Most Recent Messages in Coping


Me again. Just thanked all for welcoming me on here. Glad to have found this site. I must learn to take things in my stride and one day at a time. Perhaps this will help with the shortness of breath which I know is stress related. I went for a walk this morning and didn't get short of breath at all. My trouble is I sit down take my pulse and cannot believe the rate, vicious circle shortness of breath kicks in.

Hey Ho only first week must get better soon



pacemaker causing heart failure?

am a 33yr old female with 3rd degree heart block, happily married, 2 children and a 6yr old pacemaker. Recently, (Nov. and Jan.) phone checks have made my heart race around 150 beats a minute. The first on lasted about 15 min. and the second on was for an hour and a half and an ER visit. Both converted on their own. I had an echo done right after the conversion. Last week, my doctor visit was a shock. EP said that my heart was functioning at 35%. My only options are drugs or an "up-grade" as he...



lookin to hear from fellow firemen/women,medics.


11 Days!!

Wow its so hard to believe I have a pm and I have had it for 11 days!! I wanna start off by sayin' I do feel better!! I dont know how much yet, but it is better. Im still super sore (i dunno if thats normal) just assumed it was fine due to all the pulling my site puts up with!! hehe Im getting out of the house a lil more now and it feels good! I just think maybe I have been over doing it these last two days. Wednesday I felt real good so then I started to do more and im kinda back where I was b4...


Is my pacemaker kicking in?

I just started having faint flutters at the battery. Is this normal when the pacemaker kicks in as I call it? It is not in the heart, but at the battery. Anyone have or had this happen? I've had my pm since 2005 and get great reports on check had never had to kick in as of my last visit 4 months ago.


I have a question

Allan (41) edinburgh

I had my first pace maker installed on 10th of October last year a dual lead st judes symphony 2550

I had been diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome with my pulse going as low as 14 secs per minute when asleep also i had been suffering with bouts of afib.

My question is on my first (one month) check up it was revealed that i was only 28% dependant I stll had problems with afib they sitched on suppressor leads and a month later i asked how depen...


Positive Attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!

I geuss that knowledge and experience make all the differance. Getting my PM at the age of 36 was a shock and scary for everyone involved. I have been very fortunate that that was the "fix" and not a problem to speak of since. This week it was thought that my elderly uncle had a heart attack and everyone was worried. It was discovered that he din't have a MI and only a drastic slow down in his BPM. To make a long story short, my Mom (his sister) went to see him in the hospital this am and inform...



Have you ever felt like you're being left out? Well, I know that felling very well. One day in school, I was assinged a video project and one of the girls that I worked with told me to pick out the music. So whiile I was doing that, the girl pushed me out the way and she picked out the music. I dealt with this very carefullly because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. So, I backed out and let the other two girls to the project by themselves.


response to CathrynB

I am a new "pacer" as of 11-7-07 and I also have discomfort that seeems to be increasing over the incision site especially when I am wearing my seatbelt. I did purchase the seatbelt adapter but it does not seem to help. I have also tried the sheepskin covers and they work somewhat but not after a long period of driving. Any suggestions? Is it too soon for me to start using the massage therapy suggested by CathrynB? Thanks for any info.



Anxiety is an enemy to our lives. It has no care how old you are or when it decides to invade your mind and body. It will meet you in the supermarket. It's time of attacks will come in your quietest moments. It has a way of disrupting our will to have the peace of mind we all deserve. It will rob you of your happiness. It begins to attack your body more and more as the thoughts of doom is in scripted in your mind. It's been said that anxiety can brings you to a world of uncontrolled physical bre...



I've posted previously on difficulties with anxiety (I had thought that a panic attack may have been responsible for an episode of arrythmia I suffered). Now I believe there were several factors at work, but I cannot get rid of the anxiety that it can happen any time. I have been having extreme anxiety every time I leave the house---especially alone---which is immensely inconvenient. I am a very independent person (I love to see movies by myself, spend a lot of time walking alone, etc.) and I ca...



I am a 35 year old male I got my icd Jan.4 2007 I was active duty in the army. I was forced to med retire out. now i cant do the old jobs before military. i am not quit sure of the jobs i can do does anyone have a clue


never could i have guessed!

Wow the big day is almost here!! To tell you the truth I tryed to stay away from this site until after I got home. Kinda to forget about the pm I think but it hasnt helped @ all! hehe I think it has actually made it harder, so here I am! lol I think it finally hit me last nite that its actually going to happen in 14 hours! I didnt think I would be this afraid! I mean you guys have all given me the help I have needed why cant I just stop thinking about it and do it! I realize I will be much bette...


Could something be wrong?

Hi fellow pacers,

I had my first pacemaker implanted 26th Nov 07 for congential complete heart block causing low heart rate 40 bpm and have my 6 week check up on Weds (9th).

Although I'm definitely feeling a lot better and the pre-PM symptoms of fatigue, migraines, neck pressure pain, heart thumping, left-sided numbness and lightheadedness have more or less gone, I've noticed a reduction in the benefits over the past two weeks.

Basically, I don't feel as 'well'...


Silly I know

I know this is silly but would anyone mind sending me a pic of their scar? My e-mail is If not it isnt a big deal im just stressin.


Complicated question

Hey everyone,
well as some of you may know I got my first PM in June for syncope episodes due to low BP and a condition called dysautonomia. I am on tons of BP meds and now with the PM I thought I would be doing much better. Well this is not really the case, I am still fainting at least twice weekly with no warning signs. Many injuries from this!!!!!
The fainting has been plagueing me for over three years. I have not been able to drive or work. I have accepted that I may never fu...


Finally a good change!!

Well as you all know I have had crazy ride! From the 9th to the the 7th!! Im super excited and that kinda scares me! Why on earth would I be excited? I know why, im ready to feel better, move on with my life and have a baby! hehe So for those of you who wanted to know when........ its this Monday the 7th @ 6:00am! Yes im excited but im not yet over the fear, I actually dont think it has hit yet! So please keep me in mind! To each and everyone that has helped me this far I cant...



Hi does any body get an aching in back of shoulder blade when i become active side of pacemaker. I have it 1 month Thank you


new year

Well seems I'm always fortunate to see, or meet someone who has it just as bad or worse then I, and I say,"there but for the grace of God go I." Happy New Year, thanks for hope and cheer placed here. J.T.


Anyone for Chat

I will be in if you wish to join


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

Member Quotes

Pacemakers are very reliable devices.