Most Recent Messages

Praying for relief

Hi everyone, my head and heart and body have been really awful to me these past few days, and I am just praying that I will wake up and it be June 5th so I can schedule the pacemaker implant. I am about to be driven crazy by the medications. Midodrine and Toprol XL. I over-did it with trying to be a good mom this past Memorial Day weekend and doing stuff with my 2 kiddos. I collapsed on Sunday at the park. Monday I woke up and cooked a big breakfast but I felt so bad all I could do was slee...


PM Replacement question

hey guys i'm finally going through with the PM replacement this week... my question though is, can I go through this w/o any sedation? mine is epicardial.. can it be done?



hi i hope this is not a stupid question to ask. i have been since christmas congested and wheezy. it has been in my chest and a head cold too. it never really seems to leave. i am wheezy as well and have some inhalors but the antibiotics seem to help for a few days and then bamm back again. lately i have been a bit panicky about this. i go to my cardiologist friday.i hope it can be helped. anyone else had anything similar? my pulse is fine regular and i seem okay otherwise. so thanks ahead of ti...


Electrophysiology Testing

When some of you had an Electrophysiology Test were you completely knocked out or did they just use a local anesthetic? I just read this from my own Dr.'s webiste;
"The site where the catheters will be inserted is cleaned, shaved, and numbed with a local anesthetic. Other than a sedative, patients having an EP study do not receive any anesthetics because they can alter how the heart functions."
I was completely put under and am now wondering if that had any outcome on my results.


pacemaker thumps every 3 hours

Hi my family is trying to figure out why our 9 year old daughter's pacemaker thumps three times every three hours around the clock. She's had an EKG at the time when it happened but no medical staff were present they say the jump on the EKG is from her moving but she never moved an inch we watch her tummy as it jumped three times. She's now doing a 24 hour holter. I feel like we're not being listened to because she doesn't actually ever loose a pulse and the doctors have never heard of a pm t...



I'm scheduled to see my cardiologist tomorrow at 3 and right after have my pacer check. I got a call a little while ago and the receptionist said they had to move it up. I asked what time. i was told 1:30. I told them I can't make it at then. I can't leave work any earlier than 2 so I wouldn't make it there until 2:30. I love how they think you can drop everything for their convience. If I knew yesterday maybe I could have worked something out. I don't have a job where I can just leave. (it was...


Guidant Problem!

I had a Guidant Insignia 1290 implanted in January of 2006. (This is NOT a recalled model at this time.) I have previously wrtten here about subsequent problems that began the moment I woke up from surgery and was experiencing constant shocking from the pacemaker, and how my EP who implanted it refused to even acknowledge that this condition existed.

This misery continued for several months until I found a new Electrophysiologist who took seriously my complaints of constant "shockin...


Body Fat Testing Follow up

So I called Medtronic (the maker of my ICD) to see what they had to say about me using the body fat tester at the gym. They told me they don't recommend using it because it can cause the device to give an unnecessary shock. Yikes, I don't think I'm up for risking it!


Weight Lifting

I received my pacemaker 18 months ago and am starting up a weight lifting exercise program for weight reduction, strength and overall conditioning. Can anyone tell me what exercises should be avoided and why. TIA



hi all! i posted a little over a week ago about chest and throat pain when i breathe in starting after i had my PM implanted. last week (4 weeks after implant), i was on my honeymoon in the Georgia mountains with what i thought was a cold that wouldn't get better and my chest and throat were starting to hurt more, so i went to a local doctor hoping to get some meds and enjoy the rest of the week. well, the dr heard something in my heart and ordered and echo, so the next morning i went in for an...



Hello to everyone. I recently flew and showed my pacemaker card and they took me back to do a pat down as not to go thru security device. On the way back at the Las Vegas airport they made me go thru the security and would not even look at my pacemaker card. I have a dual lead with a defibulator and I received a first class shock. What I need to know can this have affected my pacemaker settings. I have a Medtronic pacemaker 100% dependant. Does anyone have an answer??
Thanks ponyrider...


weird sensations

Hello everyone:
I had my PM implanted in 2004. For the last 3 months, or so,
I 've been feeling when the heart is stimulated and I feel the shock going up to my throat and short of breath for a couple of seconds. I don't feel dizzy or fainting. Has anyone experience these sensations ?



hi all. God bless all the wonderful people in this site! I feel very discouraged...i saw my cardiologist last week and he told me that i have to live with what i have...there is nothing elce he can do for me. I really dont get it. According to him i have atrial tachycardia and i also have ventricular events... im not sure what they are called: qvc or pvcs? He also says i have vasovagal disease and supposely not related to my pacemaker but i just wonder why im having this now? i never had faintin...


**Thank you all so much.**

Hello to everyone,
thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes last was so nice to hear from you all .just like having a big family.which basically this club is..thank you all.

For those of you that have been following the postings of Pacergirl (Susan) and my self on her trip to the UK from the States.....Sad to say it is all over now .....the week went so quick.and Susan is back home safe and sound and back to work today.
But what a lovely week we had...even...


The Sorin Group

Has anyone had an implant made by the Sorin Group company? I've been researching what the smallest ICD's are (unfortunately I wasn't able to do this in the hospital before they pressured me to get mine) and I found that the Ovatio DR model made by this Italian company has a significantly smaller ICD than made by Medtronic, St. Jude or anyone else for that matter. I'm pretty upset with my surgeon right now since I told him I wanted the absolute smallest one possible for cosmetic reasons. I guess...


Did your eyesight get better after?

I am 1 week post-op with my PM. For years I have been nearsighted (see things close up, but not far away). I could read and do close up things without wearing my glasses. But I needed the glasses to do things like driving and watching TV. I am still just out of the hospital, so I haven't been driving, but - I can see the TV just fine without my glasses, now. My BPM (beats per minute) was down to 36 before the PM, and now it is 60. Could the improved bloodflow have helped my eyes and hence eye...


CHF & 3 lead

Hi everyone. Another problem/question. My husband just had his 2 lead ICD (implanted 10/06) changed on Monday to a bi-ventricular 3 lead due to CHF. Came home Tues., went back in on Thurs. due to a low grade fever. Nothing showed up on blood tests. He was given IV antibiotics and now oral at home We finally got out on Sunday. They "think" he may have had a pneumonia in his right lung. When we went in on Monday for the ICD his weight was 120. When we went back in on Thursday his weight wa...


Now A Two Pacemaker Family

In previous posts I wrote that I was implanted with a pacemaker in February of this year for second degree heart block. On May 15, my wife had an attack of ventricular tachycardia where her heart rate went to 210 bpm and she was rushed to the hospital. After a heart cath, it was determined she needed a pacemaker/defribulator to control the v-tach.

It has been nearly two weeks since the implant and she is doing very well (probably better than I am) and we hope to resume our "normal" da...


Intermittent pain


I made a moved my arm backward yesterday and got a sharp pain over my pacemaker site. It last about half an hour. It was a sharp intermittent jagging pain. It is still happening every so often. Could it be a box or wire moved over a nerve or something. Would be grateful for any info. Thanks.


Loud Speakers

Can anyone tell me if loud speakers from a band effect a pacemaker?


You know you're wired when...

Your license plate reads “Pacer4Life”.

Member Quotes

I still feel great today and can’t stop feeling excited at my "new" life. Modern day miracles through medicine and electronic devices are amazing!