but this happens only after I use that microwave oven. Am I getting too much exposure? Can this fluttering be harming my pacemaker? On weekends when I'm not at work I do not feel this happening. I'm in a small room, at work, while I...


I don't it yet, i repair TVs which one is best?

I get mine on April 25 2014, and i'm a retired 72 year old that is a very active guy, who wants a pacemaker that would work better for working on electronics it seems the doctors and nurses are clueless about EMF and EMI And I would become depressed if I couldn't do my TV repair work and i was told my doctor would pick the one for me just before he does it


HoMedics iheal

Has anyone used this pain relief which works on pulsed, electro-magnetic field? It says not for pacemaker users but I wonder whether it's just CYA again. If I wanted to use it on lower back or knees is it likely to cause any problem? Would I be ok to try it, and what should I look out for ?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Microcurrent Face Kits

Has anyone asked their doctor if you can use the microcurrent face kit if you have a pacemaker?? They say to ask your doctor if you have a pacer. Need to know today if possible. Thanks


You know you're wired when...

You have the perfect reason to show off your chest.

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Stay positive and remember that your device is your new best friend.