Most Recent Messages in Interferences


I have constant headaches after pacemaker.  Is this normal?


Electric magnet Field

Do anyone know the district you need to be from a 440 3phase electric motor


MRI scan

I've contacted someone about a possible MRI scan only to be told they won't do it on someone with a pacemaker. So what is the point of my model of pacemaker being 'MRI friendly' 🤦‍♀️😳

I will try to contact other places. Does anyone have any experience of this? 




I just got my PM 3 weeks ago and I went to a bar yesterday full of arcade machines. My PM felt like it was on fire and I had lots of palpitations. Does anyone know if those games cause EM interference? I couldn't find anything on the PM manufacturer guide. 

Thanks in advance :)


Backpack with magnet on the chest strap

Hi, I am Nico, 39 years old and I have a pacemaker fitted on the 16th of May 2017, a St Jude Endurity. I wanted to buy a motorcycle backpack from Velomacchi (the one at this link:, but I noticed that the backpack has a big circular magnet on the chest strap. Will this be safe to use with my pacemaker or should I avoid that? I have asked the manufacturer directly but they replied to me that they have no idea so I was wondering if any o...


IWatch ECG app use with ICD

Does anyone know if using the ECG app on your IWatch will interfere with the ICD or pacemaker? I don't see a lot of information on this subject. Thanks!



Does anyone have experience with this:

When you have a power outage and need to flip the breakers back on in your breaker box can that affect your pacemaker? 


EMF Detector for EMI workplace survey

Hi all!

I am working in an innovation center/makerspace with high-end technologies and machinery (industrial level equipment). A few weeks ago I experienced some symptoms when I got near a laser cutter and it made me acutely aware that I need to [/should have already…] done an EMI check of the whole space. I have since seen an electrophysiologist and thank god, no serious issues were detected, however, I know EMI is still a potential risk that I am not willing to take! I contacte...


Headphones and Home Amps

Hi, it has been awhile since I have posted. I hope everyone is doing well! Has any definitive answer been given to the headphone and/or home amplifier question? I have search the internet and got conflicting results.


Loud concert effect

Hi. I am 9 weeks post pm insertion. I went to my 1st concert since getting pm and I had a ticket in the pit. The 1st act was extremely loud and I think my pm was sensing according to the music was very strange and not a good feeling. Fortunately the main band and back were not loud and were enjoyable. I am wondering if others experienced what seemed like  a pm sensing to the music. As I mentioned the 1st act only was the outlier rest of evening was great! 


Interference from house electrics

Had my pacemaker put in in 2014, checked every year and in Feb 2021 I still had 11 years left on my battery. When I went to clinic last week they said I had 4 years left, they said my battery is being drained by interference, they were able to tell me the date it started which was 11 December 2021, this was the day I moved into my new rental house, the hospital advised me to get the wiring checked in the house, has anyone heard anything like this before, my husband is an electrician and he...


Using Polar chest transmitter

I've used a Polar T31  chest transmitter strap for years to monitor my heart-rate, both outside and also on my exercise bike with the monitor 'watch' screen fastened on the handlebars (the built-in system on the bike is unreliable).  I've recently had a pacemaker fitted, but haven't so far risked using the chest transmitter, because its left-hand sensor would be almost exactly over the PM.    Polar says there SHOULDN'T be any interference, but phras...


Pacemakers and electric motorcycles

I have sold my Yamaha MT-09 motorcycle which gave me no problems and I am pace dependent.

I am looking at electric motorcycles and wonder if anyone has experience with them from the interference point of view. The motors tend to have substantial permanent magnets and I am trying to find out if they are well shielded.

Any comments from those who already ride one would be handy.


Red Light Therapy

Good evening.  I received a PM 4 weeks ago.  Will be starting red light therapy next week and wondering if this can interfere with the PM.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  


Overhead power lines UK

I'm sure this has been covered in previous posts but I wanted specific info regarding my circumstance. I have no knowledge or experience of electricity or electromegantic fields so information on the internet is difficult for me to understand!

We have a static caravan which is situated next to a farmers field. Directly behind us is an 11kV overhead power line( I think) on a wooden pole which goes along the back of the site. The lines must be 5m above ground I'm guessing but my b...


Sleep Number Beds

I'm a new Biotronik pacemaker recipient .  Our Sleep Number bed has a motor which causes the head and foot of the bed to lift, and also to vibrate.  Does anyone know if this motor will create interference with my pacemaker?    Thx, Mike



i know smoking is bad overall and worse for us but is therr a difference between smoking in recovery and smoking after recovery? like i know i have to quit but will it be any different if i smoke 2 days after implantation compared to smoking after the 2 month recovery



Does electocautery during a colonoscopy cause interferance with a pacemaker?


abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

I've had a letter to attend an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening due to my age which involves an ultrasound scan and wondered if it would interfere with my CRTD ?


LED Device


I've been considering buying a device for my skin that combines red light therapy alongside heat therapy. It is a hand held wand. It says in small print do not use with heart condition but not sure if it's similar to not using an induction job which I now use all the time?  Any advice appreciated

thanks Sue 



You know you're wired when...

The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.