Most Recent Messages in Coping

iCPET Update

Hello everyone!

Yesterday morning I completed the iCPET at UCLA. It was quite the production and I hope to never repeat it again. The catheter in my neck was so uncomfortable. Anyhow I don't have an answer just yet. I was told they need to review all data and blood work. The doctor did tell me I do not have exercise induced PH, but when I asked him about EI HFpEF he simply said "it's close" but he has to review everything first. He did tell me that he is going to...


Update medicines

So I started taking cartia 30mg 3 times per day and been taking metropolol 25 half tablet 2 times per day . This is what i notice my heart feels more relax more slow is that good? I check my blood pressure before n sometimes be around 135/85 now is 118/80 just examples . The only complaint is this I feel weird in my head a little bit comes n goes like a lightheaded weird. Will I get used to it ..also can I drink a few beers ? Would it be better not to drink my medicine that day ? Or it don...


wearing a shoulder brace on pacemaker side - pain in left arm and shoulder

I had open heart surgery and a pacemaker placed in March 2022l  Before the surgery I had to sleep sitting up in order to breathe correctly.  I think I may have pulled a muscle or the shoulder cuff (?} I can't lift my arm ovner my head and My arm pops  alot. I  recently saw  The Compression Shoulder Brace™ advertised.    [Compression Shoulder Brace – Healthy Lab Co] It looks reasonable to me. What I need to know is it okay if I...


Good grief!

Hey PM Club!

Just a quick update on two items. First I have my Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (iCPET) at UCLA on 12/22 at 8am. I can't wait to get this done and see what's happening to me. 

Test Link:

Next update is nothing short of shocking to me. So I thought to do some stretching and some easy exercises at ho...


Blood thinners

Hi  long term arrhythmia, bradycardia controlled by single lead pacemaker for 8 years, cardiologist recommends anticoagulant but I depend on a good diet and exercise, anyone else who takes this approach I would be interested what you think thanks,



I want to take a Cruise with my husband. I was wondering how did you feel while on it. Did you feel dizzy or did your Pacemaker function properly? I am really worried. I took Cruisi's all the time before Pacemaker was installed, this will be my first experience with it.


New Pacemaker

Hello everyone.  I am new to both this site and having a pacemaker implanted back on October 5, 2022. Let me first introduce myself.  I am from Kentucky, retired military and retired from the Federal Prison system.  I am new to the pacemaker world and to be honest with you I am scared to death.  I know many of you are saying that heck I have been involved in several wars and this pacemaker scares you.  Well the answer to that statement hell yes I am.  War is abou...


Latest Update (Long Post SORRY!)

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been on here so I wanted to provide a rather lengthy update regarding my current health status. These last three years since my heart issues were discovered have been disheartening to say the least. I’ve gone through so many tests, scans, hospital visits and still have no answers. I am getting close, but I am still in the testing phase with my new doctors. I started with the VA, then used my private insurance (Optum) and now...


Biotronik identification card

Hi I'm a newbie, 41 having (very suddenly and shocked) had a pacemaker fitted 12 days ago.  I left hospital with my "identification card" which was a piece of half a4 paper, looked like recycled paper which is no way going to last 10 years!

I contacted Biotronik to see if they issue cards he said no unfortunately not. 
I feel I need to have a card for longevity can anyone advise of where is best to get one and what details I need on it exactly? Xx<...


Emotion Gene is Missing

I have an Abbott dual chamber heart pacer implanted that beats my heart 100% of the time due to my 3rd-degree heart block.  My pacer beats my heart exactly at 60 bpm 24/7 except when I exercise it will automatically sense and speed the rhythm up.

Now that I am paced my heart does not react to adrenalin rushes like a normal heart in flight mode.  Today I was in a situation that would scare anyone and cause a sudden rush of adrenalin but since I am bionic I don’t get the a...


Pain around pacemaker pocket

I am on my third pacemaker in 19 years. I have third degree heart block and feel wonderful.  Except for this last pacemaker. I received it May 19 and had lots of pain post placement.  My two previous pacemakers were no problem, almost no pain. This one has hurt since placement. Wakes me up at night pain.  And it itches constantly.  I contacted my EP and was told that they had to go through a lot of scar tissue so it will be uncomfortable longer. Don't worry.  But...


Frequent premature ventricular contractions


I have a dual chamber pacemaker insitu for 2:1 AV block. Recently I've been having palpitations and monitoring shows sinus rhythm with frequent premature ventricular contractions. Does anyone else have experience of this?

I'm already taking Bisoprolol 5mg and Lisinopril 2.5mg daily. 

Many thanks 😊 


Placement of the pacemaker

My pacemaker was fitted 2 weeks ago... it was a complete shock. I knew something wasn't quite right, but wasn't sure what it was. I had chemo 2 years ago and it seems this has affected my heart. I'm a bit concerned about the location of the actual pm... it seems to be very close to my shoulder and I it seems to obstruct the movement of my left arm across my body... anyone else had this experience?.. thank you 😊 


Flutters when pacemaker cuts in

I had a pacemaker implanted a month ago and am getting light flutters in my chest and occasionally in my stomach when it cuts in.  I've been told the pacemaker sets the voltage automatically at 125% of the threshold voltage for safety so it can't prudently get reduced. It isn't as strong as PVCs but can be annoying when reading and doing other quiet activities. Is this something that one eventually gets adjusted too or are my expectations too high? I cut back on my...



Hi, I received my pacemaker 10 days ago. My symptoms had been shortness of breath and being very tired. Also I had had 3 or 4 dizzy spells over the last year. Since getting the pacemaker the shortness of breath has improved quite a bit but I am still quite tired. Is this normal? I will be seeing my dr. on the 18th and the rep. from Boston Scientific on the 24th. 



Hello all,

I'm not sure if this is appropriate to post because it's not directly related to the pacemaker itself, but I'm just terrified and so afraid.

As everyone knows, my cardiac journey has been an up and down road. Recently, physical therapy and medication adjustments have helped keep the SVTs and general visual disturbances mostly at bay, to the point of experiencing them less and less, but still weekly.  

Now the topic of my post...


Heart Failure

I’am a semi-retired 69 y/o female. Last Oct 31,2021 I took my blood pressure at home and my pulse was only 39. I work in a senior care facility as a Med passer/caregiver so as I would often take vitals on the residents I was used to taking my own daily, so I knew 39 was too low and something was wrong. I called Triage. They suggested I go in to ER. The ER doctor did some tests; an echo etc and told me I had complete heart block, I needed a pacemaker right now. I could not...


Pace macker

Hi I had a pacemaker fitted 3 weeks ago got a complete heart blockage. Had a 3 wire 1. I’m only 38 and found out I was born with a congenital heart disease. My heart is the wrong way round.late on I will need heart op.I carnt stop crying . And 1 else been in this situation thanks x 


Pacemaker/defibrillator placement

I received my pacemaker defibrillator 5 weeks ago and I am still getting used to the location and the feel of it.  It seems very close to my armpit and I feel it every time I move my arm.  Will I get used to this?  Also I can see the outline under my skin and feel every ripple, so close to the surface of my skin.

thank you for any info 



I had my pacemaker inplanted 2 weeks ago yesterday. I was supposed to see my doctor who is 2 and 1/2 hours away from us but had car trouble and had to cancel. Unfotunately my car needs a new alternator which we cant afford until my husband gets his SS check next month. 2 nights ago I woke up and my heart felt like it was racing. Should I notify the doctor of this immediately? I really don't know if I should be ultra concerned about it or not. 

I dont have an extablished re...


You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.