Most Recent Messages in Interferences

smart meters

I had a smart meter installed when I wasn't home . Later the next day I called the local power company to have it move to a pole near the street.I was given  a thousand reasons that the smart meter posed no threat to my device. Actually, I had to get the local newspaper reporter to help me. My guess is that the power company did not want the bad press so they moved it from my house to a pole near the street about 150 feet away from its previous location. I have researched Sma...


alternator on lawn tractors

I have read something about the alternator being located under the seat on a lawn tractor. Most alternators are located at the top of the engine also known as a stator .I do not know of any mowers that have alternators located under the seat. if you could give me a model of the lawn tractor that has one under the seat please do so,I am always ready to learn something new. Geo


emf vs vibration

I contacted ABBOT LABS regarding my experience . The rep had no concrete information regarding what the cause could . He stated there were too many variables to even speculate as to the cause of my problem. I want to mention I had a strong magnet that is used to disable unnecessary shocks that might come while on my mower . The reason for this started last Easter morning I was urinating when I got a shock unexpectedly I had just taken my BP and all was well.  The shock I received...


magnetic interference from Riding mower

I have experienced several incidents of false pacing of my AbbottLAB three-wire ICD.This has happened on my 21 HP. riding mower. I had a three-wire ICD implanted about 5 months ago .The head of electrophysiology at Emory University did my surgery .He's the best of the best . I don't know if the bumps are causing this or the magnetic field. I have read several responses from the group concerning this problem .Has anyone use Shirts using silver-infused fabrics to block the waves...


Substation Electrician 12kv and Pacemaker

Recent recipient of Boston Scientific L131 and feeling great!

I'm applying for a job as Substation Electrician: 12kv AC to rectifier for 1500v DC

Job would entail mainly switching.

Should it be a concern w/PM?

I'll be contacting Boston Scientific for their take tomorrow 


Didn't think of it

I purchased an electric recliner with masssager.  I did not even remember I have a pacemaker implant.  I've been equipped since  2010.  This is my second one.  So  - can I use the chair?  I don't like massages so I wold not be using the massager,  but I do need help to pull the levers, etc.   


Smart watch

Hi, was just wondering if a smart watch will interfere with my pacemaker?


Sharp Shock

I have a Medtronic W3DRO1 Pacemaker which I had in 2021.

For the past few days I have been experiencing sudden sharp shock pain where the pacemaker is.

has anybody had the same? it lasts for a few seconds.

Also I was diagnosed with Trigamenal Neuralgia which has been causing the same sharp pains in my face but this is the opposite side to the pacemaker? Does anyone suffer the same, I'm wondering if this is caused by the pacemaker.

Any advise would be muchly appreci...


metal detectors

Thank you so much for the helpful comments. I will walk through the next one I come upon......



metal detectors in hospitals

Hello Everyone, I have a medtronic pacemaker and travel to healthcare organizations across the country. Due to the uptick in violence, many of them have installed metal detectors. I have been able to avoid, but I don't want my colleagues to know or ask questions. Is there a card I can show them or is it necessary to avoid them?

Thank you so much once again. 



Amusement Park Rides

Thank you Everyone. I don't go on the wildest rides, and now I feel comfortable exploring a bit...

Thanks again.



amusement park rides

Hello, I am going to Universal Studios in 2 weeks. I have a medtronic pacemaker and I am wondering if it is safe to go on rides.

Thank you.


Introduction and question

Hey people, just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Chris from North London U.K. I'm 50 and I've had a pacemaker for roughly 32 years. 

I found this place as I was googling about interference from music equipment and found an interesting post here so thought I'd join the clan. 

im a scratch DJ who goes under the name of Maker. I'm buying a bass guitar tomorrow and worried about interference. I've had a little google around and it sa...


Any Aircraft Maintenance Engineers / A&Ps / Aircraft Technicians here?

Hello all!

I'm just a new recipient of an ICD and a having difficulty getting any detail about possible interfaces around heavy jet aircraft. I'm not planned to return to work for another 10 weeks or so, but am looking to see if there are any other AMEs, LAMEs, A&Ps etc in the club. Even the manufacturer Medtronic, admits they have very little detail about my work environment and effects it may have on the device. I asked about aircraft engine Generators, IDGs, VFSGs, TRUs,...


Pacemaker and magnetic glasses

Hi everyone, sorry if this question was asked before. I am about to buy New glasses that you can attach sunglasses to but the are connected via magnets on each side of the frame.

The optician tells me its fine and that the magnets are weak enough to not interfere with my St Judes pacemaker. What Do you guys think. I am very unsure and since I cant return the glasses (am on vacation in Italy last day today and my cardiologist is not available)

Thank you so much in advance! :)


Hearing test

Can I get a hearing test with a ICD/Defibulator Pacemaker? Asuming they still have you wear Head phones its been 50 years since my last test


Dr. Ho’s



I have been having a knee pain recently and I want to use Dr Ho's pain therapy device on it. 

I asked at the hospital today and they told ne that as long as it is far from the incision should be ok but they still told me "to be on the safe side dont risk it". So I dont know what to do. 

Anyone tried dr Ho with a pacemaker? 


Pacemaker and Wireless Microphone

I love to blog and record videos. Recently, I purchased a Noise cancellation Wireless Microphone. The Receiver is attached to the mobile and Mic is used to speak (which is transmitter).

I'm bit concerned of using it near to the Device implanted area (Left Chest) as I felt Funny (felt my heart just squeezed and beat hard like a premature beat) when I was using it.

What's your experience so far with wireless microphones?


For the girls

Hi girls, 

i really want to get some body contouring treatments done but all of them uses radio frequency waves and magnetic fields.... i have heard it is not safe for pacemakers but I only need the treatment on my legs/tummy. My question is;  since it is not close to the pacemaker area, do you think it will be ok for me to undergo the treatments ???? 


MRI with MR conditional pacemakers


I’m scheduled for an MRI of my right shoulder for rotator cuff pain for several months. I tried to put it off as long as I could but the pain is persistent and moderately limits my daily activities. However, I’m quite apprehensive about the procedure even though my device is MR conditional (Boston Scientific Accolade). I would like any opinions from those who have had MRIs as to what your individual experiences were during or after the MRIs!!! Thank you


You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

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