Most Recent Messages in Coping

Darn IT!!!

Well as you all know I WAS going to have my pm put in on Jan 9th!! The hospital called me this am and let me know that they needed to move the apt. They said that it was booked to late in the day and the next date would be Jan 30th! I know that doesnt seem like long but I really dont think I can sit here and think about it that long! Im going nuts!! I thought 10 days was a long time to wait and now 30!! I have already been to the hospital once since we set the date due to stress!! So I called my...


wanna chat

pacergirl would u like to chat


Some good news at last

My father Kenneth should had been having a CT scan next year 2008, but having read about chemotherapy tablets the family pushed early December 2007 for him to have a second CT scan. We received the results 2 weeks ago. The consultant is very pleased with the results and the tumor has decreased and he does not want to see my father until next March 2008.

As a family everyday we have been giving him, Mushroom Drops, Q10, Oxygen drops, Coral Calcium, Shark Tablet, Moducare, Seleno an...


Jan. 9th

Welp ....... just got off the phone with my nurse and I will have my pacemaker as of Jan. 9th @ 1:00pm! Any advice as I get ready for that day?



I just wanted to let everyone know that it is now a waiting game! hehe. I have talked to my nurse and she is talking to my EP doc and letting me know tomorrow when I will have PM impalnted! So thanks to everyone who has wished me luck this far and im totally ready! The waiting just kills me!! Have a wonderful day and i'll let you know when i know! Rach



hi i am a 17 year old girl with a pacemaker. i had my pacemaker implanted when i was 14. i wasnt really told what i can and annot do and what to avoid. can any1 help me out with this??


Wish me luck!!

Well Christmas Day has been great. I have finally made up mind up! Im calling the EP Doc first thing in the A.M. im getting the pm. Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!
Thanks to everyone who has helped me this far!



hey ChristMMPace would u like to chat? I have a few things I would like to ask you! Thanks



Well I finally got back on here after a few days of trying. I had to reregister. So for those who know me my old member name was OIMAPRINCESS247 so i just added another 7. Well Things are going well. I go for my 2 week check up. I am a little nervous. I have it in my head that I did something wrong and i am going to have to go back for more surgery. Everyone keeps telling me things are going to be ok so I am hoping. Things are getting harder because the pain has gone away and I am wanting to use...


Annoying Noise

My ICD is driving me crazy. The noise never stops! I have trouble sleeping because the thing keeps me awake. I like noisy environments because I don't have to hear the thing! Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


First Birthday

  • by TSA
  • 2007-12-18 08:12:48
  • Coping

Hello Friends,
Today is 1 year since I had my pacemaker put in. I read some of you celebrate that day and I think it is a good idea. I believe without that devise I would not be here today, so it is a day to think about what my life has been about this year and what I am making it. I wish I could say I live every day to the full but I do not; however, I think I appreciate life more than I did. I revieved a gift this morning from my family of a small stuffed bear who has a pacemaker!



I posted a message a couple of days ago and i only got one im going to try this again! haha I was told that i could keep tryin meds that havent worked for almost three years or get a pm. Im really stuck between a rock and a hard place! I just wanted to see if you guys could let me in on some of the pros and some of the cons to a pacemaker!

Thanks to everyone for all the help this far!

Hope your all ready for Christmas!!


PM Pro's and Con's

As you all know I have been tryin to figure out if I should get a PM or not. If you guys could help me with some pro's and con's. I figured that is the only way i will feel totally sure is if I make a list and see where it goes from there!! Thanks so much. Hope everyone is enjoying their shopping!



Jessie thanks ,all is going well with me ,pacemaker do not know i have it , (only when i lie on it in bed ) ,i have it check evey year ,All for now Frank (uk)


Sleeplessness & Recovery

6 weeks in to a PM for slow heart rate and long pauses(syncope) difficulty sleeping and anxiety, not anywhere near vigorous exercise I was doing before. EP, Cardiologist, Internist all say sleeplessness is anxiety so gave me some meds for sleep/anxiety. Anyways I think my low end is set at 60bpm...If my sleeping rate was lower before could the sleeplessness be because the low bpm(6) is set to high ?

Lastly I have tech's and EP's telling me 6 weeks I am good to resume everything vs. s...



Anyone wanna chat?


You wanted to know more!

Well it all started back in Oct. 2005. I was fine b4 all of this. I worked and went to school full time. I was at work on day and just passed out, out of no~where. I went to the local hospital and they seen that i had some 2nd blocking, a~fib, and 2 PE's. They told my parents that I just needed to stay over nite and i would be back to normal in the am. So they put me on some blood thinners and I was there for like 2 weeks with all of this. I finally went to see someone and he tryed everything. I...


Needing a pacemaker

Well im pretty new to this so all help is welcome! Im 21 years old and told I need a pacemaker. I just wanted to see if you guys could help me out! Thanks Rachel


Symphony 2550 problems

!st time here and am impressed with the site. This is my 2nd pm and as with the 1st and having problems. My problems is atril fib from the begining with the 1st pm.The pm kept me at 70 beats so I could take Rythmol. Without the pm my normal was 58. Rythmol drove me down to 42. After two years on the 1st pm they turned off the flywheel and I had no more problems.
With this pm they had the sensors at first at 9. then 7, then 5, then 3 and finally they turned off sensors. Still not right. I mi...


Anyone for Chat

Anyone up for Chat??????


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.