Most Recent Messages in Coping

Fluid Retention

Hi Pacemaker Club,

was just wondering how many of you deal with fluid retention. I am suppose to weigh myself every day and if I gain 2 lbs. in 1 day then I need to take Lasix. The problem for me is I don't notice any ankle swelling or leg swelling and that worries me because I don't want fluid in my lungs. Any comments will be appreciated. Thank You


Any Ideas or Suggestions would be great

Hello All, I hope you are well,

It seems that I post on here a lot to complain, moan or say there is something not quite right. And i know it may come across that way, but I value the opinions, suggestions and help I receive on this group. 

Since January now I have been feeling completely exhausted all of the time. I am so tired and have a complete lack of energy and it is really starting too get me down. 

My legs have also been in a lot of pain and aching, and bec...


New med

Hello everyone ,I have had my  pacemaker 2 years now ,it adjusts  when my heartbeats too slow.Just lately I have been having more frequent palpitations and Cardiologist has asked my Dr to  change my 180 mg twice daily Sotalol to 100 mg of Flecanaid   Twice daily ,I have to cut back Sotalol to 80mg twice daily for one week then 40 mg  twice daily for following week .I then start  on 100mg of Flecanaid twice daily ,I am nervous of cutting down S...


Whooshing in ears/dizzy when he moves his head


i'm new here and have joined on behalf of my husband who is nearly 80. We are in the UK. He had a pacemaker fitted 4 days ago and came home the next day. Everything was fine for the first 3 days, but today he is getting whooshing in his ears, especially when he moves his head to the side, and also when he moves his eyes from side to side. He also feels slightly dizzy when that happens. 

He's had a/f for a few years. He had open heart surgery las...


Sensation or quasi-pain when paced

I have had my pacemaker for a little over 5 months now.  It has been excellent, base rate of 60, solved my low H/R and pauses at night, and generally everything is fine.  However, there are times when I can feel a sensation or even a minor sharp pain when it is is pacing as as a result of a PVC.  I admit I am over sensitive to H/R issues and ectopics as I also have very occasional Afib.  But it is odd to feel this...sensation...when it is pacing the ventricle.  It som...


I FINALLY have my WHAT! Now we just need the WHY....

Ladies & Gentleman I FINALLY have my what! After 3 years of countless doctor appointments, ER visits, testing, etc; we finally have the cause of my issues. Unfortunately it falls outside of the scope of this website but since I've shared my journey I will gladly share the outcome. I'll begin by saying its rare and it took countless hours of research, and one doctor at UCLA to finally believe me. 

The partial diagnosis came from the invasive cardiopulmonary exercise stre...


Shortness of breath just going up stairs or walking

I have had a pacemaker for 10 years because of complete heart block. I just received my second one last July. When I tell my doctor about shortness of breath and weakness in my legs going up stairs or just taking a walk he tells me my pacemaker is working. Does anyone else have these issues?


One Year Anniversary

Hi all!! wanted to comment I am having my one year anniversary on Sunday march 26th. It was a nightmare a year ago was on vacation in Florida having a great day in the sun and surf!! But that night was passing out all over the place. Thanks to my wife's quick action in getting me an ambulance and the closeness and expertise of the hospital I sm her today to talk about it. 

A year later I seem to be no worse for the wear. Feeling good blood pressure is perfect and my blood...


Preserved left Ventricular Systolic Function?



I have written many messages on here an always get great help back, and I just have a question please that is quite worrying me.

I had contacted my cardiology team about a few symptoms I have been facing recently ( extreme fatigue, headaches  and no energy ect.) and I had a phone call and a letter sent back. 

In my letter the notes say Jun 2022, normal LV function and size with no aortic root dilation. 

But then further down in t...


Pacemaker battery nearing the end of power.

I've been told my pacemaker had several weeks left. I totally rely on it because of total heart block. I'd rather get a new one sooner rather than later. I'm so nervous that it will just stop one day and my heart will stop right along with it. My cardiologist says insurance won't cover the procedure until I need the device changed. This is freaking me out. How close do you have to be to flatlining before Medicare will cover the procedure?


New PM

Good evening, 

I had my PM placed on Monday the 13th of March. Big surprise to me. Micra AV.

I'm 58 years old. 

