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PM change Aug 19th

Hey. Just wondering if any of you had a PM change yet? Im booked in for mine on the above date n im terrified. If any of you have had this done can you put my mind at rest please? Their not changing my leads just the PM but any form of procedure scares me lol - any help and advice would be great!

Marcia xx


pacemaker change 19th August

Hey. Just wondering if any of you had a PM change yet? Im booked in for mine on the above date n im terrified. If any of you have had this done can you put my mind at rest please? Their not changing my leads just the PM but any form of procedure scares me lol - any help and advice would be great!

Marcia xx


Exercise, How much & when

Thank you all for this wonderful site I visit it a lot and find your messages very inspiring. On 7/7/08 I had cardiac arrest in my local gym. Luckily the staff there had the training and an AED and they revived me. I now have an ICD (put in on 14/7/08 and my cardiologist has told me to continue as soon as I've recovered from the surgery with an exercise program as there wasn't any significant damage to my heart. At the moment I'm walking and I feel great. I would like to go back to my...


()()()()() IT"S BIRTHDAY TIME!!! ()()()()()

TODAY, AUGUST 8, DEBERA ( grandmaD, ) IS 44 YEARS YOUNG! ( 1964 )


Wearing bi-focals says " I'm smart, I can read! "
Gray hair is a neutral color that goes with everything.
Chin hairs give you something to stroke while looking thoughtful.
Forgetfulness means you can watch a movie over and over again as if you'd never seen it before.
Lack of energy is a good excuse to hire a maid service. Lol.




Hi its me again. This is my third post, Im 8 days post surgery for a lead replacement and have noticed the last few days that my pulse is around 45 and my base rate is 60. Im going for a checkup on the 13th and my cardio nurse does not seem too concerned but said that they will fiddle with the settings and hopefully get it right. Has anyone had this happen before and should i be concerned. Thanks Jean



I have a question for you people that are smarter than my doctor, which I'm sure includes at least 99.99% of you. Now I may have asked this question before, but I don't recall the answers so please indulge me while I do it again.

I got a dual lead Medtronic in 2000. I've had more problems with the thing than I can count, but a new one cropped up in Mar. '07 and will not go away. The settings on it are low 70 high 120. The problem is when I do anything really physical, like cutt...


Still fainted

Fainted tonight while lying down reading. I am one wk post op. Was fainting very often before 5 out of 8 days last wk, 12 times this month. Whats up. Is a lead loose or do I need adjusting. Should I worry. Went to emerg in this small hsp and they of course said pulse was normal by that time. Help?


Help I'm stuck!

I've been stuck on the members online list for 2 days now! I'm getting tired, hungry, and need to use the facilities! LOL! No really, how does one get off aside from logging out?



I am a new member. I joined in the last couple months and I had been corresponding with one of the members . Her user name is CathrynB. Does anybody have any recent information about CathrynB. I went to send her a personal message and her member name is no longer listed. If anybody has any information about this member if you could send me a message.



I am right handed and have icd implanted in left shoulder. I play golf left handed. No plms so far, appreciate any comments


I'm not sure how to handle all of this..

I just turned 21 and I've been diagnosed with complete heartblock since May when I passed out and had a heart rate of 48. I was in the hospital for 2 days and have been on a heart monitor since then. I'm also 29 weeks pregnant which complicates the situation. They're trying to wait until after I have the baby to insert a pacemaker for the sake of the baby but the doctors have all told me I'm going to have to have one and they're worried about how I'll do in labor being in complete heartblock...


One wk post Op

Hi Did write before but cannot find it. I had dual pacemaker one wk ago tomorrow. Feel fine. Using arms too much I think. How easy is it too dislodge leads? Worried about that? I am walking every day, is that ok. Set at 80 but not a higher no. Have not fainted for one wk either so that is good. Was 19 beats per min. when fainting. 12 times in July. Incision 5 in long. seems long to me. Any advice about use of arms. Trying to not lift them but hard kitchen cupboards etc. Feel like I can do anythi...


thanks for response

Hi everyone, so I just posted a message in the wrong spot so now will try again. I appreciated the 4 responses I got to my first message. Im 48 with a pm, a week post surgery for a lead replacement. Had origanal pm put in on July 3rd. Yesterday was a sluggish day for me and my heart rate seemed slow and I truly had no energy. My cardiac nurse said that because of all the pvc's I have that when I take my pulse I may not be feeling all of the beats even though they may be there. Im so worried that...


being pathetic!

Ok, so I had my pacemaker fitted on 24th July and have been lucky enough to have hubby at home to pamper me!! I have two young children 11 and 8 years old.

The thing is, hubby works abroad 80% of the time and is away next Monday - and already I feel so lonely and scared about coping with my p.m. and having to deal with the kids and trying to keep them amused during the summer hols as I am not supposed to drive.

Also how long till I can stop sleeping on my back!!!!!


Slipping pacemaker

Hello again, Luke here.

I had a pacemaker installed about 20 months ago. It has been fine as far as I can tell, since it supposedly only works if I get below 40 bpm. However, a few weeks ago I noticed it had slipped from just below my collarbone about an inch. I can feel and see the leads. I did go to the cardio's offfice where they just did a phone check on it and I haven't had a report yet. The nurse said this was not unusual and not to worry. I tell you what, when a nurse t...


Pacemaker coming!


I just found out last week that I will be getting a pacemaker in the next few weeks. I am dealing with the news now but it hit me pretty hard in the beginning. I always thought it was for older people, I am only 26. I found this site yesterday and already it has been a HUGE help in giving me information. A little scary at times though reading the complications postings. Just wanted to see if anyone had any advice of what I should do or what questions to ask before I get t...



i am in chat. jess


Received PM yesterday

I received my PM yesterday. I came home today. So far I only feel a little pain in the area where the Pm is located. So far so good. I hope to get a good nights sleep with out being woke up for the nurse to check my blood pressure. she always came in just as I dozed off. I will write more later.


Atrial Preference Pacing

I saw my EP on Monday, and some changes were made to my pacemaker because of high rate episodes. The atrial preference pacing feature was turned on in order to make the pacemaker keep up with these episodes in hopes that it will pace me out of the abnormal rhythms. I have been having strange feelings since these adjustments were made. When my heart rate gets up, the pacemaker paces me even faster to try and sustain a more normal rhythm. Has anyone had any experiance with this feature?


Side effects

I am taking propofonone 3 times a day and want to know if anyone is having unusual side effects. Also five months prior to my condition (had icd implanted 6-19-08) I found that I can't smell or taste most things. Fruits and vegetables I can taste because of the strong flavor, I can also taste sweets, sour and salt. I am only 52 years old. Any suggestion other than a ENT?



You know you're wired when...

You take technology to heart.

Member Quotes

I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.