Most Recent Messages in Coping

PM moves while asleep!

Hi all, I sleep on my right side, PM is on left but I'm being wakened with it having moved and on edge, sticking out. It's really uncomfortable. Just had my 6 week check today and was told this sometimes happens but should settle when internal heating is complete! How long does it take?


I have my answer! FINALLY

Hi everyone! 

I finally have my diagnosis. Thanks to member CrustyG for pointing me in the right direction and UCLA for believing in me. I now have have my WHY! 

In late December 2022 I had an invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test. It revealed cardiac pre-load failure but they did not know why.  After doing some research I found an obstructive heart failure preserved ejection fraction phenotype caused by NAFLD. I presented this to UCLA and they agreed with me. So y...


Anxiety and overall recovery

Good morning-

New to the club.  I received my pacemaker two weeks ago and am in the recovery process.  I am struggling with some anxiety over this new addition.  So many questions on what can I do, what can't I do and even how long will I live?  This came out of the blue for me, and I am realizing I have some self work to do.  Prior to the pacemaker I was not having any health related issues, but ended up with a series of fainting espisodes and then an episo...


New to the club

Hi All

I'm 65 and had a PM installed 5 weeks ago due to an AV Block. First 3 weeks everything was fine, just the limitations and the healing process. However, 2 weeks ago I experienced a brief flushing sensation in my head and upper chest.  I spoke to the cardiologist but as the symptoms left quickly he wasn't too concerned.  Yesterday, I had the same thing happen in the afternoon but this time I felt lousy all night.  Barely got any sleep as when I closed my...



Right after I had my implant, when I wanted to wear a bra to go somewhere, I wore a strapless bandeau type. It was stretchy so I could step into it then pull it up and I didn't have to reach over my head. Now I'm looking for other bra types because that one doesn't do much for lift and support. I found with sports bras the straps are softer and less chaffing but I always feel smushed with those. I think for looks and support the front fastening push up type bras are the best. With...


special bra after pacemaker implant?

is there a special recommendation for a bra after having a pacemaker fitted?   I still have problems with the strap 3 months after having the pacemaker.   Cardilogists are all male and have no recommendations.


Dealing with this new ICD

I got my Biotronic ICD put in June 14th, and physically am doing well. I work a a produce clerk at a grocery store and do allot of lifting and moving around. When I spoke to my cardiologist before surgery she said I would be out close to 3 months due to the type of work I do which I have no problem with. 

 But before I went out I told everyone at work I was going out to have surgery, but told no one what I was having done. I am not sure why I didn't want anyone to know. It...


Pain in the shoulder

Hi ya'll! I'm new at this site.I had my pacemaker installed about three months ago. I am experiencing some pain in my left shoulder area for the last few days. When I take a hot shower and take Tylenol and apply Biofreeze, it seems to go away for a few hours. Other than this new development I am feeling OK. Has anyone experienced these symptoms? I do not have a fever and feel fine otherwise. How concerned should I be? Thanks for your input! 


Vasovagal Syncope & Pacemaker

Hey Everyone !

I am so relieved to have found this website! I have been reading so many stories and it helps to know that there's a community for this!

A little about me; I am 29 years old and this past week I was told that I needed a pacemaker ASAP. To give some background; I have been fainting since I was six years old for various reasons and no medical professional has ever been interested in explaining why to my mother. So this year I decided to take action for myself beca...


Deficiencies corrected, symptoms remain

Hello All,


As some of you are aware, for around 6 months now i have been constantly fatigued, lathargic, and getting very fed up. With constant exhaustion and pains all around my body, things are becoming very frustrating. 

I had a blood test in march which showed vitimin D and folate deficiencies, but my recent blood test last week show these have been corrected, but my symptoms are exactly the same! 

I am really sure what to do anymore, as my G...


Tachycardia and anxiety

I have had my pacemaker for three months now for complete heart block. It was a big surprise emergency surgery.  I have had some episodes since then of sinus and atrial tachycardia and am taking a low dose of metoprolol. Although I have been told this is not a dangerous rhythm problem I am having anxiety about going places and doing things. I'm scared of having an episode of tachycardia and not being able to  turn it around. I have stopped caffeine and that has seemed to help. B...


My fathers last pacemaker readout. Possible vfib?

I have a printout of my fathers last pacemaker report before he passed away at home. The nurse who gave me the paperwork said it showed he was in vfib. Unfortunately the person there with him never called 911. They said he walked to his bed, collapsed, and was unresponsive. It was 40 minutes before 911 was called. This person said he was still verbal and walking around also during this incident. I find it hard to believe he could be walking and talking during what someone said is vfib?...


5 days post procedure

I posted yesterday and recieved very good insight, more  importantly the answers were comforting and put some of my concerns aside.

Today I've the following concerns:

Is it comon to feel lethargic, tied and suffer from intermittent chills?  I've lost appetite and a few pounds and actually fell a down in the dumps. I think today is better than yesterday and I'll hopefully know more later today to compare how tired I was yesterday afternoon vs. t...


Post pacemaker symptoms

Last Friday, 6/2, had PM  implanted. Sunday last felt good. Went to gym did a modest 2 mile walk on treadmill. Since then felt tired, chills, lack of appetite. Also felt lightheaded, not so much today.  Woke up with headache today. They did a remote check and I've PVCs, 4% burden.

1st line treatment will be beta blockers. 

Any one with similar post implant symptoms and how did you overcome them...beta blockers any help?



Funny feeling in throat & chest

New to the club. I just had a dual lead PM implanted on 05/01/23. Since then, I have an occasional tickling (for lack of a better word) sensation in my throat/chest. It doesn't hurt, just annoying. I've been told it will go away in time, but I'm not so sure. Has anyone else experienced a similar sensation?


Over analysis of your condition is injurious to your health

Yeh ! Seriously, I think that i am doing over analysis of my condition. It is only a month after my operation and I am like super depressed about me being dependent on that pacemaker. After my operation, i basically Googled every thing about pacemakers. Like what is the mortality rate of young patients of pacemakers, What might go wrong after pacemaker operation... !!! like every thing! Now , the main problem is ,i can't even think anything positive. I can't see positive in anything....


Ladies bra

To you ladies here-I have tried many bras and sports bras but they all seem to cross over my device making the fit uncomfortable. I have yet to find a high neck brand that completely covers the device. Does that make sense?  TIA


New pacemaker and svt

I received a surprise dual lead pacemaker on February 20, 2023 for complete heart block.  I had no idea I had a problem until one day my fit bit told me my heart rate was way too low.  It's been scary trying to adjust. The testing done in the hospital showed my heart is otherwise pretty normal and healthy.  I have had some sensations of a squeezing feeling in my chest that come and go, and apparently I am also having SVT. I came home on lopressor 25 mg a day, but I was told...


Any Occupational Therapist?

Hi there, 


I'm currently an occupational therapy student. Today is the second day of my attachment, and I'm struggling with tiredness/a little breathlessness/a little weakness at the end of day. I have congenital complete heart block and have been paced since birth. Wanted to know if there are occupational therapist out there with a similar condition and how did you cope with the demands of work?


Thanks in advance! 


Missed beats

Hi Guys , could someone pls reassure me 😉 I have had my latest PM for 18 months , for about 6 months IV been experiencing missed beats & a horrid thud feeling now & again , had pacemakers 10 years & never suffered from until now , went for my PM check a few weeks ago & told them , they said only 1 episode could be found & were not concerned, but I'm now having them loads more often , is this normal please? They are really scary . UK member & I'm 100% paced &hea...


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You have a shocking personality.

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