Most Recent Messages in Coping

Pacemaker in For One week

Hi Everyone Allan (41) Edinburgh

Well One week has passed and I must admit each day i feel a little stronger.I am able to sleep partially on my right side but not for long.I am no longer sleeping in affternoons and my wound is very tidy but still a little tender but no more pain killers.
I must admit i am glad my pacemaker sight is still sore as it reminds me not to carry anything heavy with my left arm which is incredibly hard to do.

I have a twin chamber pacemaker wi...


thanks marty

Thanks for telling me about the "phantom shocks". I had my defib checked. Sure enough, the three shocks I thought I had were just of the phantom variety. Its a load of my mind. Thanks bunches. =)


New Pacemaker in for 36 hours

Hi everyone Allan (41) Edinburgh

Well i have my pacemaker now.

The actually procedure took less than an hour and was totally painless.I didnt feel cables go into my heart it only made my heart beat a little faster .

The cut site is very tidy that does ache quite a lot for first 48 hours but pain killers help.
I have been up and about every day but by about 1 pm i am totally knackered but i feel strong in mornings is this normal. i guess it will take a while...



Two years ago I passed out at work do to an arythmia. That night a defibrillator was implanted. About a year after that, I started getting panic attacks. They were finally starting to go away when I got my first shock a couple of weeks ago. Now, I've been having dreams about it shocking me again. At least, I hope its a dream. When I wake up suddenly I don't really know if it is a dream or if it really shocked me. I still don't. I had one last night. The panic attacked harder than ever....


Lyme Disease?

In July this year I suddenly went into Stage 2 heart block with a 26 pulse rate. The Doctors were stumped and watched me for 2 nights. Since I dropped into total heart block and my heart actualy stopped, the Doctors in there wisdom sent me to surgery for a PM implant. This was quite shocking to me,,I almost died twice! I could not understand what the hell happened to me so suddenly.I thought I was a healthy active 58 yr old male who had 2 months prior passed a yearly exam,,Well I was accepting...




Well the storys i have read on here over the past two weeks are so mixed i dont know whether to be relived or terrified.

My diagnosis was pretty text book intermitent episodes of afib mostly when i am asleep or during any sort of physical exertion now adays (strange) i never even knew what afib was till two weeks ago must have been suffering with it for years obviously getting worse now as i am exhausted all the time now get out of breath walkin...


Thankyou so much!!!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to answer my post and offer all your support! I just knew that talking to others who have gone through this experience and are doing well would help me cope! I look forward to the day when I can help someone get through the initial post-op period and beyond as a veteran. Not trying to be sappy, but just the fact that you guys took the time to reply brought tears to my eyes, so as you can see, still a little emotional here. I'm sure I'll have many more qu...


general info

hi ive just had my pm fitted at the age of 24.2/10/07. i just wanted to know is it safe for me drink to drink alcohol so soon after the op.and how long before i can play sports again


Does anyone use Byetta?

Good morning. I was just wondering if anyone with diabetes is using the new pen Byetta. I just got the pen 2 weeks ago and am very pleased with my blood sugars. Diabetes and heart disease usually go hand in hand. I have a difibrillator that was one year old in Aug.

I have been told that I might lose some weight with Byetta. Boy, I sure hope so. But the main thing is to get my HbA1c test down to normal. My last test it was 7.1%. My sugar has been running 78, 88, and 91 before...


Nervous "Pacer"

I'm a Newbie both to this site and to having a Pacemaker. In fact I just had it implanted On Monday, 3 days ago. I could sure use a little reassurance that all will be well from all you veterans. I am 54 yo, suffered from tachycardia for yrs and then Whammo, developed an intermittent block that made life miserable, I guess it was a Tachy-Brady Syndrome type thing. At the moment I'm bruised and sore, and worry often that I might have one of those "complications" I've been reading about, you kno...


Ethical question

I am executor for an 89 year old female who has a 6 year old pacemaker shortly due to be replaced.

