Most Recent Messages in Coping

New member

I had a pacemaker implanted just 2 wks ago so I'm being careful about my activities untill my Dr gives the ok. I've been a passionate scuba diver for over 40 yrs now , and at first it looked like I'd have to give it up. Now, it seems like all will be ok .I'm sure my first dives with a pm will be accompanied by some anxiety, but I'm also sure that the anxiety will pass with time and experience. I've already decided that I'm going to limit my dives to about 50 ft, and that's ok. Except for t...


Ups and Downs

I was wondering if anyone experiences intermittent episodes of deep sadness after their PM. My PM was implanted in Feb '08 and paces me 100% in my bottom ventricles because of a complet heart block. I have had it adjusted a couple of times since. I seem to have long stretches of feeling really good- upbeat, high energy- my old self again (well, almost), and then a period of soul wretching sadness hits me. I know what feeling blue is, I have worked through depression in the past, but this is tot...


Saved!! lol

Just want to say thanks, folks. Have had dual pacer for near 3 weeks now. Never had any thought of having one until I flatlined in emergency room and don't know of anyone that I know has one. Had the surgery and won't be seeing doctor for 3 months. (Technician took staples out) Have been feeling very lost with no info until I found this site. You all have been very helpful in making me feel much better about what going through. Probably be getting addicted to reading the forums here now,...


Getting my pacemaker tomorrow


I'm a first timer here and am getting my pacemaker put in tomorrow. A single chamber demand pacer. I am a firefighter/paramedic (for 10 years)and have been on light duty for 15 months after bradying down to asystole after getting an exposure on the job. I have been dealing with vagal syncope syndrome and bradycardia ever since. After waiting for my body to heal itself my cardiologist and I came to the conclusion that the pacemaker is the way to go to get me back to work. I j...


new mommy with a pace maker

I recently gave birth to my son Anthony. I went in to the hospital to deliver him but he left the hospital before I did, During my deliver my heart rate drop to 21 beats a minute. I almost die giving birth to him. I never thought that I was going to go through something so powerful. I just got out the hospital with a pace maker and I'm not sure what to do now. I'm getting depressed because I now realize that I would of die and I would of left my new baby and my two year old daughter without...


Beating the beta blockers!

Hi allan here (41) Edinburgh

Well just completed my second 6 mile walk this week and although I have to admit I felt hellish halfway through the second one i did it.
If I have to learn how to walk again in this new zombie like world of mud I will because I am sure the exercise does me good it sure as hell clears the head.
From now on I am gonna try to be more positive as it is easy to forget the way I felt before i got the pacemaker-

I used to have weeks w...


Atrial Fibrillation Attacks

Hello All - do any of you know any tricks to halt an atrial fibrillation attack, please? They frighten me so. I've a dual lead ELA pacemaker and take 50mgs of Flecainide twice daily, as well as 2.5mgs of Bisoprolol daily, and have done so since my PM was implanted in April last year. To date the A.Fib's been well-controlled. However, this last week I've suffered several episodes of longer duration. I hate the idea of taking heavier doses of medication.



Does anyone have POTS and a pm.
If so do you have a normal social life, working, driving
I have POTS and a pm I am 28 years old and just been to the doctors again to change my medication. I am not coping very good. Any help would be great I NEED IT



Do all people with general dual chamber pacmakers eventually lead to defibrillators?

Are people who have sinus bycardia with paraxsmayl a fib more likely to go on to need a defibrillator?

I had my pacemaker fitted october last year I am 41 i am adjusting quite well not pacing in bottom chambers at all but 75-80% in top atrium I am told this is normal as my pacemaker is simply out runing afib which is below 1%

I feel tired for about three hours after my beta bloc...


Medic Alert Bracelets

I'm new here and just had my PM installed at the end of Feb. of this year.
I was told to get a medical alert bracelet. Also was told not to buy the over the counter ones because they don't last and after about a week they begin to look terrible. I don't know if that is true since I haven't purchased one yet.

My question is does everyone here wear a medical alert bracelet. Where can I get a decent or good one and a good price???


Ealizing recovery is longer than anticipated

Thank you to all who posted about helping my Dad. I am realizing that there is more to his recovery than initially expected, especially because he is 77! He has 3 leads and a defibulator. Many peole mentioned settings?? I don't recall them saying anything about that at his follow up appt. He just received a machine in the mail. I think I need to really read up on that and understand how it works. I think he thought in 3 weeks he would be back to normal. I don't think so anymore. I am going to re...


My New Pacemaker!

Would be very happy if anyone out there in email land can tell me if their pacemaker is as big as mine is......Supposedly it is supposed to be the best there is but it sticks out and is uncomfortable.....It is the size of a deck of cards or a pack of cigarettes.....All have a good EASTER and a healthy EASTER.



Hello, I just joined the group! I have had a pacemaker since 2002. I have been searching for something or someone to talk with about my pacemaker because it does feel like after you get one put in no one fills you in on what could happen or how you may feel. Finding this website and reading everyone elses stories has really helped me. Now I know I'm not the only one out there having some of the same systoms talked about here. Thanks to all you who will open up and talk. It may take me a littl...


strange feelings

I got my dual chamber pacemaker at the end of December. Every week or two I start feeling differently--I just passed my two month mark and started feeling relaxed like I could go to sleep all day. I feel really spaced out--light headed. I check my pulse and blood pressure and everything is OK. I just don't remember ever feeling quite like this. I am also having migraine headaches that started for the first time last November. I have a migraine with that aura around the inside edges of my e...


thank you to all the other forget-me nots

Boy what a relief I'm not alone out there - now that I know this I can forget it - and get on with life - it has become very precious
Thank so much to all who answered this question. You are a great lifeline


memory loss

Have had my PM for over 2 years - has anyone ever suffered memory loss., since PM inserted?
Thanks for all the advice


The New Me

  • by HB
  • 2008-03-13 06:03:54
  • Coping

Hi, I'm Heather, a 58 yr old with a brand new ICD (St. Jude's Atlus II). I have a history of dilated cardiomyopathy, but was stable and healthy for 13 years until this past December when I had my first V-Tach. In the next two months I had several more, never actually fainted, but came close to it, in and out of emergency several times. A week and a half ago I went into the hospital for what I thought was to be an EP study, followed by a cardio-ablation. I had more or less prepared myself for tha...


Three weeks after implant

Hello everyone. Nice to be alive!!! I'm 49 and had a PM implanted little over three weeks ago. I'm still coping with quit a bit of pain. II went into work yesterday and worked all day long. There seemed to be no problem. Other than being uncomfortable. I sit in front of a computer screen all day long. This morning I woke up and could hardly deal with the pain. I took a pain pill and laid back down, I woke up 8 hours later still in pain. Have I gone back to work too soon? Has anyone els...


how to deal

Hey Everybody,
Well as some of you know, I have been fainting almost daily for 4 years. I got my PM in June and am hoping with a little tweaking that the faints will slowly get better.
The problem is that I seem to be losing my friends. I had a great group of friends that used to hang out all the time and call to talk almost daily. Since the fainting, I have noticed that they don't seem to call much anymore and when they make plans to get together...I am usually left out.
I try...



I am still new to having a pacemaker, it's my first one and its been less than a year. Still trying to get over the self consious part. Does anyone else feel when it hits? Its like having a pro boxer thump you in the chest! Does it ever go away?

I read in a chat that someone was asking about still being a firefighter. Please don't give up on your dreams, if it makes you happy that is what you should do regardless of that electronics in you! I am going to college for Criminal Justice,...


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I still feel great today and can’t stop feeling excited at my "new" life. Modern day miracles through medicine and electronic devices are amazing!