Most Recent Messages in Coping


Hi everyone - I am a 51 year old (was active) female who enjoyed riding and showing her horses....I had my PM on 09/10/07 came home two days later - ended up at ER last evening, because I was having some heart palpatations which scared me. Now, am I just over-reacting, wishing for results to soon or what. I have totally lost my appitite, I'm weak, can't seem to sleep well (anticipating things), and my wonderful husband is so exhausted over me. Are these feelings norm! The cardiologist want...



Hi there,
I had my first icd implanted in problems, then the battery went dead, had a new one implanted in Aug 2005. I have cardiomyophy, enlarged heart, very enlarged, I'm told, was dignosed in 1992, told I had about 1 year to live...well, here it is almost 15 yrs later, still here. I was cutting the grass yesterday and knew I was overdoing it, but just had one more cut to make...well, I made it and was shocked the first time, I headed for the front door, and was shocked again be...



Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to pass on the latest. My dad is doing well after surgery. My mom is staying at a hotel close by and does not have access to a computer. The surgery went well, he is a bit restless but over all is doing well. The nurse said the vent should be taken out sometime in the next few hours. His BP and pulse rate are good. Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. And Dominique I know my mom would be chatting with you right now but can't so I will just...



Hi everyone,

I was looking at Christine's message again. I responded in hopes that we can have a better world for our children and I do think that is vitally important. But I also want to say with her, remember the hero's and they are angels that helped, sometimes lost their lives and their families. May God Bless.




Hi everyone,

My mom is an amazing person. Tomorrow my dad is going in for by-pass. She is strong, as she always has been and I know she will get through it. I just want to acknowledge all the prayers and good thoughts sent to her. She has been through so much this year with her pm. She is strong, great and the best. I know all of our thoughts are with my dad.



new pacemaker

I just had a pacemaker implanted 3 days ago. I had an ablation for SVT 7 years ago and in the process the doctor damaged my
AV node causing me to have 1st degree and 2nd degree heart block at times. Wednesday I passed out leading me to my pacemaker.
I'm glad I found this site to talk to others who have a pacemaker like me because most don't understand the fears and thoughts that go through our minds.
Look forward to talking with you.


doing well

Hello again, well its been a week since i had my icd installed and iam doing fine pain is gone no shocks going monday to remove stitches and back to life , amyone need any hael or questions just ask ill help all i can....

thanks again


just had pacemaker fitted left withopen wound

Hi everyone. im from the uk i am 42 and i have just had my first pacemaker fitted which came as quite a shock to me as i had been feeling tired had all my bloods tested and they were fine, it was only by chance that i had to have a laporoscopy that they did a pre med ecg where they found i had a ectopic heartbeat within a month i was fitted with my pacemaker on the whole i feel 100% better. but when the surgeon stiched me back up he overflaped my skin and when they took the stiches out the woun...


Wishing you a very happy birthday from your friends from the Manchester England

Dear Maureen

I really hope you have a very happy birthday.

Maureen, Maureen
what can I say
hope you don't have to answer
to many woe's for help on the pacemaker site today.

Thanks for all of your help
Debbie, Edith, Kenneth and Julie


Quick chest pain followed by sweating

Had my PM installed in May. This has happened to me about 5 times since. I get a quick sharp pain in my chest (like one quick heart beat) and break out in a cold sweat.
Went EMERG the first time it happened and had blood work and ECG. All looked to be "normal", but this can't be normal... can it?


heart muscle twitching

I had a Guidant placed August 16th. I feel a heart muscle "twitching". My pacemaker tech says it is probably the ventrical lead kicking in, but I shouldn't really feel it. Does anyone else feel such heart twitching? My pacer is set for 50, and when I feel twitching and take my pulse at that time it is always 50. I don't feel it when I check my pulse at other times, when it is 50+. Any thoughts or advice?


Occasiona numb feeling in upper Diaphragm

My was installed in May. Healing has been pretty good.
Here's a question:
While driving across the US and Canada, I would notice a numbness kind of feeling in my upper diaphragm. No pain, just a numbness.
Has anybody else had this? I just feels so odd.


really nervous

hi all im new to this site and i hope all u pacers dont think im mad....i got my first pacer in 2003 due to heart block in aug 2006 i started to feel unwell one of the leads came out causing pacer to pause vry scary i tought i was going to sometimes i feel it is happening again i feel funny like its going to pause but it doesnt i have all the symptoms except the dizziness i had as before its like i have a lump in my throat does this make any sence to any1


Religion & Pacemaker

Hi all,

I have waited over a year to post this. I still have not gotten over the event and want some feedback just to ease my mind.

I met a neighbor at our pool last summer. We did not know each other except in that aspect. Our children are of different ages but got along well.

One day, she noticed my scar from my bathing suit and asked me what had happened. I said in a very casual manner I have a pacemaker implanted. She turned dreadfully pale and her face...


Lori Want to enter Chat

Just curious?


New to pacemakers

Would like to hear from anyone soon to get a pacemaker. Mine is scheduled for August 21. It's always on my mind. Wondering if you're feeling that way.


Jessie if you're still on go to chat

Jessie if you're still on go to chat



I had my pacemaker installed in an emergency surgery on Wed. afternoon. Since I have been dealing with a great deal of anxiety about all aspects of my recovery. I had a very sudden onset of heart block and it was quite frightening. I can't seem to shake the fears that it will happen again or that I will have every complication possible. In actuality all seems to be going well. Is there any help for the anxiety?



Not Quite Right

On June 11, 2007 I had my PM implanted. Since then there have been several times when I have went to get up after a few steps felt odd. It's hard to describe. I feel kind of light headed or in a fog all of a sudden, like maybe getting ready to pass out. I know things like this happen as we age but this has happened a lot more since I got my PM.

I had bypass surgery on February 7, 2007. All my doctors tell me there is nothing mechanically wrong with my heart and I've never had a hear...


Found the tunnel we were looking for a did not realise how dark life could be

Many thanks for all the help and support everyone has given me the past month. I realise that everyone has really tried very hard and really do appreciated all the feedback that you all gave me.

Unfortunately was told something that I never expected.

Wishing everyone good health for themselves and their family.

Heart broken Debbie


You know you're wired when...

Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.