Yesterday she commented that she thought she would not have it replaced and what did I think. Of course, I told her I wasn't able to give advice on such an action but now I want to find out the ramifications of what might happen if she does refuse a replacement.
Would she just fade away or would she get horrific complications? I am sure I can guide her through this as she has a l...


Only 7 days to go help!

Hi Allan (41)
from Edinburgh Scotland here.

been having really heavy thoughts lately.I know it is vital to everybody in this club to encourage each other and i have felt helped by what i have read.I just feel sad that I am coming to the end of my hearts natural existence before pace maker implantation next wedensday.It makes me wonder if i will ever feel natural again.Can you truly ever forget about your pace makers presence?.

I dont think anyone can truly get there...


Support Group

My name is Brendaa and I am 40 years old. I had a pacemaker put in 8 weeks ago and am still in shock. My severe bradycardia and fibrosis came out of nowhere and I am having a hard time accepting my limitations. Because of my age, I was given a PM with a large battery and I am constanly experiencing discomfort. I spend most of my days crying and cannot find a support group in my area. I feel very much alone.


new to me

allan(41) from edinburgh here.

I would just like to thank all the kind people who responded to my very first letter a few days ago.I am about to be fitted with my first pace maker in under two weeks and just being able to know you are not alone and can talk to people who really understand is brilliant.

I understand so much more about the procedure and what to expect and i would be a liar if i said I wasnt scared but I am armed with a lot more knowledge wh...


Impact of stress

Hi again - I'm the new battery-operated trumpet player in the group. You might get tired of hearing from me. My wife picks at me and says I've been jabbering like a magpie since I can talk without gasping for air following the pacemaker implant less than a week ago.

I work as a senior public relations advisor for the Army. It's a stressful job normally, but with the Army conducting operations in an unpopular war, it's really been tough. The workload and expectations can be unrea...


Why do people want to pop our postive bubble

My father Kenneth was admitted to A&E early June and fitted with a pacemaker. At the end of July was admitted into hospital again and diagnosed with a extensive left temporel inhomogeneous - high grade glioma cancer in the brain.

At first we were all shocked but agreed to be a very happy family to spend as much time together and to find as many alternative therapies. ie Essiac Tea, Coral Calcium C10 and Oxy-Element. I have started praying and have been trying to faith heal, which s...


Husband doesn't understand

Hi, I think this site is great, I often come on here to read your stories when I need a boost or to know I'm not alone.
I had my pacemaker fitted when I was 22 in 2004, I am now 26. I sometimes feel a bit alone as my husband has never been able to fully understand how it effects me. He didn't come to the hospital when I went into have the operation (we weren't married or living together then, but had been dating for 6 years) and he's never really been able to talk about it with me. He says...


Ding Dong of Doom

Hi, I had my pacemaker put in 2 years ago this month and was so scared I didn't know what to do. I posted a few messages and eventually started feeling better. I had passed out once in the back yard and just thought I was over doing. Then a week later passed out at work and then 5 times before the ambulance took me away and they put a pacemaker in right away. I'm 100% dependant and have had some anxiety attacks. One thing that does bother it is big powerful speakers. I went to a work party...


john's bipass

hi everyone who was so kind to me. john is good now. he spent 4 days in icu but it was because his b.p. was very low and they had to give him drugs to raise it. then they had to slowly wean him off. he is discharged in the a.m. he is doing well. meanwhile i woke up sunday a.m. and every muscle ached and i could barely walk. i had a fever and so i went to e.r. they found out i had 2 infections so put me on antibiotics. our daughter is flying here to care for us.for a week, i think it will be bett...



Okay fellow club members,
I need more help here... I have posted a few things I have been feelinf since my PM install. I now know there are two issues:
1) My lower lead likely has to be repositioned because it's stimulating a nerve. So, I'm getting that dealt with, no problem.
2) Some of my throat/squeezing sensations are likely caused by PVCs
- Can any of you who suffer from being able to feel your PVCs or PVBs tell me what it feels like (throat, sque...


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

You now get to start a new life it's like being reborn.