I have so many questions and looking for help. 

1. When do the PVC's calm down?

2. Is it normal to be so emotional? Anger, crying, anxiety and fear?

3. Are there any online support meetings?

Thank you for the acceptance to this forum and grateful for any help. Feeling alone and scared!


Pain at Site of implant

I got my pacemaker inserted on Valentine's over a month has passed and the bruises and swelling have pretty much gone away. The skin over my pacemaker is very sensitive and still painful. I can feel all the bumps and where the wires connect if I run my finger over it. Just about everything I wear rubs against it. I bought the pads you attach to bra straps, but as I don't wear one, they aren't much good. I tried taping them over the site, but they aren't soft enough a...


any help or advice would be great, getting fed up

Hello Again,

I am looking for some advice/ knowledge please. 

For about 3 months now I have been feeling bad, I am extremely tired, lacking energy and motivation to do anything, and I have had almost constant headaches throughout this time aswell. 


More recently a few weeks ago, my legs began to ache and really hurt. This pain gets worse when I move around, and nothing seems to be helping the aching and pain. 

I feel weak and tired all...


Moms with pacemakers? Looking for advice for comfort when managing my LO

My Medtronic CRT-D is not submuscular unfortunately and I am quite petite framed, I have been struggling with holding my son during feedings or just carrying him as I get pains in my shoulder, and he keeps accidentally faceplanting onto my device (poor little guy). I also have a port under my skin on the opposite shoulder which he has accidentally bonked against during crying bouts.  I have resorted to wearing multiple layers and sweatshirts to help cushion him if he does faceplant on me...


Ouch, I am new to the ICD club

Hi all!
About 2-ish months ago I suffered a "cardiac event." Luckily for me, my husband rolled over in bed to make fun of me for making a weird sound. He saw my eyes rolled back in my head and noticed I wasn't breathing. He immediately pulled me onto the floor and started CPR while calling 911. He got me breathing, and luckily I live really close to an excellent heart center. Doctors installed a defibrillator, but we still do not know what caused my ventricul...


Recent "episode"

Hi All.

I've had a pacemaker now for 3 years. Last night I had a rough bradicardic episode: the PM did cut in and slowly resolved the problem but I felt really Ill with all the symptoms.

I intend to contact the cardio unit at my local hospital on Monday.

My question is, what pulse rate do other members PMs cut in at? 


Hello from Australia, new to all this

Hi Folks,


 I'm a 55year old male and was diagnosed with HOCM about 6 years ago.

It was a shock but did answer some questions as to why I was having trouble exercising (I used to do long distance cycling events), it also put a halt to my hobby of motor racing as they would not endorse my license anymore.

 Anyway three weeks ago I collapsed for a few seconds, stupidly I left it till the next day to go to hospital... Now here I am...



Hi all! I'm new to PMC, glad I stumbled upon it! Brief backstory, I'm 26 years old, I've had 5 previous ablations, my latest being two weeks ago. Unfortunately it put me into a brady junctional rhythm after I was discharged and I was throwing 6 second long pauses every couple of minutes so last week I had a Medtronic dual chamber pacemaker placed. They were able to implant it under the muscle so it wasn't as cosmetically noticeable (which I wasn't concerned about but...


Daily pacing w/ new defibrillator/pacemaker. Diagnosed with LVNC

My ex-wife is still a very good friend of mine and I'm trying to be supportive because she's going through a lot. When we were married she often passed out and it was always assumed it was just because she had a low ejection fraction etc. When she went to the VA doc (she's a veteran) they never found anything. She's now 45 and this past spring she was told that she has Left Ventricular Non Compaction along with the low ejection fraction. She had a pacemaker implanted before th...


New Pacemaker

Hi everyone!  :)

After a one-time fainting, I was urgently diagnosed with Bradycardia. It was such a surprise!

I had my PM installed on Jan 11th. I've had a few complications, but recently had it reset.

I feel a bit better, but I've noticed a numbness in both of my thumbs. They are tingly and a little pain.

Has anyone experienced this?

I'm just hoping that it is unrelated to my new PM.

Thank you for the support!!!... so glad I'm not alo...


You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

Do feel free to contact the manufacturer of your device. I have found them to be quite helpful when I have had questions and concerns.