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I have never done this kind of thing before post message,but haveing pacemaker put in tomorrow 8-1 and i am a chicken, I am scared,a friend i play with on pogo sent me this address, i have been reading messages in here,I lost my hubby of a little over 50 years 3 years ago and am all alone, have no family here. am trying to do the best i can.
Thank You
smile here



To Karen, and to impacing. I got your birthdays switched around.

So, I'm starting over.

Today is Karen's Birthday! July 31, ( 1962. )

For you Karen.
On your day, wear magical socks and dancing shoes! Whistle, skip, hum and wiggle! Be free like a balloon! Make a wish on candles, pennies, stars and lucky stones! Open your heart, enjoy each moment! Keep a party hat in a drawer for emergencies!
And most importantly,


my baby back in hopsital again!

i posted a message to you all recently expressing my concerns and worries as my baby with complete heart block was having a pacemaker. thanks for your replies. He was back home and had to go back to hospital due to severe reflux problems for a week. Then back home again and had to go back to hospital after 3 days as his wound on his chest appeared to be infected and was crying uncontrolably. Its been a very stressful horrendous month. I've done nothing but worry and cry. I've spent hours af...



You are right Smitty, it had just been a bad day. What I said to the person whose grandfather was getting a PM/ICD was I had a 3 wire unit to increase my EF. They first put in a 2 wire unit, then 5 months later they added a 3rd wire and changed units. I asked the Doctor if Medicare would let him do that and he said sure. I don't know exactly what the criteria for the 3 wire unit is. As for getting zapped it happened to me twice not long after putting the unit in, as I have said before I would e...



Can you go to tanning salons with an icd


Getting to know more

Hi. My grandfather is a candidate for the pacemaker defibrillator combo device. I nor my family knows much about all this and we are trying to get some info and opinions. Apparently just the pacemaker wont do what his heart need. His heart only does 35% of the work it should and is decreasing rapidly. He has always been an outdoorsmen and now can barely get out of bed. He was taking medication that seemed to help but the side effects were worse. He just wants to be able to get up and around agai...



anybody collecting social security disability that has been fitted for a icd or pacemaker?


Firefighters with Pacemakers

Hi everyone still havn't returned to work yet but the Fire Dept's cardiologist has released me for full duty also, just waiting on paperwork & what the Chief is going to say. I did finally get a response from the NFPA on the 1582 standard.
9.4.10 Pacemaker or Automatic Implantable Defibrillator. Physician evaluation. A medical condition requiring a pacemaker or automatic implantable defibrillator compromises the members ability to safely perform essential job tas...


weird reactions

I had a real interesting experience and am wondering if others have had something like what happened to me, happen to them.

I went to the optometrist last week to have my eyes checked. Not a totally routine thing but close enough. They put drops in my eyes to dilate them. As my husband doesn't work far from the hospital, I headed to his office to have lunch with him. On my way there I began feeling ... not well. I progressively felt worse and worse...light headed, palpitations, sweati...


Brand New


I just had my pacemaker implanted two weeks ago and I'm 30 years old. I went in for a tilt-table test to see why I had been passing out and check my blood pressure. 6 minutes into the test I passed out and my heart stopped for 16 seconds. The cardiologist came in and explained that the best option I had was a pacemaker. He explained that because I had been experiencing these passing out episodes for 4 years now and that perhaps the first time I blacked out my heart could have...



I am kind of new to the scene and I am wondering if there is a list of acronyms I can refer to so I can read these posting and feel a little educated as to what I am reading. Some of this is still kind of chinese to me. Thank you ...Dave


new pacemaker

Hiya all

I am a man 67 years old. I had a triple by pass 14 years ago and it apperas to be ok. Two week ago I collapsed and was taken to hospital and dignosed with a complete heart block..I was given a pacemaker the next day. I feel much better. No dizziness or irregular heartbeat. My condition was probably caused by a build up in beta blocker medication. I am still a little tired and a bit apprehensive about going out for my usual 2 mile walk. Can anybody please give me an ide...


Appointment made...

Well, after being quite persistent, I have an appointment at the pacemaker clinic for tomorrow.

What really irks me, is that my EP Guy is doing his clinic but I CANNOT be seen by him.

I have to see the On Call doc, who may or may not agree to put my settings up.

The only good thing, I've met this fella before and he's always been super.

I'll let you know if I change my mind tomorrow! lol

Keep on ticking.....

Bionic Beat


&%&%& IT"S A BIRTHDAY! &%&%&

Amanda is having her 52nd Birthday today! July 29. 1956.

Did you know that this year, your Birthday falls on the 50th Anniversary of NASA? Pretty special huh?

For you: Suburban myth # 42:
You're not getting older, you're just getting better at ignoring it. He he he.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA! I hope it's the best!

~ Dominique ~


Who Sets The Settings?

Can your EP adjust your settings on your PM? I thought the St.Jude tech. (in my case St.Jude) did the adjustments.
I have an appt. with my EP...and they said he could change the settings...or get the tech. if he was needed.
So which is it...can they both adjust the settings? Do they both have those round disk things that change them?

Thanks Holly


Talked to my Ep's nurse about the throat pain???

The Ep wanted me to have an av echo and then see him on Thursday. He told the nurse to tell me he may need to adjust the settings.
They can not get the echo until Aug. 4th..soonest available! I said I can't wait that long...she said she was waiting on the doctor to call back to see what to do.
He is having me come in on Wednesday.....she said he can adjust the settings....I said I thought the St.Jude tech. did that..she said..nope the doc can do it and if they need the tech he is rig...


arm issues?

Hello all,
It's been a while since I have posted. It's been about a year and a half since I got my PM. Since that time I have been healthy and exercising. I have a medtronic dual lead I got for SSS. I was running yesteday and I noticed my left arm was much weaker and tingly than my right. I'm sure it's not a heart attack but it just feels different from my right arm. I have also noticed a few spots on it like slight bruises.
Does having a pm effect the left arm? how?
Thank y...


THROAT pain and pressue???

I am almost 72 hours post-op. I had a ST.Jude single lead PM implanted. The PM and lead are placed very that I could hopefully continue to backpack with no problems. is my question....has anyone experienced throat pressure and pain when you lean forward or are sitting up? It also happens with a deep breath or when I talk.
It feels like a lump in my throat and pressure around my's very uncomfortable. I am still only to eat soft foods like soup bec...


Spell Check...PRESSURE

I can't figure out how to edit....that post was suppose to say pressure.


Strange Answer?

I was implanted with a medtronic pacemaker in February of 2007 for A/V block.When I asked my cardiologist what would happen if I didn't get the pacemaker,she said that nothing would probably happen, but the worse case scenario would be that I could suddenly die.Needless to say,I decided to get my pacemaker.I was just wondering what everyone out there thinks about her answer.


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.