Most Recent Messages in Coping

allan(41) Edinburgh Atenol

Just a quick not to let people know I am ok had my 2 month check up and since my 1st pacemaker implantation october 10th 2007 i have got my afib down to under 1% THANKS TO ATENOL.It seems to help and my technician reported to me that of my 8 episodes of afib in past month none lasted longer than 3 seconds and that they dont want to see me for another year.

well fingers crossed maybe i can forget about it while and get on with my life which is what we all want to do really.


Anyone ever experience this?

Hi guys!
Haven't posted a question in awhile, but have been having some problems in the last week, so "I'm Back!!!".
Some past history- Medtronic Dual Chamber PM implanted 10/1/07. Have been having lots of problem with "feeling the PM pace". This has been documented as I'm wearing an event monitor which revealed "fusion beats" and the addition of PAC's sometimes 3-4 in a row. Seems I feel worse when I'm pacing in the atrium and ventricle, then of course sprinkle in the PAC's an...



Dear Friends,

I'm 86 and in reasonably good health except that I have an irregular, slow heart-beat that has caused my doctor to recommend a pace-maker.

The problem that I have with the idea is that at my age I have to reconcile myself to death and the cause of it that I prefer. I would prefer something quick like a heart-attack rather than a slow deteriorization seated in a wheel-chair, gradually losing my ability to think clearly and with someone having to clean me up...


21 With Pacer

Well I am a 21 year old female and just had a St.Jude's Pacemaker implanted. I was having a horrible time with fainting,dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue. The doctors said that I had something called Neurocardiogenic syncope and also something called sick sinus syndrome which causes my heart rate to slow considerably.. Does anyone else have either of these problems. I am also dealing with Sleep Apnea. I feel like I am the only young person with problems like these. If anyone has any ad...


21 With Pacer

Well I am a 21 year old female and just had a St.Jude's Pacemaker implanted. I was having a horrible time with fainting,dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue. The doctors said that I had something called Neurocardiogenic syncope and also something called sick sinus syndrome which causes my heart rate to slow considerably.. Does anyone else have either of these problems. I am also dealing with Sleep Apnea. I feel like I am the only young person with problems like these. If anyone has any ad...


Are You Different Than Before?

Just wondering how many pacers feel that they are not the same person as they were before.

Trying not to be vague. It's a life changing situation. As you may have read, I lost my job due to my PM. In this past year, I have gone through moving across the country, a divorce, having to get a PM, and then losing my job. All these life changing events have really made me re-evaluate my life. I am trying to stay positive. I am having to take anti-depressants. The Dr. switched my anti-depre...


Low Libido

Can anyone offer me any advice. Since having an ICD fitted 2-3 years ago and taking Beta blockers twice a day - Sotalol 2x 80mg tablets, my sex drive has dropped. Is there a different medication that may help me? Is viagra an option, which increases the heartbeat and presumably works against beta blockers. I'm in my early fifties and feel a bit despondent about this. Is their anyone who can offer me some hope/optimism on the horizon. Any information anyone can share with me? That would be appre...


Does anyone feel like I do

My 1st PM (with only one lead) was put in DEC 1989 for Bradycardia .I had a 2nd one put in 7 yrs later .In that time I experienced SVT and was put on Digoxin .I was better for a while and then I started to pass out and went to the ER where I was admitted into CICU and the Dr said I need a new PM but with two leads now because of heart block.I continued to feel weak and even passed out a few times .I was readmitted to CICU again where I was sput on the Tilt Table and diagnosed w/ Ne...


Sorry to hijack the site for a question about nature medicines

My father has been fitted with a pacemaker in June. The problem is that he has brain cancer. He has had radiotherapy and we have given him alternative medicines ie Q10, Essacia tea, mushroom, drops, oxygen drops, coral calcium, shark tablet, seleno.

At the beginining of the week I was informed that people with cancer who take Flex seed oil have had good results. We gave my father this yesterday and brown liquid came from his nose (sorry it sound horrible). Since this has happenend...


