Most Recent Messages in Interferences

Power Lines?

Hi all...I still do not have a PM, but the idea is not off the table. I do find myself still searching for "why" this a-fib/flutter decided to land on me at the age of 44. Along with mild CHF and secondary pulmonary hypertension following a mini-maze procedure....which didn't cure the fib/flutter.  I just re-read my bio and see I need to add 3 more cardioversions since April of this year, brininging my total to 23/24. Losing track, ha! Almost everyone I know asks me wh...


Pacemakers and alarm systems

Hi everyone, a newbie here. But I am so worried I am looking for any advice available.

One month ago I was purchasing a new motorbike, a Kawasaki GTR1400 (Concours 14 in the US) as I had had an earlier bike stolen I was determined to make my new purchase as theft proof as possible.

I was delighted to find that Kawasaki had installed their own alarm / immobiliser known as KIPASS.

However after some extensive reading regarding this system I find that a warning is listed regard...



Selwin, , Thank you so much for your response. This is the 2 Nad Day that it is vibrating. I called Medtronic but they said they were not allowed to give out any medical info. The Rep at the doctors office said he had never heard of this occurring with the Medtronic devices. I will schedule an appointment with the cardiologist, my only concern was if this was perhaps a normal occurrence. Thank you again😊😊😊


Samsung gear VR glasses

I have a Medtronic sure scan mri compatible pacer.  I just got Samsung vr gear glasses for my birthday.  Should I expect interference or symptoms using them?


Loud bass

I love loud bass! I have a"system" in three vehicles, one of which is very "boomy"! What interference if any should i expect?


Plane Engine

This may seem to be a bizarre question, but I am an airline employee that had a crt-d implanted 4 weeks ago. I am still on medical leave and a coworker called me asking the following question. As an agent, we drive the jet bridge to the aircraft and the engines are running while we are waiting for clearance to proceed. Will this be safe for my pacemaker? I also need to be able to lift 70 pounds. Are we able to do these two functions safely? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. As always...


Pacemakers and hearing aids

My husband is being fitted for new hearing aids. The one recommended has a streamer with an electromagnetic wire hanging around you neck. Does anyone currently use  a hearing aid with a streamer and have you had any problems with using.  The hearing aid recommended is a Phonak model Audeo B90-R.


Recommendation for Bathroom Scale

I am shopping for accurate Bath Room Scale that will not interfer with my PaceMaker. I went to Bath and Beyond Store and looked at few models . Most the scale have displayed a warning i,e "Do not use if you have PaceMaker or Heart Device."

I appreciate any one may recommend a Bath Room Scale simple ,plain and 400 lb capacity (Model and Brand) that will not interfere with my PaceMaker.


Thank you

Allen Robay


Invisiblefence for pets

Hi....I've read there should be no problem with these....I've just had the wire put around my garden and am carrying my cat and also walking her on a lead to train her. Is it my imagination and nervousness but when I do this I start burping (although heart feels fine?) and feeling lump in chest? I used to have a lot of burping with my missed beats before I had pacemaker fitted for heart block...any thoughts before I phone doc and send report through the phone lines?? Thanx


PM interaction with shop power tools

I have a new BIOTRONIK PM with their MRI compatible system.  All my life I have used power tools in my basement shop:  Hammer drills, conventional drills, Dremels, circular saws, jig saws, soldering guns, circular buffers, sanders and others tools that don't come to mind at the moment.  What is going to happen when I use these now?


Pacemaker and Drag Racing

I'm going to a  NHRA drag racing event next week and this is my first race since my implant. Ive always like to get up close to the nitro cars and feel the horsepower.  Has anyone else gotten up close to a 10,000 horsepower nitro car WITHOUT any pacemaker problems ?  Thanks 


rc model aircraft flying and ICD???

Good morning: I am waiting for my ICD implantation. I practice model aircraft flying  (rc controlled).

Any colleagues practices this hobby or know about any problems having an ICD?. The frecuency of the transmiter is 2.4 MHZ and the power around 0.5 w. 

I`ll be very grateful for your experiences.

Thank you.



Chiropractor's machines and full body xrays

Are there any machines like the body water massager that will harm my Defibrillator?  My new Chiropractor uses severl machines and warming tables as well as full body xrays.  Should I avoid any si my ICD is not damaged?


Electric Fence/ICD

Does anyone know if touching an electric fence can trigger a shock from a defibrillator?  I have gotten plenty of shocks from fences in the past, but not since recieving my ICD.  Was working (weedwacking) near the fence today, and suddenly, fell on my butt.  I thought I stepped in a hole, but there was no hole there.  Thought maybe I touched the fence.  Something similar happened last summer while working on the (live) fence.  I have had my ICD (Medtronic) for tw...



I'm considering getting my first tattoo, it would not be near my Pacemaker site, but I'm just wondering about possible complications or risks that may occur. Any input? 


New hearing aids seem to interfere (signia pure primax 7px)

6 days ago I got my new hearing aids (Signia/Siemens Pure Primax 7px).  From the first hour I felt like something was wrong.  For some reason I think the radio signals interfere with my pacemaker.  I have a Medtronic RVDR01 pacemaker.  I feel like I did when I was asked to go through airport scanners in Indonesia.  I am told those things should not interfere, but guess what....  Anyone else have any hearing aid issues?


Tig & Mig Welding with PaceMaker

I build hot rods so I weld alot...I read about the warnings & welding. BUT is there any of you who have personal experience welding with a device?

Any shielding methods, etc.


people on cell phones in a car with my ICD

I'm going on a long car trip and 3 friends who are constantly on their cell phones.  Will this harm my ICD?


4 years with pacemaker

Had my pacemaker 4 years and today just started with my collar bone aching and feels like the wires are catching can this happen? And also it hurts to touch it feels very rasied more than usual when I move my arm it twitches and then I get pain anyone else had this and sort of feeling ! 


Magnetic phone holder

Has anyone had any experience with the small magnetic phone holders that fit into the car's vent? I know magnets plus pacemakers can be problematic, but I would imagine such a small magnet 3 feet from the PM wouln't be a problem. 



You know you're wired when...

You can proudly say youÂ’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

My eight year old son had a pacemaker since he was 6 months old. He does very well, plays soccer, baseball, and rides his bike. I am so glad he is not ashamed of his pacemaker. He will proudly show his "battery" to anyone.