Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Bradycardia and Sleep Apnea

I have recently been diagnosed as a candidate for a pacemaker; Bradycardia is my ailment (more specifically, Sick Sinus Syndrome). My father and older brother both have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. My wife claims I stop breathing during my sleep sometimes and due to her urging I have had a sleep study session (last night) and now I await the results. As with many of you, with heart issues I have educated myself reading a lot of articles and comments from people such as in this forum. One...


Give yourself some time.

Just a note to let the newbies know that it takes time. More time than the Doctors will tell you to get to feeling like your old self. My pacemaker was put in at the end of Oct. 2005 for VVS and Bradycardia. I know now that I was sick for at least a year before getting the pacer on an emergency basis. My heart stopped 2 different times for 18 to 20 seconds and was running at 10bpm on the way to the hospital. It took about 6 months time to get the correct settings for me. It has now been a year w...


Happy 4th of July!

Thank you Auntiesamm and Jessie for your holiday wishes. We can indeed celebrate this Independence Day, thanks to our troops keeping us safe from harm, while serving in the Middle east.
A big salute to each and everyone of them. May they remain safe.
Happy 4th of July!
Jessie, enjoy the fireworks over the lake this evening.

~ Dominique ~


crawly sensations?

Hi all..God bless. It's me again...i know...i ask a lot of questions dont i? sorry...but you guys are the only ones that truly know what im going through and how to help. Well i have been having weird creepy crawly sensations all over my body lately and im a little scared. I do have a pacemaker. Im 24. I take florinef, nadolol, depakote for migraines, and also midrin. I know i take a lot of stuff. Anyway, i dont really have itchiness its just that i feel like bugs on me and when i look there is...


Happy 4th of July!

To Everyone in the USA - Happy 4th of July. As you celebrate with family and friends please remember those who helped make this the ""land of the free and the home of the brave". My stars and stripes fly proudly! God bless the USA on this Independence Day.



hi susan just read where you said you were not feeling well to-day. hope you are feeling better to-night and that by to-morrow you are back to your old self. i hope that you are taking good care of yourself. jessie



I recently found why I was getting a "shock" every night at 8:40 pm. It's because my pacemaker is programmed to run a test every 24 hours if I am resting.I am usually watching TV then . I may start taking a walk instead . No one told about this test . I found out this morning, I was worried sick for the past couple days when I realized I was a getting a KICK type thing at the same time each night . My previous pacemaker did not do this. I could find nothing on the internet a...


Re: Praying for relief (Posted by carismendez)

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows how carismendez is doing? It's nearly 8 months since I was fitted, and I'm doing fine (touch wood! checkup tonight!). I'm still on midodrine and feel like I'm really alive after 24 years of fainting and low bp! Hope Carismendez is doing okay... Life can feel like an impossible challenge while you're waiting for your battery!


My ablation was a success

It's been over a month since my ablation. I have been feeling great. My breathing and energy level has returned to normal, well at least normal for me.

I have yet to have my follow-up check-up, but I'm almost 100% sure I'm back in sinus rhythm.

You may recall that I told my doctors (and wife) that I was going to buy a new mountain bike if the ablation was a success. Well, guess what? I'm the proud owner of a new Trek bike. I've been biking everyday for nearly a week no...


leads affected by airbag?

Hi all,

Last week I was involved in a car accident where my airbag deployed. I have some bruising across my chest so I scheduled a check-up with my cardiologist to make sure that the PM and leads are all okay, but the appointment hasn't happened yet. I'm curious if anyone else has been in this situation before.



elton john

did anyone see elton john sing candle in the wind to-day for the anniversary of dianna's death? i thought it was lovely he sang it for the boys even tho he had said he would never sing it again at the time of her death. she would be proud of those sons who are a credit to the royal family. it is nice they thought so much of her. jessie


OKAY, and I thought I heard everything...

Hello again, everyone. Thank you all again for your feedback and suggestions. I welcome them all.

Well, my doc got the report from the last scan showing something was happening near the pacemaker. After waiting for the entire week on the edge of the seat despite several phone attempts by me, I got no response from him or his nurse. Finally I called again today (one week later) and I finally spoke to his nurse. Apparently, the doc said the result of my last scan wasn't strong enough to...


Running going downhill

I have been a runner for most of my adult life. Late 2003 I ran my first marathon in a respectable time (3:33) for a 50 yr old. Once I recovered from the marathon I started running again 3 months later. After a several months of running I began having "sudden exhaustion" events. I would be running fine for several miles, feeling good then suddenly I was forced to stop. My endurance would suddenly disappear. I faced the same problem once I began running again in 2005. Again, it appeared af...


canada day

to-day is canada day 2007. in 1967 i was 25 and our son was born in march and so therefore we had a centennial baby because that year was canada's 100th birthday. our youngest is now 40. pierre trudeau was in power and life was good. here we are all these years later and life is still good except for the awful threat over our heads that at any time another disaster like 9/11 could happen. so far the world has been able to deter the action of these people. they are doing a good job but w...



hi, I have my pacemaker set at 55 beats per minute.

when it is only showing 54 beats per minute I get worried.

how can it be less that what it is set for?

i was told this is not serious.
any help is appreciated, I had bee told previously that it should always at least be the amount it is set for.

thank you so much, therese.


Birthday question?

where do you list your birthday. I thought the previous message was for me. I think there are two KarenRs here. Karen


Light Boxes?

Hi Guys,
I know this is putting the cart before the horse! but I have just purchased one of these S.A.D. lights..I have read a fair bit about them.... and living in the UK a country that has more than it share of grey miserable days I thought this might be an investment in my health ....I just wonder if any of you have used one and did you think it was worthwhile or did I put my money down the drain!!!!
Wish you all a great weekend take care.... Peter



I’ve decided I need to change my life around. So, what you are reading is an on-time birthday message to pacemaker member….

Happy Birthday on this day of June 30!

You didn’t give me your year! lol jk that was optional.
I hope you enjoy your regular lifestyle activities of swimming, gardening, sleeping…..or all of them (not at the same time; that could get ugly….imagine sleeping while swimming)

You should take up horseback riding. Here, a p...


Am I late??!

Blast! Yes, I am. My apologies.
I like whoever coined the phrase “better late than never” :)

Let us travel back in time shall we?
KarenR.: June 28, 1958

You win a teddy bear for being born!!
Here you go:

( (^) )
(ö) (ö)
Disclaimer: not a real bear

Karen enjoys writing, reading, gardening, and most of all, shoveling snow

take care,


Hi Smitty!

Hi Smitty - Although I have been hit or miss the past few weeks I had not seen a posting from you in quite a while. I was concerned that maybe you were not well. Then this morning there you are telling us all about Hysteresis. Thank you! You are right - that doctor needs to be kicked in the seat of the pants. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill and then sending the patient off to try to figure out what was just said. Will these docs ever learn to speak in "patient language"? I...


You know you're wired when...

You have a shocking personality.

Member Quotes

Focus on the good and not the bad.