Upset over scar

I'm really bothered by my pm scar. Hubby says its not that bad, daughter says I'm obsessing. I just want it to stop hurting and I'd like to do something to minimize the appearance. I wish i didn't feel so bad about it, but I do. I wish I could ignore it but the constant irritation keeps me focused on it. Please don't tell me that the scar is just a cosmetic issue - although I wouldn't do it, there are people who risk their lives having cosmetic surgeries all the time.


Lost Job Due To Pacemaker


I am new here. I had a Medtronics pacemaker #ADDR01 implanted in Aug. at the age of 47 years old. I was working as a Locomotive Engineer at the time. However, since the locomotives have electromagnetic fields, though the risk was low, my Cardiologist said that it was too great of a risk due to how much my heart is using the pacemaker. Subsequently, my railroad terminated me since I could not fulfill my job requirement. This has been devastating. It was a job that I was very pas...


Please help!

I'm happy to see our club is growing in compassion and concerns for others. I thank you all for your postings and your words of comfort when I need them.

I have a request to ask of you whom may have gone through a triple bypass surgery. My aunt is line up to have the surgery sometime in January. She's a bit concern and her anxiety is through the roof. My cousin whom I love like a brother is also having a hard time with the whole surgery thing. I'm asking anyone who have good or...



Hi There,

Yesterday I found out I needed to get a pacemaker.
I couldn't believe it, I cried my eyes out. I'm a 24 year old women and I couldn't believe how scared I am. In my case I have vasovagal syncope. So I pass out, I've probably passed out about 200 times in my life time. I need to make a choice, should I get one or shouldn't I. All doctors say yes, mom and dad are a go. But I don't know.

How painful is it, not the surgury but in general just to have. I've...



I have had a dual chamber pm for three weeks now. (dislodged wire several days after implantation which was repaired in addition).
Anyhow, it is encouraging to hear about the emotional edge many people have also experienced after getting the pm. That alone helps with the anxiety I have experienced, really, for the first time in my life - I am 59, and this all happened very suddenly. I have been in very good health beforehand, active, asymptomatic!!. No medical history to speak of. One que...


Allan(41) Edinburgh re Atenol and a_fib

Hi everybody it is now nearly 8 weeks since my first pacemaker implantation a st judes dual lead pacemker with atrial suppressor lead.I was still getting a-fib after operation only 1-3 % of time but still uncomfortable enough to warrant bet blockers tried bismodol made me sick so switched to atenol

I have been taking theses pills for nearly three weeks now and touch wood they do seem to disguise my episodes of afib but i am sure thet are still there underneath.
i do feel quite s...


I've been thinking...

For years now I've been perplexed and frustrated at the confusion there seems to be concerning what exactly a pacemaker will and will not do. I think, generally, all of us were made aware of our issues concerning heart rhythms either by an abnormal EKG, symptoms, or episodes of passing out, ect. Most of us have no expert knowledge of our sometimes surprising diagnosis', and we listen with a kind of numbness to the news that we need a pacemaker or an ICD. I know I truly was under the impression...


Update and thanks for the great feedback!

Back on 10/26, I introduced my current situation and myself. I want to thank everyone for his or her comforting words, encouragement, and advice. Thanks so much for the messages. I agree with Frank’s posting. Anything could have caused this...viruses, etc. Also, my concern with a pacemaker could be masking the real cause.

I want to share this with everyone. Might be a remote possibility that you or somone you know had a terrible experience with medications that resulted in a PM...


About to have a dual lead pacemaker

I will be have a Pacemaker fitted within the next 6 weeks :( I am a bit afraid of the injections into the chest as I have been told they can be painful. Is this the only pain that is felt during the procedure?

Any advice regarding questions to ask and what to expect would be gratefully acknowledged.


pain weights

I do have osteoporosis and would like to know if their are any light weight upper body exercises I could do without bothering my pm which is not quite three months old. Also, do any of you get slight pain in the pacemaker site occasionally or when you are anxious about anything at all? Would love your input... thanks... aldeer


This is a little out of ordinary

I really really need some help here. It is not really related to the pm but affairs of the heart and stress on the heart.

I was delivered some devistating news last week. This is an issue that has been going on for months but I thought was over. It just got worse.

Well my question is this I have gone to the hospital several times over the past few months with chest pain. The doctor says it is stress related but I also have my pm to worry about. Do you all kn...


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.