Most Recent Messages in Coping

Pacemaker and covid

How does one with pacemaker recently implanted cope with Covid 


Dealing with Hot Humid and Cold weather

Hey all! Another question from me! Looking for any feedback any of you may have with regards to dealing with weather extremes after getting a PM or ICD.

So about 8 months ago I had an ICD inserted to deal with hereditary AHCM. Previous to the procedure I had never, ever had any symptoms of having a heart issue. 

The recovery process when very well and quickly. 

What I am wondering, is suddenly now, I am having much more difficulty dealing with both hot humid condit...



If "no pain no gain " is a thing I am set for some HUGE gains with my new pacemaker !!!

the took my 3 year old one out and replaced it -

Removal which I was awake for hurt and now recovery hurts !

glad it's over and I'm excited for my expected gains !!


Round 2 ...

A little about my experience - 

2007 44 years old 5 way heart bypass 

2019 - AV node stopped working - installed a single wire PM 

2024 - new PM with additional wire pacing another chamber plus ICD wire .


i was told .... in some cases (20% of single wire wearers end up where I am )


what got it all going ?  I was having a regular stress test which was said to be "normal "

When I read it my EF was 30% wh...


Medical Mariijuana

Does anyone use THC to relax ?


Increased HR, any ideas please?

Hello there I hope you are all doing well,


I have been experiencing some strange symptoms for a couple of weeks now and i wondered if any of you have had similar experiences, or have any ideas as to what could be going on. 


My heart rate keeps randomly increasing from its usual 65 ish beats to around 95 beats. It stays like that until I eventually go too sleep, and this could be for hours. I'm not quite sure what is causing it? when it happens i...


Sleeping on left side

Should I be able to sleep on my left side?  I get some pain in my ribs but there is no PM there...


Neurological symptoms after pacemaker insertion?

Hi guys,

Going through a tough time with symptoms nearly 3 months after 2-lead PM insertion and would love to know if anyone has gone through anything similar.

I'm a pretty healthy 57 year old.  I was diagnosed with permanent A-Fib in the summer, and two months later had a successful Cardioversion which restored my natural rhythm but unfortunately led to bradychardia and HR in the low 40s.  After admission to hospital, and while still taking bisoprolol and amiodarone...


Multiple Questions

Hello everyone 

I am finding this site an amazing source of information and reassurance. I have now had my PM for just ovr 2 weeks and have already had it reset twice - initially DDD but now in VVI mode because I had a lot of ectopics and the PM would fire off causing uncomfortable sensations in my chest. I am now symptom free but have been left in a rather anxious state generally and finding new things to worry about! 

The first relates to how much activity I can d...


I Sometimes Have Panic Attacks Now

Hello fellow club members!

I just wanted to talk about a tough experience I'm having. I hope others can read about it and not feel alone with similar experiences.

I got my first pacemaker about 1 1/2 years ago, after suddenly beginning to wake up in the middle of the night feeling sick, only to pass out within a few minutes. This turned out to be due to vasovagal syncope with asystole, trigger unknown.

The first time it happened I thought it was just a fluke, maybe...


Pacemaker recipient since birth

Hi, my name is Aletheia.  I just turned 19, but I was given my first pacemaker at 3 days old in 2004.  I also had heart failure shortly after that.  I'm also on several heart meds.  A couple of years ago one of my leads broke and I got a new three lead pacemaker.  That new pacermaker has helped my heart a lot and I've gone from moderate to severe heart failure to mild.  My life is pretty normal except for the fact that I have never been able to be in PE o...


New to having a PM

Hello. I am new to having a PM as the procedure was on Nov. 21, 2023.  I am a 51 year old female that is pretty active. I was diagnosed with synope and 3rd degree heart block.  I had wrecked my car on June 28th due to an episode and a loop recorder was implanted and then another episode happened on Nov. 18th and on arrival at the ER, my loop recorder was scanned and found the problem as 3rd degree heart block, so as I stated before I had a PM implanted on Nov. 21st.  The p...



I just got my pacemaker on Nov 2/23. I was suffering from lightheadedness & like my heart was skipping a beat. I noticed that it happened mostly in the morning and at night. Sometimes as much as every ten minutes.

However today I noticed it wasn't happening when I had my cpap machine on. So I decided to focus on my breath without hyper-ventilating and no more lightheadedness!

I hope this might help someone.

This is a great site!




New to having a Pacemaker

Hello everyone,

My name is Chrissy. I'm 37 and I got my pacemaker on 10/16/2023. I recently came across this website looking for a support group. Let me know if any of you have experienced what to have. I think I may have needed a pacemaker for a few years without knowing it. I started running in 2015. It was really difficult. I had no energy and I would tank or lose energy very quickly. I thought for a few years that maybe it was because I was out of shape or I was n...



Does anyone with a pacemaker out there ever feel when their heart rate is changing. You don't feel dizzy or light headed and you don't have a head ache but your head feels slightly different at times?  My heart rate is between 63 and100 according to what i'm doing. My pacemaker was put in about 11 months ago and i had a complete heart block. 


Pacemaker question on fatigue

Hi everyone, I had a pacemaker put in two months ago. On my 4 week check up they made an adjustment which cleared up my flutters and twiching.  For the next month I felt more energy and was doing well.  Now it's been about 3 weeks I'm back to feeling tired like when I first had it put in.

The incision is still sore to the touch but healing up fine. Is this normal to experience fatique again?  I am in my 70's and maybe it's just old age?  Any idea...


General information


I'm a 32 year old male and just got a pacemaker last week. 

I'm looking for general advice on do's and don'ts when it comes to lifestyle choices and how to carry on as normal. I have no underlying health conditions that led to my pacemaker I was however passinging out due to my heart stopping for periods of time throughout the day. So far everything is working out fine but I am still in the recovery process. 

I would just like to know if th...


TAVR & Pacemaker

I had a TAVR procedure and pacemaker implant five months ago. I am still not feeling as well as I anticipated I would. I was wondering if anyone else could comment on a similar experience? Is five months not sufficient recovery time?


work pressure from managers & help needed

Hello, I am under a lot of pressure from work. they read somewhere that I should have made a full recovery within 6 weeks and that a pacemaker is a small procedure. 

I work nights in tunnels, hauling heavy machinery up and down stairs on one side of the body all night, occasionally coping with sleep deprivation. 

My cardiologists advised me to gradually build up my body, and I am also suffering from lack of sleep owing to pacemaker sensitivity, for which I ha...


Tool usage

I have had  apacemaker for several years now and I have seveal things I know I can't do.   where I work I can't work in he department with a microwave oven the size of a small car, I can't drive an electric powered fork lift. and I can't ge within 1 ft of our power panels with my chest.     also I can't operate a welder or chain saw.     

but now I am seeing these pole saws with a little 10 inch chain saw on the end and po...


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

I can bike a 40-50 tour with no trouble.