Most Recent Messages in Coping

This One is Interesting!

Hello PMC!

I hope you are all doing well! I have something interesting to share with all of you and hopefully you can provide some feedback. I will start by saying that I have an appointment 6/9/22 with my Cardiologist to discuss same. I've been experiencing leg weakness daily and sometimes my thighs burn when I walk as if I was doing intense exercise at the gym. I've noticed that my legs (thighs mostly) have trouble doing anything really&...


Extremely high anxiety

I'm 28 who gotten a pacemaker going on 4 weeks now and every since I've been unable to sleep well. My anxiety been through the roof. Scared of everything to go out to far from hospitals, to have intimacy,to run to anything. I feel like my pacemaker might have a malfunction one day. And when them thoughts get inside my head. I try to get them out but my anxiety won't let me. I feel like I'm getting depressed as well. I made me appt to see a psychiatrist for tomorrow and hopeful...


Symptoms before PM

I have implantation surgery scheduled Wednesday. I have AV Heart Block, the doctor expects I will use almost 100% of the time, my heart rate is usually around 32-39, currently.

I've been experiencing tiredness, irritable, confusion, feelings of being overwhelmed. This was why I was going to the primary doctor, but they missed it for awhile.

did anyone else have those symptoms before PM?





Group like this but for cancer?

I have found this site very helpful in that it's basically user based and user driven.  I am looking for a similar group for cancer patients.  Everything I find is dr's, care centers, pharma, psycology, or societies/professional organizations all drven, mediated, or otherwise led by professionals in their fields.  That's all well and good but I'm looking specifically for how people handled Rituximab chemo treatment from a patient perspective.  No, I don'...


New to this whole pacemaker thing

Hi, i am a 28 year old female, recently i got an SVT ablation done it was unsucessful due to my heart beating below 40's so i had to get a pacemaker. at first i was scared i cried like a big baby because here i am this young female gotta get a pacemaker put in. its been a week now and im just having hard time coping with it. at times i feel it other times i dont. hate the feeling. i just have so many questions about it. like im even scared to have sex now because i think my pacemaker migh...



I am 2 months post pacemaker implant.  Everything has been going quite well with including some of the emotional and physical adjustment.  I have some days I almost don't think about my pacemaker. Then there are other days I seem to be acutely aware of my pacemaker. I feel the physical presence on my body (a kind of tightness near the area or under my arm) and see it more than other times.  It seems like this occurs after more physical exercise (nothing extreme).&...


increased heart rate

I have had my pacemaker for 6 weeks now and overall I have been doing pretty well. The input from this  this group has been a tremndous help. In the first week or so I could really feel the pacemaker at times.  It all seemed to settle down.  I have increased my activity through the weeks and feeling ok.  Today, for no apparant reason, I seem to be really feeling my pacemaker and my heart rate is up around 80-85 without activity. My pacemaker settng is currently s...


New first time PM and overwhelmed

Greetings all. I had my pacemaker put in on March 7 2022. I am one of the ones who was going along thinking my heart was healthy and fine, fell and struck my head, had a complete heart block (still getting used to all these terms) and woke up with a PM the next day.

My recovery has thankfully been uneventful. But my emotions are all over the place: fear, feeling overwhelmed with adjusting to my new health concerns with my heart, and today a little bit of anger about the whole thing. Whi...


Travel right after implant

I had a pacemaker implanted on Monday after two separate collapses a few months apart.  I have a major international trip planned in April, with Dr saying it will be ok.  Anyone else have experience with major travel soon after implantation, and if so how did you handle luggage, etc ( we can only take 20 kilos with no wheels or frame) i know about going through security etc, but logistics may be tricky.  We're you headed well enough to not have incision pain?


PIP (UK specific) question

I'm currently filling in an application for PIP -- based on restrictive cardiomyopathy and the resultant heart failure and VT/ICD, plus an Essential Tremor. Does anyone have experience of what works?

I'm particularly interested if the ICD makes any difference -- my suspicion is not.

However, I'd like to hear advice from anyone who has gone through the PIP process.


A little punch in my left side of abdomen

Hello all, 

Well now I have been on Entresto for a little over a month now, and I think I am getting used to it, I still get dizzy spells but it doesn't last long and it is really a matter of me watching the foor and water intake to keep me balanced.

But now I do have a new thing that just started three or four days ago, when I lay down in bed or sit in a reclinere, I feel this punch (contraction) in my left side of my abdomin, it goes on for five or six  punches in...


New member - recent first pacemaker implant

Hello everyone, I'm new to the Club, having had my first PM implanted on 1st March.

I'm trying to walk every day and currently managing about 3k to 4k steps before becoming tired and having to stop. I still have some occasional muscle aches in my upper left arm and lower left chest, nothing major, just the odd twinge. I'm eating and sleeping OK.

I had a first check of the PM at the hospital cardio clinic a week after surgery and they said everything is fine - my next c...


High anxiety

I am a recent recipient of a pacemaker and the process of recovery is turning out to be more difficult than I anticipated.  I have periods of low anxiety and every now and then a panic attack will develop.  I am getting help that is much appreciated but anticipating driving gets me reved up.  I am wondering if anyone has a suggestion that might be helpful?


when can the pacemaker be turned off or who turns off the pacemaker

My sister called me to ask this question for her male partners brother.  As she knows i have a pacemaker.  I did not know the answer.  Thought i would ask this knowledgeable group.

His brother is in rehab and has not eaten or drank for a week.  Has a pacemaker, they wanted to know who and when can it be turned off.  As they did not want him to suffer. So far his kidney has shut down.  since it is there to keep the heart beating.  Next week his medicare...


Better mentally & physically

Hi everyone!

I haven't posted for a little bit--been going through some stuff. I wanted to stop by with a reminder to take care of mental as well as physical health.

I had been feeling too tired to do anything & really wondering about the cause as well as the cure. I was sure it was my meds. Then, when my annual pulmonary function tests were coming up (I also have COPD), I was certain that they'd see a decline in lung function. The tests were the same as past year...



Hi everyone!

My PM implant was in 927//21 and I am thankful for this site. Has anyone experienced increased anxiety after receiving a PM ? 


Help two days after ep study and PM install - PVC’s

Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with rate related left bundle branch block a couple of years ago which then became left bundle branch block. I've had every test possible and they can't find any issues apart from the slow left bundle. Apparently whilst very rare it can just happen (in very rare cases) and is "unlucky". They said it shouldn't be dangerous however it really affected my exercise capacity, so they said I could have a PM.

I had an...


The bucket list.....

I have to beleive most of us have seen the movie "The Bucket List".  I was just wondering what everyone's favorite part of the movie was.  For me, it was when Jack Nicholson invites Morgan Freeman on the journey with the line "what are you going to do, go home to the endless procession of people who have come to watch you die while you try to comfort them" or something along those lines. 

What was your favorite part?  Everyone is welcome to co...



I had my pacemaker fitted just before we went into lockdown and I haven't had much information on anything. I'm looking to fly for the first time in March and am very apprehensive.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you in anticipation x


My Mum is sadly dying…

Hello Everyone,

It has been a long while since I have been on this forum, but things have been really hard. I have had a few issues with artrial tachy and NSVT recently,but the main issue is my mum.

Last year we found out my grangrad had an incurable and terminal brain tumour, being the strongest and bravest person in our lives, and my mums absolute world, this reslly hit us hard. And as of october my mum too was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cervical cancer, which...


You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.