Most Recent Messages in Coping

I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel just need to find the tunnel

Dear All

My father Kenneth was fitted with a pacemaker on 13th June. Trying very hard to get back to normal but kept experiencing hot flushes slumping forward and colour draining from his face. He has been trying to mange his diabetes better. On 16th July he had another experience of hot flushes but this time after this experience had memory loss. On 25th July he started rambling and was unable to speak properly. Sunday 30th July his speech has come back and his brain is very ale...


thanks and a question

First time to the site as I was diaganosed and pacemaker fitted 2weeks ago all within 6weeks (what a shock!) Having now read so many different letters on so many subjects, I needed answers to. I would like to say thank you and how very reassurring it is to have so many people going through the same worries and having someone to help give you an answer that knows what it feels like.I live in U.K drive an auto car when is it safe to drive again there seems to be a bit of confusion. Look forward...


funny symptoms

hi all i had a st. judes dual lead pacemaker inserted five years ago for occassional second degree heart block picked up incidentally on 48 hour tape investigating symptoms for fast heartbeat. i am waiting for surgery to have pocket revision as pacemaker flipping over (was supposed to have had ths done jan2007 but consultant went on long term sick leave!) i have an appointment to see another specialist in aug. i have a few problems and wondered if anyone had any answers.Basically pain on pacemak...


Posting for my Grandma

Hello! My name is Brandy and my Grandmother has had a difribillator and pacemaker implanted because of a slow beating heart. She just turned 80 and is very active; sometimes too active!! The reason I joined is because she has been feeling 'different' ever since the implants. On February 14, 2007, she was woken up with a small pain, then sharp pain in her chest. She went back to the hospital and found out that the cable connecting the dibrillator to her heart had come loose. She had to undergo su...


Hang in there.

For all of you that are having problems with your pacemakers, hang in there. Pacemakers should not be giving you problems. They are there to help your heart, not make it worse, not hurt and not make you feel like you're choking.
I have now had a pacer for 32 years. Problems? Sure, but persistance at getting them solved and an understanding cardiologist have helped. I just recently switched from a cardiothoracic surgeon (he just grew too old to operate - 84 years old!!) to a very fin...


Nearly Out of the Woods

My father who is 72 has had a pacemaker fitted on 13 June. He is doing well and has gone back to work, takes my mother shopping and is trying to live an active life. Unfortunately without warning he keeps experiencing going hot and slumping down this only last for a few minutes. When this happens his head goes forward and the colour goes out of his face.

Please could anyone let me know if they have experience this.

Thank you Debbie

Wishing everyone good health


aware of pacing most of the time

Just wanted to know if anyone else is very aware of their pacemaker. Mine feels like it is going to jump out of my chest sometimes and I feel it most of the time. I have had an AV node ablation and the tech said I was in A-Fib all the time now.Had it implanted in August-2006. My voltage is set at 3.50. My doctor says that I am just super sensitive.


another problem

well the year 65 seems to be the year that everything falls apart. to-day i found out i have glaucoma in both eyes so will take drops. i also now have copd but take spiriva and this helps immensely. i also have i forget the name of it but you can't eat seeds or corn lol so i also have cataracts and in november the doctor whom i saw to-day will operate. last but not least i have a pacemaker. the worst of it is you are always running to doctors and i hate doctors lol lol so here i am going to one...


Power boats a problem?

I have a question...Have any of you been on a power boat since getting your pacemaker? I'm supposed to go on my sons' boat (a 19 footer) next month and I'm wondering if I should be concerned.



Panic attack?

Posted a few days ago (Too much, too quick) Nearly three weeks since op, the odd ache dizzy spell etc since then but yesterday afternoon became very dizzy, sick and numbness in my neck and from my knees downwards, Could not stand it any more so rushed up to the hospital in the evening. Put on oxygen straight away and blood tests were taken, after two or so hours every test came back ok, and despite still feeling rotten they sent me on my way. I don’t think they were overly concerned because they...


Six weeks


It now has been six weeks since PM and although I have some days that are good, still have a few things, such as left shoulder painful, anxiety, just not feeling good, although I know when I do not have energy, to rest. I tried to go back to work, but that did not work out. Too soon. I know that everyone heals and adjusts at different levels. Having the PM probably saved my life, and I will have to be patient with the adjusting. This website has been soooo helpful for me.


Thank you for answering my message yesterday for help

To Rusby/Jessie and Johng

Many thanks for answering my request yesterday re please could someone give me advice.
After reading your messages my wife felt more happier and we have managed to enjoy a day out today.

ps 5pm in Cheshires England

Wishes you all good health and good luck



hello everyone,

My PM was implanted in 1-31-07. I am 36 I had WPW an arrythmia. They have had to tweak it a couple of times now. I was wondering has anyone else experienced any problems when the humidity is high; it is hard to put the feeling into words -general unwell feeling well and trouble breathing.


Too much, too quick!

Hi everybody, my name is Kevin, I’m 47 and for the last year I have been living in Cyprus. Around the 15th of June 2007 I suddenly started to have strange and irregular heartbeats with accompanying dizzy spells and slight loss of vision and also a feeling of hot blood swelling and rising to my ears,. This happened only over the course of a few days, prior to that I have had no heart trouble other than an odd beat or palpitation here and then. I decided to go the local hospital on the 18th and ha...



this date is amazing. imagine getting married on this date. imagine if this was your lucky day. lol lol well it is almost over. hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. for some it is a long one. take care all jessie


Anyone to the chat room

Anyone want to enter the chat room?


anxiety and pacemaker

I ama 67 year old male with a recently installed dual lead Medtronic pacemaker due to bradycarsia and passing out with a beat of 20 per minute.
It's in for a little over a week but I'm getting anxiety symptoms more than I have in the past. They are sweating palms, pounding heartbeats, flushing of the skin, twitching. I've been on xanax for a while and they help but the symptoms are increasing.I also take lopressor for the palpitations. These are all short term and not life threatening but...



Hello. I had a pacemaker 10 weeks ago now and am already feeling the benefits - its amazing! I have just one main problem though....soreness and swelling around the wound/scar. I don't necessarily have to do much at all for it to become lumpy and sore. It is beginning to bug me and i just wondered if anyone else experienced this?
In some respects, it would be nice to be reassured that this may be normal.



just going to watch the american fireworks over the lake. they have been amazing the last few years will let you know just how spectacular they were. jessie



Hi all, I had a pacemaker implanted on 7/1/2007 for what my doctor described as severe Bradycardia which came on very quickly (weeks). I was a very healthy 52 year old fitness nut. I am now having a difficult time adjusting as I have some days that I feel great and others that I feel very tired and still have some dizzy spells if I get up quickly etc. I am interested to know other peoples' experiences after implantation.



You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!